- 名regional brand

How to Build and Maintain the Regional Brand
How to Build and Maintain the Regional Brand Outstanding Corporation Identity and creative product design are both important to a company 's development .
The marketing superiority embodies the energetic competition of the whole cluster , helps to improve regional marketing based on group , and establishes regional brand .
The micro conditions include production costs and regional brand . ( 2 ) Growth pole comes as the result from the combining force of government mechanism and market mechanism .
First is the industrial cluster strategy : With the effect of industrial cluster , this industry can reduce its cost , then form a regional brand to enhance its competitive ability ;
In my opinion , the competition advantages of Industrial Cluster lie in resource gathering , capital using efficiency , exchange costs , learning and innovating , scope economy , extern economy and regional brand .
The international competitive advantage of nongovernmental enterprises cluster stems from five factors such as innovative advantage , competitive advantage of the industrial structure , differential advantage , position brand advantage and network effects advantage .
To promote the industry 's further development of Yingshan tea and increase the competition ability of the local tea industry , Yingshan government and tea business and the farmers must register the unified local tea trademark , build a united area brand , and organize a Yingshan tea ally .
In Jiliri Province , to develop tourist industry has many advantages as resource advantage , position advantage , brand advantage and newcoming advantage .