
  • 网络February Revolution
  1. 1917年在俄国二月革命形成的两个政权并存局面的影响下,在俄国远东地区的朝鲜族元户人和余户人分化成两个对立的阶级,各自建立政治团体。

    Influenced by February Revolution in 1917 , Koreans in Russia 's Far Eastern regions were divided into two opposite schools .

  2. 苏维埃是俄国工人阶级在1905年革命中创建的,到二月革命后它得到了长足的发展,并且成为俄国十月革命成功的一个重要因素。

    The Soviets were created by the Russian working class in the 1905 revolution and were greatly developed after the February revolution . They were one of the most important factors in the success of the Russian October revolution .

  3. 至少俄国的二月革命和十月革命就是这样进入高潮的

    At least that is the way the February and October revolutions in Russia reached their climaxes .

  4. 俄国的二月革命和十月革命是义战。

    The February and October Revolutions in Russia were just wars .

  5. 1917年3月,当一场具有空前规模的世界战争正在激烈进行时,俄国爆发了二月革命,统治俄国300多年的罗曼诺夫王朝被推翻了。

    In March , 1917 , when an unprecedented scale world war was intensely carrying on , Russia broke out February Revolution . Romanoff dynasty , who had ruled the Russians for more than 300 years , was overthrown .