
fèi shuǐ
  • waste water;effluent;liquid waste;outlet water
废水 [fèi shuǐ]
  • (1) [waste water]∶用过的水(如在制造过程中)

  • (2) [effluent]∶作为废物而排出的水(如工业生产流程中排放的水)--亦称污水

废水[fèi shuǐ]
  1. 那个化工厂排出大量有毒的废水。

    A lot of poisonous waste water comes from that chemical factory .

  2. 废水通过管道排往特定的地点。

    The waste water is piped away to a special place .

  3. 那家工厂的废水被排入河中。

    The effluent from the factory was dumped into the river

  4. 每天都有成千上万吨污物和废水排入恒河。

    Thousands of tons of filth and sewage pour into the Ganges every day .

  5. 所有工业化工厂都会排放废水。

    All industrial chemical plants produce waste effluents .

  6. 沉降池中的废水中加入了消毒剂,以消灭所有有害微生物。

    Effluent from the sedimentation tank is dosed with disinfectant to kill any harmful organisms

  7. 工业废水常常危害人们的健康。

    Industrial effluent often causes a problem to people 's health .

  8. 有些工厂将生产废水向海中倾泻。

    Liquid waste flows out from some factories into the sea .

  9. 所有的废水最后都被引到主排水沟中。

    All the water is finally channelled into the main gutter .

  10. 工厂放出的废水把这条河弄得不能游泳了。

    The effluent form the factory makes the river unsafe for swimming .

  11. 废水经过过滤后,得到了很好的利用。

    The waste , after being filtered , was put to good use .

  12. 用气动吸引器将废水试样送入液体注射阀。

    The wastewater samples is transmitted by an air-operated aspirator to the liquid injection valve .

  13. 河流已被该厂排放的有毒废水污染。

    The river has been polluted by ( or with ) waste water from that factory .

  14. 氯作为水和废水处理厂的主要消毒剂已有许多年。

    For many years chlorine has been the major disinfectant used in water and wastewater treatment plants .

  15. 在发展中国家,灌溉是人类废水在农业上的主要用途。

    Irrigation is the primary agricultural use of human waste in the developing world .

  16. 在贫困、干旱的地区,未处理的废水是农民唯一可以用来灌溉的水资源。

    In poor , dry regions , untreated wastewater is the only viable irrigation source to keep farmers in business .

  17. 在某些水资源急缺的情况下,农民会破坏下水管道,运输废水到当地河流。

    In some cases , water is so scarce that farmers break open sewage pipes transporting waste to local rivers .

  18. 领导这项研究的利加·拉希徳·萨莉说:“废水农业有很大的潜在可能去帮助和伤害众多城市消费者。”

    " There is a large potential for wastewater agriculture to both help and hurt great numbers of urban consumers , " said Liqa Raschid-Sally , who led the study .

  19. 他把废水引到浅水池里,待其结冰后就一直储存到春季。

    He directed the wasted water into shallow basins where it froze , and was stored until the spring .

  20. 既然芝加哥的废水正大量地排入芝加哥河,那么该市的下一步工作就是清理这条受到污染的河流。

    Now that Chicago 's waste water was draining efficiently into the Chicago River , the city 's next step was to clean the polluted river .

  21. 处理废水是为我们提供淡水的好方法。

    Treating waste water is a good way to provide fresh water for us .

  22. 但现在我们有了处理和再利用废水的技术。

    But now we have got the technology to treat and reuse the waste water .

  23. 允许工厂把废水直接排放到湖中吗?

    Are factories allowed to discharge waste water into the lake ?

  24. 通过浸渍法制备镧和镧钛改性膨润土吸附剂,探讨了处理含磷废水的最佳条件

    Bentonite absorbent modified by La and La-Ti was prepared with maceration method .

  25. 但当我们的衬衫和裤子在洗涤过程中不停地翻滚时,衣物上的细线会大量脱落,随废水排走。

    But as our shirts and trousers tumble through a wash cycle , they 're losing lots of minuscule1 threads that drain away with the waste water .

  26. HPLC电化学检测法测定制药厂废水中硫脲和硫

    Determination of Thiourea and Sulfide in Wastewater from Pharmaceutical Factory by HPLC-Electrochemical Detection

  27. PID技术是废水处理中提高氮、磷去除的技术。

    PID is a technique used for improving nitrogen and phosphorous removal in wastewater treatment .

  28. IC厌氧反应技术应用于制浆废水处理

    IC Anaerobic React Technology Used for Pulping Effluent Treatment

  29. 废水再经河水稀释进A/O池生化处理3d后,可达标排放。

    At last , the wastewater treatment is done after 3 days A / O process diluted in biochemical pool .

  30. 电絮凝-催化氧化法去除染料工业废水COD的研究

    Research on removal of COD in dyestuffs wastewater by electrolytic flocculation-catalytic oxidation method