
  • 网络national brand;Ethical brands
  1. 本公司以创民族品牌为未来的发展战略。

    To create a prestigious national brand is our future strategy .

  2. 促使体育产业打造自己的民族品牌。

    It impels the sports industry to make its own national brand .

  3. 推动我国汽车制造业高质量发展,必须加强关键核心技术和关键零部件的自主研发,实现技术自立自强,做强做大民族品牌。

    We should strengthen the independent development of core technologies and components manufacturing industry and build strong domestic automobile brands .

  4. 强壮民族品牌的DNA

    Invigorate the DNA of National Brands

  5. FDI对我国民族品牌的消极影响及对策分析

    FDI 's nagative influence on China national brand and its countermeasure analysis

  6. 对民族品牌运营中若干问题的思考

    Reflections on Several Issues Concerning the Management of National Famous Brands

  7. 数字娱乐、营销传播与民族品牌&关于我国文化产业发展的冷思考

    Digital Entertainment and Branding : An Academic Rethinking of Chinese Cultural Industry

  8. 民族品牌商标国际化过程中的字母要素分析

    Analysis on Letter Element in Internationalization of Brand-name Domestic Products

  9. 民族品牌的秤

    Creation of National Brands Weight loss feeder The torsion balance

  10. 创造民族品牌加强产品竞争能力

    Creating National Brands to Strengthen Products ' Competitive Capacity

  11. 缺乏竞争力,谈何民族品牌

    Lack of Competency and Say Nothing of National Brands

  12. 揭示了民族品牌生存的艰辛及存在的弊端。

    The existing hardship and the disadvantage of national brand are opened out .

  13. 塑造民族品牌的话语权威

    Discourse Establish National Brands as a Voice of Authority

  14. 反对民族品牌沦陷?自我建构和自我状态的影响

    Against Mergers ? The Influence of Self-Construal and Self-Activation

  15. 弘扬民族品牌文化底蕴的移情手法

    The Method of Empathy in Promoting National Culture Brand

  16. 冯军:创意让民族品牌不再软

    Feng Jun : Creativity makes national brands stronger

  17. 因此,创作出具有民族品牌个性的广告是中国现代广告的主要任务。

    As a result , it is essential to create advertisements with national characteristics .

  18. 对于有民族品牌情结的人来说,是非常不愿意看到汇源被可口可乐吞掉的。

    Huiyuan has always been considered as a flag bearer of Chinese national industries .

  19. 如何提升我国民族品牌核心价值

    The Core Value Enhancement of Native Chinese Brands

  20. 试论我国民族品牌及其运营

    Discussing on National Brand of Our Country

  21. 树民族品牌,立百年基业。

    The national brand & Hundred inheritance .

  22. 2006年,在中国饭店集团化发展论坛上荣膺“中国民族品牌饭店20强”。

    2006 honored as one of the " Top ten distinguished brand creators in Asia " .

  23. 从国产品牌走向民族品牌&浅谈国产品牌发展的瓶颈

    From Homemade Brands to National Brands

  24. 外资的全面进入对我国的民族品牌形成了巨大的压力和严峻的挑战。

    Foreign capital 's entry to our country imposes great pressure and grim challenge on national brands .

  25. 我们的使命:创造一个民族品牌,价值创新和未来的技术。

    Our mission : to create a national brand , both value in innovation and future technology .

  26. 云南白药是创伤治疗领域最具影响力的民族品牌,云南白药集团作为我省发展应急产业的领军企业。

    The brand of Yunnan Baiyao is the most influential brand in the field of trauma treatment .

  27. 以对数字娱乐产业的思考为重心,展开对文化产业本质和特征的考察,从市场需求、政府行为模式、民族品牌与城市形象互动等方面建立数字娱乐产业操作性的基础理论。

    This is a study of the industrial characteristics of cultural industry based on Chinese digital entertainment industry .

  28. 创建自主民族品牌,带动民族经济腾飞,实现国民经济发展质的飞跃。

    We should also create autonomous national brands to sped and realize a turn in the national economy .

  29. 从中国制造到中国创造&自主创新视角下的民族品牌

    From Made in China to Created in China & Independent Innovation from the Perspective of the national brand

  30. 任何可以被视为“民族品牌”的公司也受到了严格新规定的管控。

    Any company that could be considered a " national brand " also came under the tough new rules .