
mín shēnɡ jīnɡ jì
  • livelihood economy
  1. 道德风险普遍存在于各产业之中,但对保险产业的危害最剧,除了动摇民生经济外,甚或引发各种犯罪事件。

    It is generally stored in every industry of moral hazard , but the danger to the insurance is the largest . Besides influencing economy , even cause the crime event .

  2. 地方货币的产生既与政治经济的分裂割据和地方财政的窘困有关,也与民生经济的需求有关。

    The emergence of the local currency is not only related to the cleft and separatist regime of politic economy , the poverty of local economy , but also to the demands of civilian economy .

  3. 略论民生主义经济思想的渊源

    An Exploration into Origin of the Economic Principle of People 's Livelihood

  4. 改善民生是经济发展的根本目的。

    Improving people 's wellbeing is the fundamental goal of economic development .

  5. 科技部提出,民生和经济发展将是规划的重点领域。

    According to the ministry , the priorities will be livelihoods and economic development .

  6. 援助项目主要集中在工业、农业、教育、医疗卫生、基础设施等民生和经济社会发展等领域。

    The projects mainly focus on areas related to people 's livelihood and economic and social development , such as agriculture , education , medical care & health , and infrastructure .

  7. 只有着力保障和改善民生,经济发展才有持久的动力,社会进步才有牢固的基础,国家才能长治久安。

    We can ensure that there is sustained impetus for economic development , a solid foundation for social progress , and lasting stability for the country only by working hard to ensure and improve people 's wellbeing .

  8. 保障和改善民生,让经济发展成果惠及全体人民,是经济社会发展的根本目的。

    To improve people 's livelihood and extend the benefits of economic development to all is the fundamental goal of economic and social development .

  9. 中央党政机关和事业单位一般性支出压减5%,各地也压减一般性支出,腾出的资金用于改善民生、发展经济。

    The regular expenditures of central Party and government departments and public institutions were cut by 5 % , and the regular expenditures of local governments were also reduced . The money saved was used to improve people 's lives and grow the economy .

  10. 民生问题体现在经济社会的具体问题之中,但实质上是政治层面问题。

    Reflected in the economic and social livelihood issues , specific issues , but in essence is a political dimension .

  11. 加快发展社会事业,切实保障和改善民生。始终坚持经济发展与社会发展相协调,围绕改善民生谋发展。

    We constantly worked to keep economic development in line with social development , and plan development with a view to improving the wellbeing of the people .

  12. 住房问题关系到民计民生,它既是经济问题,又是影响居民生存生活,社会稳定的民生问题。

    Housing is the key to the economy and human live , it not only affects the survival of the people , but also the social stability .

  13. 坚持把保障和改善民生作为加快转变经济发展方式的根本出发点和落脚点。

    The protection and improvement , adhere to people 's livelihood as accelerating transformation of the mode of economic development of the basic starting point and the foothold .

  14. 石油等大宗商品价格持续波动,影响各国民生,给世界经济前景带来不确定性。

    The continuous price fluctuations of oil and other bulk commodities impact the livelihood of people all over the world and bring about uncertainties to the world economic prospects .

  15. 中非经贸合作的发展,促进了非洲国家民生的改善和经济的多元化发展,为中国经济社会发展提供了有力支持,也为促进南南合作与世界经济的平衡发展作出了积极贡献。

    China-Africa economic and trade development has improved peoples livelihoods and diversified economic development in African countries , provided strong support for Chinas socio-economic development , and contributed to promoting South-South cooperation and balanced world economic development .