
  • 网络workers of the world, unite;Workers of all lands unite
  1. 在他那篇著名的宣扬异见的文章《无权力者的权力》(thepowerofthepowerless)中,核心人物蔬果店老板在商店橱窗上贴了一幅标语:“全世界无产者联合起来!”

    The central figure of his famous dissident essay , the power of the powerless , was a greengrocer with a placard in his window saying : " workers of the world unite ! "

  2. 不要理下面那个雪茄布尔乔亚。全世界无产者联合起来!

    Don 't care the cigar bourgeois ( Sigmund Freud ) . Proletarians of all countries , unite !

  3. 墙上的标语写著“全世界无产者联合起来”,但是意识形态不再是好奇心的障碍。

    A sign reads'Proletarians of the world unite , 'but ideology is no longer a barrier to curiosity .

  4. 全世界无产者联合起来!你们失去的只是锁链,获得的将是整个世界。

    Workers of all countries , unite ! You have nothing to lose but your chains ; you have a world to gain .

  5. 全世界无产者,联合起来!

    Workers of all countries , unite !

  6. 全世界无产者,联合起来!他做军人,走遍了全世界。

    WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES , UNITE ! He has soldiered all over the world .

  7. 在标语出现的国家,威权体制的领导者也知道,全世界无产者真的联合起来以后,他们在台上将撑不了多久。

    And the leaders of the authoritarian system in which the sign is displayed know that their power would not long survive unity of the workers of the world .