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  • 网络Comprehensive Study;the subject of Tongjian
  1. 南宋的通鉴学已初具规模,奠定了以后通鉴学发展的基础。

    Southern Song Dynasty 's Tongjian is beginning to take shape , and provides subsequent development trends .

  2. 明后期的通鉴学则摆脱了官方的控制,呈现出多元化发展的趋向。

    From the late Ming Dynasty it escaped the official control , showing a diversified development trend .

  3. 明代通鉴学的发展与变化是以理学的兴盛及转型为思想背景的。

    Comprehensive study of the Ming Dynasty and the development of our Neo-confucianism is based on changes in thinking and in background .

  4. 一些通鉴学者已经越过《纲目》的樊篱,从各种角度对通鉴学进行了阐释。纲鉴史书的产生与兴盛反映了明后期通鉴学的普及化趋势。

    Some scholars have already crossed the " Compendium " , explaining it from a variety of perspectives on modern science , " Gangjian " with the history books have reflected trends in modern science popularization .