
  1. 不同人群经济负担状况不同。

    The situation of different groups with different economic burden .

  2. 慈善组织乐施会(Oxfam)的这一研究发现将为达沃斯论坛增添讨论话题。此前达沃斯论坛已经面临压力,要求其解释不同国家的不同经济前景,以及一个国家内部不同人群的经济前景。

    The finding , from the charity Oxfam , will add spice to a gathering that is already under pressure to explain the divergent economic outlook for different nations , and among different groups within them .

  3. 上海市空气污染造成人群健康经济损失的研究

    A Study of Air Pollution-Induced Health-related Economic Losses in Shanghai

  4. 医疗救助试点城市贫困人群疾病经济风险分析

    Analyses the Disease Economic Risk of the Urban Poor in the City Which Medical Aid is Piloting

  5. 同时,政府也启动实施了几项计划,帮助贫困和弱势人群适应经济转型。

    Several initiatives have been launched to help the poor and vulnerable adapt to a transforming economy .

  6. 反对党斥责该方案加重了低收入高龄人群的经济负担。

    The opposition criticized the program for putting a heavier financial burden on the elderly with low incomes .

  7. 目的研究黄石地区人群社会经济因素与骨质疏松症的关系。

    Objective To explore the correlationship between osteoporosis ( OA ) and social economy of the people in Huangshi region .

  8. 据他估计,比起社会研究院们就已婚与未婚人群在经济层面的区别所得出的结果而言,婚姻所带来的经历价值远远要大得多。

    His estimate of the financial value of marriage is even higher than that of social researchers who look at the cash differences between married and unmarried people .

  9. 我们将发挥互联网经济杠杆作用,为弱势群体特别是妇女、青年、残疾人以及贫困人群参与经济活动创造有利环境。

    We will leverage the Internet Economy to foster an enabling environment for empowering vulnerable and disadvantaged groups especially women , youth , people with disabilities , and the poor .

  10. 贫困人群由于经济水平低,健康状况差,患病率也高,卫生服务需求高,比较而言,更需要医疗救助。

    Because of the lower income , the poverty population has poorer health conditions and higher morbidity rate , therefore , their demands for health service and medical assistance are more intense .

  11. 然而中国高铁网络之大、使得高铁对一般人群变得经济可行的扶持方式,使得高铁系统成为了变革性的力量。

    But the extent of China 's network , and the way it has been subsidized to make high-speed rail affordable for hundreds of millions of people , makes the system transformative .

  12. 结果表明,在样本地区存在收入相关健康不平等,并提示改善低收入人群的经济状况,特别是收入状况对改善健康的重要性。

    The results showed the evidence that there are incom related health inequalities in the sample areas , which implied the importance of the improvements in economic conditions and specifically , in the income of those in lower income groups .

  13. 吉百利表示,这款产品的目标人群是“经济社会地位较高的阶级”。

    It is aimed , says Cadbury , at the " upper socio-economic classes " .

  14. 不过目前手机的主力消费人群并未受到经济下滑的影响。

    However , the main consumers of mobile phone has not influenced by economy descends .

  15. 传统婚姻普遍被视为习俗,现在它已经进化为受教育人群和具有经济实力的人群所享有的奢侈品。

    Traditional marriage has evolved from a near-universal rite to a luxury for the educated and affluent .

  16. 与此同时,社会各界对于小规模农户的作用表示出了争议:有些专家主张,这类人群在现代经济中不该存在;

    Meanwhile , the role of small-scale farmers is controversial : some experts contend that they have no place in a modern economy ;

  17. 大量人口正迁往城镇,为了吸收这部分新进人群,地方经济必须运转良好。

    There is huge migration to the towns and the local economies have to be functioning well in order to absorb those arriving .

  18. 目的探讨不同的抗骨松药物组合方案对于治疗骨质疏松性骨折患者的骨密度及新发骨折的影响,进而提出适合我国人群的既经济又有效的骨质疏松症规范化的防治方案。

    Objective To study the re-fracture rate and the changes of BMD in spine and hip after treatment by anti-osteoporotic drugs among the different drug-combined groups .

  19. 而皮尤研究中心的研究发现,在21岁至24岁的人群中,经济衰退期间和之后的大学入学率实际上均略有下降。

    But Pews study found that among people age 21 to 24 , the rate of college enrollment actually declined slightly , during and after the recession .

  20. 目的了解试点城市不同贫困人群的疾病经济风险,为完善城市贫困人群医疗救助政策提供科学依据。

    OBJECTIVE Understanding the disease economic risk of the different urban poor and improving the medical aid policy of the urban poor to provide the scientific basis .

  21. 目的探索对环境污染所致的健康危害经济损失分析的实用方法,评价当地环境砷污染的人群健康危害经济损失。

    Objective To explore a practicable method for analyzing the cost losses of residents ' health impact induced by environmental pollution and evaluate the cost losses of local residents ' health impact in arsenic contaminative area .

  22. 但最近,决策者开始强调汇款的正面影响,他们辩称(就像世行在2005年一份重要报告中所说的那样),汇款可以减少贫困,并帮助不太富裕人群挺过经济低迷时期。

    But more recently , policymakers have begun to stress the positives , arguing as the world bank did in an important 2005 report that remittances can reduce poverty and help the less well-off ride out downturns .

  23. 简单地衡量一下有大学学历和没有该学历的人群间的经济差异,就能得知一个人受教育程度越高,他一生中平均挣的钱就越多。

    Simply examining the financial differential between those with a college degree and those without one reveals that the more educated a person is , the more , on average , he will earn in his lifetime .

  24. CFS发病率较高,并有逐年升高的趋势,给社会和人群造成巨大的经济损失。

    The incidence of CFS rises year after year and causes enormous economic losses .

  25. 研究它的疾病负担,衡量其对人群健康、社会经济和患者生命质量的影响是制定和评价糖尿病防治措施的重要前提。

    It is of great importance to measure its impact on population health and social development .

  26. 但是,这项新研究所考察的人群涵盖了社会经济各个阶层中进行母乳喂养的女性。

    But the population in this study covered a wide-ranging socioeconomic spectrum of women who breast-fed .

  27. 1995~1999年河南省人群伤害死亡潜在经济损失分析

    Analysis on the Potential Economic Losses from the Injuries and Death of Population in Henan Province from 1995 to 1999

  28. 政府旨在解决中低收入人群住房问题的经济适用房政策就是如此。

    In this article we try to find a suitable housing policy for the low and the middle income families .

  29. 我国诊断糖尿病疾病经济负担的流行已经给人群健康和社会经济带来了沉重的负担。

    The prevalence of diabetes has brought heavy burden to population health and social economy , even heavier in the future .

  30. 小山表示,中国年龄段为22岁至32岁的消费者(经济型酒店的主要市场人群)仍对经济持相对乐观态度,并打算继续出游。

    He says Chinese consumers aged 22-32 the prime market for budget hotels remain relatively optimistic on the economy and they intend to keep travelling .