
pái fànɡ liànɡ
  • Emissions;discharge amount
  1. 在减排CO2同时,SO2、TSP排放量相应减少,从而促进大气环境质量的改善。

    When reducing discharging CO_2 , at same time SO_2 and TSP discharge amount relatively reduce so promote improvement of air environment quality .

  2. 十一五规划提出了今后5年内单位GDP能耗下降20%,主要污染物排放量减少10%的总体目标。

    The " eleventh five-year " plan proposed in the following 5 years the energy consumption per unit GDP will drop 20 % , the main pollutant discharge amount will reduce 10 % .

  3. 倡议将强制规定把二氧化碳排放量降低40%。

    The proposed initiative would mandate a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40 %

  4. 我们都需要寻求降低碳排放量的方法。

    We all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint .

  5. 他们在减少破坏臭氧层的气体排放量方面走在了最前面。

    They set the pace in cutting ozone-damaging emissions

  6. 大气测量和排放量报表系统,包括输入格式,文件、程序和报告书。

    The Aerometric and emissions reporting system is comprised of input forms , files , programs and reports .

  7. 测量排放量并不是一门严谨的科学,尤其是当其涉及与土地利用相关的问题。

    Measuring emissions is not a precise science , particularly when it comes to issues surrounding land use .

  8. 但挪威能否保持其生活水平,同时将其排放量削减到摩洛哥甚至埃塞俄比亚的水平?

    But could Norway keep its standard of living and yet cut its emissions to Moroccan or even Ethiopian levels ?

  9. 进而导致二氧化碳和其他温室气体的排放量增加。

    The   result   would   be   higher   emissions   ofcarbon   dioxide   and   other   greenhouse   gases .

  10. 尽管有北极熊的悲剧,碳排放量也在飙升,但大多数人很难相信全球变暖会对他们个人产生影响。

    Despite mournful polar bears and charts showing carbon emissions soaring , most people find it hard to believe that global warming will affect them personally .

  11. 德国还计划到2050年时将本国的碳排放量降低80%-95%,以推动本国向绿色能源的转变。

    The country is also planning to reduce its carbon footprint by 80-95 % by 2050 , sparking a shift to green energy in the country .

  12. 该方法足够灵活,所以原则上讲,人民其他生活质量的重大变化,例如污染物总排放量的减少和犯罪率的下降,也是可以被包括在内的。

    Their approach is flexible enough that in principle other important quality-of - life changes could be incorporated — for example , decreases in total emissions of pollutants and declines in crime rates .

  13. 但德国仍然希望能够完成目标,例如到2020年时将排放量降低40%,然而该国对电动汽车的接受没有预期中的那么快。

    The country is still hopeful that it will meet its emissions goals , like reducing emissions by 40 % by 2020 , but the acceptance of electric cars in the country has not occurred as fast as expected .

  14. 到2020年之前,我们必须将二氧化碳的排放量从2006的水平上减少80%,到2040年之前,将全球人口控制在80亿以内,彻底消除贫因,并恢复森林和土壤。

    We must cut carbon emissions by 80 % from their 2006 levels by 2020 , stabilize the world 's population at eight billion by 2040 , completely remove poverty , and restore forests and soils .

  15. 因此,即使排放量从今天开始减少,我们仍将面临适应气候变化的挑战。

    So even if emissions were to begin to decrease today , we would still face the challenge of adapting to climate change .

  16. 虽然清洁能源在我们的日常生活中得到了越来越多的使用,但在二氧化碳排放量达到峰值后的几十年内,全球变暖仍将持续。

    While clean energy is increasingly used in our daily life , global warming will continue for some decades after CO2 emissions peak .

  17. CarbonBigfoot(碳大脚)指完全不在意自己碳足迹的人或者反环保人士。碳足迹指一个人的行为产生的二氧化碳排放量。

    Carbon Bigfoot refers to a person with absolutely zero regard for his or her carbon footprint , the sum of all emissions1 of CO2 induced by your activities ; an anti-environmentalist . For example :

  18. 因为虽然回收利用能节约资源,也是值得的,但这样做并不能大量减少二氧化碳的排放量。

    Recycling saves resources and is worthwhile , they say , but it doesn 't reduce CO2 much .

  19. 然而,世界经济论坛今年的一份报告指出,服装租赁业产生的碳排放量占到了全球排放量的5%。

    A report by the World Economic Forum8 this year suggested that the industry generates 5 % of global emissions9 .

  20. 因此,虽然在全球各国封锁期间,运输和工业碳排放量峰值下降了17%,但大量气体仍在生成,增加了大气层中二氧化碳的总含量。

    So , while the global lockdown saw carbon emissions from transport and industry drop by as much as 17 % at their peak , large amounts of the gas were still being produced , adding to the overall total .

  21. 阐明了允许排放量平权分配的原则,提出了平权分配污染源允许排放量的B值法。

    The principles of allowable emission equal right allocation are expounded and B-value method is put forward .

  22. 中国城市住区CO2排放量计算方法

    Computational method of CO_2 emissions in Chinese urban residential communities

  23. 电站煤粉锅炉垂直和水平浓淡燃烧方式对NOx排放量和锅炉效率的影响

    Influence of horizontal and vertical bias combustion on the emission of NO_x and boiler efficiency

  24. 工业废气年排放量的灰色GM(1,1)预测

    Gray GM ( 1,1 ) Forecast of Annual Discharged Industrial Waste Gas

  25. 全球能源消费与CO2排放量

    Global Energy Consumption and CO_2 Emission

  26. 事实上,最主要的解决方式称为总量管制与交易制度(capandtrade),或者说排放量交易制度其实是个大问题。

    In fact , the leading solution , known as cap and trade-or emissions trading-is actually a huge problem .

  27. 总体上,随着温度的不断降低,CO2的气体排放量在不断减少。

    On the whole , with the temperature droping , the CO2gas emission is decreasing .

  28. 脱除工业烟道气中SOx和NOx的技术工业烟道固体颗粒物排放量自动监测方法

    Technology for sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides removal from industrial flue-gas On-line Monitoring of Powdery Solids Emission from Industrial Stacks

  29. 珠三角火电厂单位GDP二氧化碳排放量低于全省平均水平。

    However , CO2 emission per GDP in Pearl River Delta is lower than the average level of Guangdong Province .

  30. 更有甚者,微粒(PM)的排放量却是汽油机的几十倍甚至更多。

    Further more , the PM emission of diesel is dozens times of that of gasoline engine .