
  1. 我在香港时,还举行了一场签书活动。

    While I was in Hong Kong , I also did a book signing .

  2. 明星们去自己的签书的巡展,并且假装那些书里有他们写的东西的样子真是太可爱了。

    It 's so cute how celebrities go on book tours and pretend they had anything to do with the actual writing part of their books .

  3. 要我妈签同意书吗?

    Does my mother have to sign a permission slip ?

  4. 什么时候签契约书?

    When will the contract papers be ready to sign ?

  5. 我会给你一本我亲笔签的书。

    I 'll send you an autographed copy .

  6. 用签同意书这种琐事困扰他。

    With something trivial like a consent form .

  7. 我不会出现在那节目上的,我没有签授权书

    Oh , I 'll never be on that show . I didn 't sign the release .

  8. 1815年拿破仑一世滑铁卢战役大败之后曾在此签降书逊位。

    Napoleon I signed his act of abdication here when he had suffered crushing defeat in the Battle of Waterloo in1815 .

  9. 费用:影展将不加收任何费用,但我们会请您加签许可书,准许我们放映您的影片。

    Fee : There is no fee , but we will ask you to sign a release form giving us permission to show your film .

  10. 你是否认为不愿签同意书的同事是麻烦的制造者,而大学会因他们的离去而变得更好?

    Do you hold the opinion that the non-consenting teachers are probably just " trouble-makers " and that the university will probably be better off without them ?

  11. 收取足够的现金,请A客人在B客人的登记卡上签付款授权书,并留下联系电话。

    Politely invited guest A to sign payment authorization form on the Guest Business Card and leave contact telephone No.

  12. 你还没签离婚协议书呢,对吗?

    You haven 't signed those divorce papers yet , have you ?

  13. 他还让这些银行巨头签了承诺书,一致同意接受注资。

    He had them sign pledge cards agreeing to take the money .

  14. 你签婚约废除书的那天呢?

    What about the day you signed the annulment papers ?

  15. 我让他签了弃权书,但还有一个小问题。

    I got the waiver signed , but there 's a slight problem .

  16. 我们需要您先签这份弃权书。

    We require you sign this waiver .

  17. 签份认罪书之类的

    to sign a confession or something .

  18. 我和邦妮达成了协议,所以我签了协议书。

    I did it . I negotiated with Bunny , and I signed the prenuip .

  19. 我签了弃权书。

    I signed the waiver .

  20. 我签了协议书你才能见到大卫

    I had to sign a letter of agreement , or they wouldn 't even let you see David

  21. 根据美国国家科学基金会(NationalScienceFoundation)2011年的一项调查,35%的博士学位获得者——43%的人文学科博士——在完成学业时没有签下就业意向书。

    According to a 2011 National Science Foundation survey , 35 percent of doctorate recipients - and 43 percent of those in the humanities - had no commitment for employment at the time of completion .

  22. 他把他的一本签过名的书赠送给我。

    He presented a signed copy of his book tome .

  23. 签下手术同意书的时候,父亲的手颤抖不已。

    My father 's hand shook as he signed the consent papers .

  24. 你记得你签过的弃权书吗?

    You do remember the waiver you signed right ?

  25. 我们要签一份授权书。

    We are asked to sign release forms .

  26. 帮我签一些保险弃权书。

    And co-sign some insurance waiver for me .

  27. 我还没有签那份协议书.

    I haven 't signed the prenuip .

  28. 您必须找到一位律师,并给他签一份授权书代表您处理所有的文件。

    You must sign an authorization for a lawyer to do all paperwork for you .

  29. 我想说,我回到俄勒冈,没有签下一个书约,没有经纪人同行,

    What I 'm saying is , I flew back to Oregon without a book deal , without an agent ,

  30. 据英格兰2018年世界杯申办委员会介绍,在成功预测世界杯的一系列比赛后,保罗签了一份书约,还将“出演电影”,并为一系列商品“代言”,这些活动的全部收益都将捐给慈善机构。

    Following his prediction success , Paul has signed a book deal , is due to appear in a film and is the face of a range of merchandise , with the to be donated to charity , according to the England 2018 bid team .