
  1. 民营医疗服务利用的影响因素(Logistic回归)为:年龄、文化程度、健康自评、地区、收入、民营医疗的服务质量、民营医疗技术水平。

    The influence factor of using PMP ( Logistic regression ): Age , culture degree , health evaluation , region , income , service quality and technique level of PMP .

  2. 方法通过对山西省部分居民利用民营医疗服务的问卷调查,在单因素分析的基础上,采用Logistic回归建立民营医疗服务利用模型。

    Methods Through the investigation of the residents in some area in Shanxi province , based on the descriptive analysis , the utilization model of PMP with Logistic regression was established .

  3. 作为一家民营医疗器械生产企业的SGM公司在面临巨大市场前景的同时,也面临着越来越激烈的市场竞争。

    As a privately owned enterprise for manufacturing medical devices , the company SGM is facing a huge market prospect and a more and more fierce market competition .

  4. 中国民营医疗机构的现状与发展前景

    The Current Status and Development of Non-government Medical Institutions in China

  5. 另外,技术水平是民营医疗利用的不利因素。

    Moreover , the technique level is a disadvantageous factor of PMP .

  6. 在农村地区,民营医疗在一定程度上提高了居民利用医疗服务的可得性、可及性。

    Furthermore , PMP improves accessibility to medical service in rural areas .

  7. 加强对民营医疗机构的监督;

    Strengthen the supervision of private medical organization s ;

  8. 民营医疗机构实施卫生监督量化分级监管应用研究

    Research of quantify and classification management of health inspection in private medical institutions

  9. 论发展我国非营利民营医疗保险制度

    A study on the system of developing China 's non-profit private health insurance

  10. 民营医疗机构发展中关键问题的理论研究

    Theory study on key determinant in private hospital development

  11. 医药卫生体制改革形势下民营医疗机构的发展策略

    Private medical institute development strategy under the environment of health care system reform

  12. 民营医疗机构现状分析及发展对策

    Analyze the present situation and development countermeasure of private medical institute in Guangzhou city

  13. 上海市民营医疗机构发展现况及思考

    Current status of and reflection on the development of non-government medical institutions in Shanghai

  14. 山西省医生对医疗保健体系及民营医疗服务的意向调查

    The intentions survey of doctors to medical system and private medical care in Shanxi Province

  15. 山西省医患双方对民营医疗服务的评价

    An appraisal on the private medical practice of the doctors and the patients in Shanxi province

  16. 然而随着民营医疗机构迅速发展,其存在的问题也逐渐暴露出来。

    However , with the rapid development of the private medical institutions , there appeared more problems .

  17. 上海市民营医疗机构现状分析与问题探讨

    The Research on the Current Situation and Problems of the Development of Private Medical Institutions in Shanghai

  18. 逐步扩大民营医疗机构纳入医保范围。

    The second suggestion is about expanding private medical institutions into the scope of medical insurance contracting institutions .

  19. 按照有关法律法规的规定,为民营医疗机构的审批提供方便、及时的服务;

    To offer convenient and timely services for approval of private medical institutions according to relevant laws and regulations ;

  20. 目的了解山西省民营医疗服务的利用情况及其主要影响因素。

    Objective To find out the utilization condition of the private medical practice ( PMP ) and its influencing factors .

  21. 这家来自莆田的医疗保健公司约占中国民营医疗机构市场份额的百分之80左右。

    Health care companies from Putian account for around 80-percent of the market share of China 's private medical institutions .

  22. 但只有47.3%的病人认为就医环境比较舒适,提示民营医疗机构基本设施质量有待提高。

    But only 47.3 % patients thought the medical environment comfortable , the private medical organization should to improve their basic facilities .

  23. 营造平等、公正的政策环境,积极引导和扶植民营医疗机构的健康发展。

    To create a fair and equal environment on policy and to actively guide and foster a sound development of private medical institutions .

  24. 通过对于医疗产品和市场的理论研究,本文阐述了发展我国现代医疗市场和促进民营医疗机构发展的必要性。

    Combining some relative theories of medical products and market , the article elaborates on the necessity of developing modern health care market and private medical institutions .

  25. 83.0%的居民认为公立医疗机构的技术水平高,但就服务质量而言,多数居民认为民营医疗机构较高。

    83.0 % of the patients thought the technical level of the public institutes was higher , however , the quality of service in PMP was better .

  26. 民营医疗机构在我国的医疗卫生服务体系中有着特殊的地位,在医疗卫生改革中也发挥着重要作用和积极效应。

    Non-government medical institutions play a special role in the health service system in our country , and exert an important effect during the reform of health care .

  27. 民营医疗机构几十年的发展已充分具备了理论和政策上的支持,其所承担的社会功能在市场经济环境中正不断地得到拓展。

    Many decades ' development of non-government medical institutions have gotten acceptance from theory and policy , and their social functions have been spread out in the market economy .

  28. 最近一年内未就诊患者中60.53%的人因为费用太高,即使是费用相对低廉的民营医疗服务也难以承受,解决这部分人的健康问题是实现医疗服务公平性的重点。

    Among the people who need but don 't see a doctor , because of high fee-for-service , 60 . 53 % can 't afford relatively inexpensive private medical service .

  29. 目前对上海市民营医疗的研究尚属空白,本研究结果对合理配置民营医疗资源,改善其生存发展状况具有一定的参考作用。

    It still belongs to blank in study on private hospitals in Shanghai , and this study will provide basis for rationally disposing private medical resources and improve their living conditions .

  30. 目前,民营医疗机构是否能够健康发展以及如何规范管理,受到了政府、学术界和民众广泛关注。

    At present , private medical treatment organization whether can healthy development and how to manage , causing the extensive concern of the government , academic circles , and the people .