
  • 网络fdi;foreign economy;Foreign economic
  1. 在国有经济取得巨大发展的同时,私营经济和外资经济也为我国经济增长做出了巨大贡献。

    As the state-owned economy has made great development , the private economy and foreign economy for China made great contributions to the economic growth .

  2. 改革开放初期,国家并未完全放开民营经济,实行高门槛进入,对国有经济、合资经济、外资经济则提供了一系列的优惠措施。

    Reform and opening up , the state did not completely liberalized early into the private economy , and realize high threshold for the state-owned economy , joint economy , foreign economy , then provides a series of preferential measures .

  3. 私有经济、外资经济和出口显著降低了市场势力。

    Private economy , foreign investment and export significantly reduce market power .

  4. 民营经济与外资经济的关系;所有制结构调整与重庆未来发展。

    The relationship between privately run economy and foreign funded economy and the ownership structure as related to the future development of Chongqing .

  5. 其具体表现为私营经济、港澳台经济、外资经济等形式。

    Their specific representations are forms like the private economy , Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan 's economy and foreign capital economy .

  6. 因此关于外资经济的利用和监管问题就成为了决定中国经济未来发展态势的关键。而准确制定宏观调控政策的前提是掌握确切的中国外商直接投资统计数据。

    Therefore , the problems about the use and the regulation of foreign direct investment are crucial to the coming situation of Chinese economics .

  7. 成都东部工业的所有制结构不合理,工业的所有制结构以国有经济和集体经济为主,非国有经济比重比较低,私营经济和外资经济发展数量相对较少;

    The industrial ownership structure is not reasonable , the stated-owned and collective economy is the main part of the eastern industries of Chengdu .

  8. 资本、技术密集型外资经济虽未出现贫困化增长,但存在外资控制技术、垄断市场的趋势。

    Though the immiserizing growth has not yet occurred in capital-tech intensive FDI , the risks that MNCs control the tech spill-over and monopolize civil market have existed .

  9. 随着上海外侨社会的形成和外资经济的发展,提供报业发展所必需的读者市场和广告资源。

    The formation of the expatriate community and advance of foreign investment in Shanghai provided the readers ' market and advertisement resources essential for the development of press industry .

  10. 二是实行财税优惠倾斜政策、提供信贷担保和金融支持;借鉴我国发展外资经济的成功经验,给民营经济以超国民的待遇是我国民营经济发展的出路所在。

    Second , give preferential treatment on finance and taxes , and provide credit assurance and financial support ; It is imperative to give the private economy more preferential policies .

  11. 中国自20世纪70年代末期开始吸引外商直接投资,到21世纪初期,外资经济在中国经济中已占据重要地位。

    China starts absorbing foreign investment from end of 70 's of 20 centuries , and the foreign capital economy have occupied the important position in Chinese economy until early in the 21 centuries .

  12. 结论是,外资经济不仅推动着中国工业的持续增长,而且改变着中国工业增长的方式,提高了中国工业增长的质量。

    The conclusion is that FDI has not only become a dynamo behind the sustained growth of the Chinese economy , it is also changing the mode of economic growth in this country and improving its quality as well .

  13. 积极促进所有制结构调整:加快产权制度改革,降低国有经济比重;促进民营外资经济发展,提高非国有经济比重。

    The Local government should positively advance the system of ownership structural adjustment through accelerated property right organization reform , reduced the state economical proportion , promoted the private and foreign capital economic development , increased the non-state economical proportion .

  14. 目前中国经济增长的拉动力三分之二来自非国有经济,其中个体民营经济已同外资经济、股份制经济一起成为推动中国经济持续增长的三大非公经济力量。

    At present , two thirds of pulling power for our economic growth is derived from non-state-owned economy . Private economy with foreign economy and shareholding economy together are major non-public economic power pushing the national economy to grow continuously .

  15. 中国的引资活动已经进入崭新的十二五时期,中国如何制定和调整外商直接投资政策将是中国在十二五时期能否实现外资经济又好又快发展的关键因素之一。

    Attracting-investment activities in China is entering the new " Twelveth Five-Year " period , how to formulate and adjust the FDI policy is a key factor to determine wether China can achieve high-quality and fast FDI development in the new " Twelveth Five-Year " period .

  16. 非公有制经济已经成为中国特色社会主义建设的重要力量。然而,个体经济、私营经济和外资经济的迅猛发展,也引起了全社会尤其是思想理论界的广泛关注。

    Non-public economy has been an important force in socialist construction with Chinese characteristics . However , the rapid development of the individual economy , private economy and external economy has raised the extensive attention of the whole community , especially the field of ideological and theoretical .

  17. 利用外资参与经济建设是我国长期坚持的方针政策,外资特别是外商直接投资在我国经济中的地位重大,我国利用FDI的成就举世瞩目。

    One long-term of China ' policies is to make use of foreign capital in economic construction and China has made great achievement in utilization of foreign capital , especially foreign direct investment which has been playing great role in China economy .

  18. 努力做好协会工作为利用外资发展经济服务

    Work Hard and Render Good Services to Foreign Investment Utilization and Economic Development

  19. 福建省利用外资的经济效果评价与政策建议

    Economic Effect Evaluation and Policy Suggestions on Foreign Funds Utilization of Fujian Province

  20. 山东省利用外资与经济发展效应研究

    Research on the Relationship between Foreign Investment and Economy Growth of Shangdong Province

  21. 外资与经济发展理论综述

    Research on Foreign Capital and Economic Development Theory

  22. 利用外资对经济增长点培育的作用研究

    Research on the Effect of Foreign Capital on the Cultivation of Economic Growth Point

  23. 利用外资发展经济是我国政府的一贯政策。

    Using foreign investment to develop economy is one of basic policies of Chinese government .

  24. 改善投资环境,吸引外资是经济发展的重要内容。

    To improve the investment environment and to attract foreign capital are of great importance to the economic development .

  25. 苏州与拉丁美洲经济发展模式比较分析&外资对经济发展的影响

    Comparative Analysis of Economic Development Models of Suzhou and Latin America : The Influence of Foreign Capital on Economic Development

  26. 然而在外资与经济增长不断攀高的同时,环境污染水平却呈现出不断恶化的趋势。

    However , with the increasing foreign investment and economic growth , the level of pollution in China have deteriorated .

  27. 第四章结合实际分析了我国通过引进利用外资促进经济增长点发育和产业结构优化升级的基本情况;

    The fourth chapter analysis the current situation in China in the flied of promoting economic growth point cultivation and industry structure upgrade .

  28. 改革开放初期,我国采用各种优惠政策吸引外资加快经济建设,成效显著。

    The early stage of reform , China adopted various preferential policies to attract foreign capital faster economic development , with remarkable results .

  29. 我国东南沿海开放地区改革开放以来实行对外开放政策,引进外资,经济高速增长持续了近三十年。

    China southeast coastal region since reform and opening to the opening-up policy , the introduction of foreign capital , rapid economic growth continued for nearly three years .

  30. 正因为外资对经济增长具有强劲的促进作用,使得一度出现过分夸大外商直接投资的贡献而忽视其负面影响的现象。

    But , as foreign direct investment played a strong role in economic growth , someone exaggerated the contribution of foreign direct investment and neglected its negative impact .