
  1. 论民事、行政枉法裁判罪

    Judgement Crime That Pervert the Law in Terms of the Civil , Administration

  2. 行政裁判中的利益衡量&以个案为基础对《若干解释》第58条的注释论民事、行政枉法裁判罪

    Judgement Crime That Pervert the Law in Terms of the Civil , Administration Ruling by Law for Legislation of Administrative Judge-system in China

  3. 民事、行政枉法裁判罪,是专门针对人民法院的审判人员在非刑事诉讼中滥用审判权利的一种犯罪。

    The civil , judgement crime that the administration perverts the law , specially abuse a kind of crime of trying the right in not criminalling suit to the trial personnel of the people 's court .

  4. 民事、行政枉法裁判行为在我国的犯罪化经历了由争议、个案批复、司法解释至立法规定几个阶段,于我国1997年刑法中正式确立为民事、行政枉法裁判罪。

    Civil and Administrative Perverting the Law to judge Crime established in our country in 1997 , experienced from the controversy , the case approved , the judicial interpretation and legislation .