
pái fàng
  • emission;discharge;release;arrange;issue;blowdown;sluice;blowoff
排放 [pái fàng]
  • [sluice;discharge] 排泄放出

  • 排放污水

  • [arrange] 按顺序安放

  • 供桌上排放着香炉、蜡烛台和供品

排放[pái fàng]
  1. 允许工厂把废水直接排放到湖中吗?

    Are factories allowed to discharge waste water into the lake ?

  2. 大循环pH值对废水排放质量影响及对策

    Influence of Big Cycle pH Value on Waste Water Discharge Quality and Countermeasure

  3. 这家工厂因往河里排放化学物质而被罚款。

    The factory was fined for discharging chemicals into the river .

  4. 我们孩子们的健康正受到排放出的废气的损害。

    The health of our children is being endangered by exhaust fumes .

  5. 政府已保证要清除工业排放物。

    The government has pledged to clean up industrial emissions .

  6. 当地工厂排放的有毒废弃物污染了这条河。

    The river has been polluted with toxic waste from local factories .

  7. 我们的汽车每年排放出成千上万吨的有毒尾气。

    Our cars pump out thousands of tonnes of poisonous fumes every year .

  8. 他们一直在抗议一家氯工厂排放有毒气体。

    They have been protesting about fumes from a chlorine factory .

  9. 污水排放之前应该进行更充分的处理。

    There should be greater treatment of sewage before it is discharged

  10. 上游的城市将污水排放到河里。

    Cities upstream use the river to get rid of sewage

  11. 倡议将强制规定把二氧化碳排放量降低40%。

    The proposed initiative would mandate a reduction of carbon dioxide of 40 %

  12. 炼钢厂排放出的硫形成了酸雨。

    Sulfur emissions from steel mills become acid rain .

  13. 我们都需要寻求降低碳排放量的方法。

    We all need to look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint .

  14. 工业化国家必须减少二氧化碳的排放。

    Industrialized countries must reduce carbon dioxide emissions .

  15. 尾气中一氧化碳的排放限量为4.5%。

    The limit for carbon monoxide is 4.5 per cent of the exhaust gas .

  16. 一班助手给排放装置加润滑油并作调试,直到其达至理想工作状态。

    A crew of assistants oiled and adjusted the release mechanism until it worked perfectly

  17. 他们在减少破坏臭氧层的气体排放量方面走在了最前面。

    They set the pace in cutting ozone-damaging emissions

  18. 所有工业化工厂都会排放废水。

    All industrial chemical plants produce waste effluents .

  19. 斯普林菲尔德所有放射性废料的排放和处理都在限定的范围之内。

    All discharges and disposals of radioactive waste from Springfields were within relevant limits .

  20. 二氧化碳等气体的排放应该稳定在当前水平。

    The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilised at their present level

  21. 这一地区的一些海滩已被排放到爱尔兰海的污水污染了。

    A number of beaches in the region have been polluted by sewage pumped into the Irish Sea .

  22. 可以通过植树对航空飞行进行碳中和,以抵消温室气体的排放。

    You can make your flights carbon neutral by planting trees to make up for the greenhouse gas emissions .

  23. 我完全赞成减少二氧化碳的排放,但是,相比发展核能,对发展风能提供补贴更容易实现这一目标。

    I am all for cutting carbon dioxide emissions , but that would be much more easily achieved by giving subsidies to windpower , than with nuclear power

  24. 委员会已经提出了一个减少汽车尾气排放的议案。

    The committee has put forward a proposal to reduce vehicle emissions .

  25. 研究表明汽车尾气排放和环境污染有关。

    The research indicates a connection between vehicle exhaust emissions and environment pollution .

  26. 锅炉排放了蒸汽。

    The boiler discharged steam .

  27. 书桌上排放着台灯、文具和工具书。

    Reference books , stationery , and reading lamp are all arranged properly on the desk .

  28. 河流已被该厂排放的有毒废水污染。

    The river has been polluted by ( or with ) waste water from that factory .

  29. 旧街中间有条排放雨水的水沟。

    There is a channel in the middle of the old street to help rainwater flow away .

  30. 这有可能为抵制未来的碳排放法规供便利,或者有可能帮助美国铝业拿到绿色经济补贴。

    This could provide a defence against future emissions regulations or perhaps help it grab green subsidies .