
mín zhǔ ɡé mìnɡ
  • democratic revolution
  1. 因此这是一次不彻底的民族民主革命,反映了中国民族资产阶级的软弱和妥协的性格。

    Hence it was a non-thoroughgoing national democratic revolutionary programme reflecting the weak and compromising character of the Chinese national bourgeoisie .

  2. 其引发的结果不是一场大众民主革命,而是军方接管权力和人权状况严重恶化。

    The response when it came was not a popular democratic revolution , but a military takeover and a sharp deterioration in human rights .

  3. 同盟会的成立和其纲领的形成,标志着中国资产阶级民主革命运动已经进入了一个新阶段。

    The founding of the Tong Meng Hui and the formation of its programme indicated that the Chinese bourgeois democratic revolutionary movement had entered a new stage .

  4. Shorbagy说埃及人曾在阿拉伯亲民主革命中要求政府的尊重,她相信埃及人一样能得到世界其他地区的尊重。

    Miz Shorbagy says Egyptians demanded respect from their government during the Arab Spring pro-democracy revolution . She believes they will demand the same from the rest of the world .

  5. 都想变革,都有打破常规民主的革命需求。

    there 's a lot of talk of revolution and the need for revolution to disrupt everyday democracy .