
  1. 通过GIS数据查看器来观测数据,全球温室效应变得更为明显。

    Global-warming effects become far more apparent when visualized in GIS data viewers .

  2. 氧化亚氮(N2O)作为一种温室气体,对全球温室效应起到重要的作用。

    N2O , being one of main greenhouse gases , plays an important role in global climate warming .

  3. 由于日益加重的全球温室效应,人们正在寻求有效的方法将温室效应的主要成分CO2气体固定化,如将CO2分解为碳或加氢生成碳氢化合物。

    Because of the increasing global warming , people are looking for effective ways to fix the main component of greenhouse gas CO2 , such as the CO2 decomposition to carbon or low-carbon organic hydrogenation .

  4. 氧化亚氮在全球温室效应增强和大气臭氧(O3)层破坏等过程中起到重要作用。

    Nitrous oxide plays an important role in the process of the global warming enhancement and atmospheric ozone ( O3 ) layer destruction ( IPCC , 2001 , 2007 ) .

  5. CHIE与岩溶的长期相互作用,导致城区地面热蚀沉降,同时会对全球温室效应造成正面影响。

    As a result of interaction between CHIE and karst , it should cause heat-corrosion-earth subsidence , and at the same time make positive effect to hothouse effect of the whole world .

  6. 海洋中二氧化碳的循环及其与大气中二氧化碳的关系&全球温室效应探讨之二

    The Cycling of Oceanic Carbon Dioxide and Relation with the Atmosphere Carbon Dioxide

  7. 这种增加有可能破坏臭氧层、导致全球温室效应。

    It may disrupt the ozone layer and lead to global greenhouse effect .

  8. 对于研究全球温室效应,这些都是必不可少的资料。

    These are necessary for research on global warming .

  9. 汽车已经引起全球温室效应。

    I think cars are already causing global warming .

  10. 与酸雨或森林滥伐不同,全球温室效应没有可见的迹象。

    Unlike acid rain or deforestation , global warming has no visible manifestation .

  11. 由于汽车和飞机造成的全球温室效应,最有可能归咎于德国人。

    Germans are far more likely to blame cars and aircraft for global warming .

  12. 大气痕量气体与全球温室效应

    Atmospheric Trace Gases and Global Greenhouse Effect

  13. 全球温室效应的影响及对策

    Global greenhouse effects : impacts and Counter-measures

  14. 全球温室效应引起的高温和干旱

    High and Dry in the Global Greenhouse

  15. 与此同时,全球温室效应似乎在给整个流域加热,并且慢慢地将它蒸干。

    Meanwhile , global warming appears to be heating the basin up and drying it out .

  16. 同时,使用矿产能源产生的二氧化碳,造成了全球温室效应。

    At the same time , the use of carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels that cause global warming .

  17. 但科学已经证实了,汽车和飞机所带来的全球温室效应恶果,一定比风筒和鬈发钳带来的多得多。

    But it 's been scientifically proven that cars and aeroplanes contribute more to global warming than hairdryers and curling tongs .

  18. 人类活动造成的甲烷虽然在空气中的含量不及二氧化碳,但全球温室效应却有20%来自甲烷。

    Human-induced methane , though less abundant than carbon dioxide in the air , is responsible for 20 percent of the global warming effect .

  19. 这些研究对地球的气候变化研究同样也有所帮助,比如全球温室效应、洪水等灾难性气候以及臭氧层变薄等问题。

    Research also aids in the study of possible trends in the Earth 's climate , such as global warming , droughts and ozone depletion .

  20. 随着全球温室效应和全球气候变暖问题日益严重,减少温室气体排放,缓解温室效应已成为当今世界所关注的焦点和重心。

    With the increasingly severe global warming and greenhouse gas effect , the mitigation of greenhouse gas emission has become the focus of the world .

  21. 全球温室效应加剧,城市开发建设过度和防洪工程标准偏低是海洋灾害气候加剧的主要原因。

    The main reasons of worsening marine climate are the increase of global greenhouse effect , over-exploitation in urban development and low standard of flood control projects .

  22. 一些气候变化的计算机模型预测亚马逊大范围的干旱将会释放更多碳化物,加快全球温室效应的速度。

    Some computer models of climate change predict a major drying-out of the Amazon , which would then act to speed up global warming by releasing more carbon .

  23. 森林碳汇能有效地缓解全球温室效应,因此,正确评价森林生态系统碳储量具有十分重要的意义。

    Forest carbon pools could effectively ease the global greenhouse effect . Therefore , it taked very vital significance to correct evaluated the forest ecological system carbon storage .

  24. 高温已经成为水稻产量的主要限制因素,且其影响由于全球温室效应的加剧而在进一步扩大。

    However , high temperature has become a major disastrous factor affecting rice productivity , and the temperature stress become more severe probably due to the global warming .

  25. 世界杯、世界银行都在尽力对抗全球温室效应,都利用新兴而没什么监管的“碳中性”业。

    The World Cup * and the World Bank are all doing their bit to fight global warming by using the burgeoning but barely regulated business of " carbon neutrality " .

  26. 大多数浪费掉的食物最终会被堆放在垃圾场,被微生物转化成沼气,沼气是一种强大的温室气体,是全球温室效应的罪魁祸首之一。

    Much of that wasted food ends up in garbage dumps , turned by microbes into methane , a powerful greenhouse gas and one of the primary culprits behind global warming .

  27. 尽管现在没有几个科学家有足够的信心把任何个案的产生,包括今天的干旱,归咎于全球温室效应,但大多数科学家都同意此观点,即:像这样的干旱以后会变得更为常见。

    Although few scientists are confident that they can ascribe any individual event including today 's drought to global warming , most agree that droughts like the present one will become more common .

  28. 柏林墙倒塌、月球登陆、非洲的窘困还有全球温室效应等一系列事件,只是我们从电视中得到的一小部分信息。

    The fall of the Berlin Wall , the Moon Landings , the plight of Africa and global warming are just a few of the things we 've been informed and updated about by television .

  29. 伴随着低碳经济在世界各国的发展以及全球温室效应的产生,必须要研发出能替代传统燃油汽车的新能源汽车。

    With a low carbon economy development of all countries in the world and the global " greenhouse effect " generation , must be developed a new energy vehicles can substitute the traditional fuel automobile .

  30. 由于目前全球温室效应和能源危机的加剧,污水处理厂剩余污泥转化能源这一老生常谈的问题再次提上议事日程。

    Due to the aggravation of the global warming and energy crisis , energy conversion of excess sludge in sewage treatment plants , which used to be a commonplace topic , has now attracted intensive attention again .