
  • 网络reclamation depot;junk yard
  1. 这个停车场就是废品回收站对面的那个。

    The parking was side of recycle station .

  2. 《废品回收站》似乎肮脏、低级的行当,却有着可观的效益。

    Waste recycle bin The waste recycle bin looks so dirty and junior but it has some economic benefits for them .

  3. 罗店周边地区是湿地和土路,路两旁林立着五金商店和废品回收站。

    The surrounding area of Luodian is a mixture of wetlands and dusty roads lined with hardware stores and scrap metal businesses .

  4. 论述了我国反向物流的过程模型,探讨了在废品回收站应用该模型的作用和意义。

    This paper mainly discusses the process model of reverse logistics in china , pointing out the usefulness and significance of waster collector in the model .

  5. 贫困的人们每天步行数小时,到垃圾场搜集废金属卖给废品回收站,修补从垃圾场里捡来的破旧衣物和玩具并送到集市上卖。

    Desperate people travel for hours on foot to scrounge through the garbage daily to find scrap metal or bottles they can sell to recyclers or garments and toys they can repair and sell in a market .