
  1. 为得到签证我应该提供经济资助证明。

    I should provide evidence of financial support in order to get my visa .

  2. 她还说道,英国的快速签证程序及放宽办理签证所需的经济要求为英国带来一定的优势,更何况在留学英国的学生毕业以后还能得到为期两年的工作签证。

    Britain 's quick visa processing and eased financial requirements for visas were giving it an advantage , along with the availability of a two-year working visa after graduation , she said .

  3. 改进签证审理简化签证审理和降低对一些签证申请人的经济担保要求将减少签证评审时间。

    Visa processing improvements Streamlining visa processing and reducing the financial requirements for some visa applicants will reduce visa processing times .