
  • 网络abolitionist;Abolitionism;abolitionalism;Abolitionist Movement
  1. 追求自由这个主题在埃芙拉·贝恩的作品中主要体现在以下三个方面:即女权主义、废奴主义和自由主义。

    This paper intends to systematically explore the theme in her works-aspiration for freedom from three aspects : feminism , abolitionism , and libertinism .

  2. 他晚年由于支持废奴主义而引起争议,他就这一观点当众演说时,不时遭受辱骂,但并非总是如此。

    His support for abolitionism late in life created controversy , and at times he was subject to abuse from crowds while speaking on the topic , however this was not always the case .

  3. 到1838年,废奴主义者迫使议会出于道德压力而废除了英国殖民地的奴隶制。

    By 1838 , the abolitionists had shamed parliament into ending slavery in British colonies

  4. 但是身旁的废奴主义同伴迅速地拉住了我他说:Lisa别哭,别在这里哭。

    but the abolitionist next to me quickly grabbed me and he said , " Lisa , don 't do that . Just don 't do that here . "

  5. 美国财政部宣布新版20美元纸币将印上南北战争时期废奴主义者哈丽雅特•塔布曼(HarrietTubman)的头像。20美元是流通量最大的美元之一,这是美国首次将一位非裔美国人作为其主要人物。

    The US will for the first time have an African-American as the star of one of its highest-circulation bank notes after the Treasury announced that Civil War-era abolitionist Harriet Tubman would be featured on a new $ 20 bill .

  6. 有时我甚至想,那帮废奴主义者的主意倒不错呢。

    Sometimes I think the Abolitionists have got the right idea .

  7. 这些废奴主义者为这伟大的革命奉献了他们的一生。

    The abolitionist dedicated their whole life to this great revolution .

  8. 它后来被废奴主义者用来展示奴隶制的残忍。

    and later used by abolitionists to show the atrocities of slavery .

  9. 还有谣传说他们同情废奴主义者,但这并没有提高麦金托什家的声誉。

    Rumors of Abolitionist sympathies did not enhance the popularity of the Macintoshes .

  10. 比彻是一位废奴主义者,他总是想要说出自己的观点。

    Henry Ward Beecher was an abolitionist who liked to speak his mind .

  11. 那个奴隶和废奴主义者低语过的信念,

    that idea whispered by slaves and abolitionists ;

  12. 1849年,美国废奴主义者哈瑞特·图博门逃离其奴隶身份。

    American abolitionist Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery .

  13. “他是个废奴主义者,毫无疑问,”杰拉尔德对约翰威尔克斯说。

    " He 's an abolitionist , no doubt ," observed Gerald to John wilkes .

  14. 在当地的废奴主义者帮助他们争取采石场的租约,

    and abolitionists on the ground helped them get a quarry lease of their own ,

  15. 坚定的废奴主义者&林肯

    Abraham Lincoln & A Firm Abolitionist

  16. 林肯开始不是废奴主义者,只是反对奴隶制,后来才逐步转变为废奴主义者;

    He was only an objector of slavery in the beginning and gradually became an abolitionist later .

  17. 达尔文的家人是热烈的废奴主义者,他频繁地与献身于这项事业的人交往。

    Darwin 's family was passionately abolitionist and he continually mixed with people devoted to the cause .

  18. 他们之中虽然没有一个是彻底的废奴主义者,但是他们也非常关心这场斗争的结果。

    Though none was an out-and-out abolitionist , they were still closely concerned with the outcome of the struggle .

  19. 后来,在1830年,废奴主义者又敲响了当时已经破裂的钟以示反抗奴隶制度。

    Later , in the1830s , abolitionists adopted the cracked bell as the symbol of the fight against slavery .

  20. 但监狱看守拒绝关押他,宣称这个监狱已人满为患,关满了北方的废奴主义者。

    But the jailer refused to take him in , claiming the jail was already overflowing with Yankee abolitionists .

  21. 纽约罗彻斯特市的废奴主义者弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的雕像被夷为平地。

    A statue of the abolitionist Frederick Douglass in Rochester , New York , was knocked clean off its base .

  22. 著名的法国政治家和废奴主义者爱德华·德·拉布莱伊才是站在自由女神像背后的人。

    Edouard de Laboulaye , a famous French politician and abolitionist , is the man behind the Statue of Liberty .

  23. 史学界曾对林肯是否为废奴主义者进行过比较热烈的争论,形成了三种观点:一、林肯是废奴主义者;

    There are three views about whether Abraham Lincoln was an abolitionist or not : 1 . He was an abolitionist .

  24. 在威斯康辛州麦迪逊,抗议者拆毁了福沃德雕像以及一个废奴主义者的雕像以庆祝妇女权利。

    Protesters in Madison , Wisconsin , tore down the Forward statue , celebrating women 's rights , and one of an abolitionist .

  25. 当拓荒者西行加州络绎于途时,废奴主义者开始尝试落实「自由」的真谛。

    While some pioneers headed west to California , abolitionists attempted to expand the idea of what " liberty " in America meant .

  26. 激进的废奴主义者约翰·布朗试图唤起奴隶的反抗,没有奴隶加入他的队伍,他被围困了。

    Radical abolitionist John brown is trying to inspire a slave revolt . No slaves have joined him , and now he 's trapped .

  27. 迪金森完全沉浸在自己的世界里,而希金森则作为一个激进的废奴主义者,竭尽全力要实现他的理想。但他们两人都是性格复杂矛盾的人。

    Where Dickinson withdrew into the self , Higginson , a passionate abolitionist , tried to realise his ideals , but both were paradoxical individuals .

  28. 你也将见识到英勇机智与他们周旋对抗的废奴主义者;甚至,你还会碰上另一类人&在当时,这些人因为社会、经济方面的种种利害而反对“地下通道”。

    En-route , you 'll meet Bounty Hunters , Abolitionists and even characters who did not support the Underground Railroad due to Social or Economic concerns !

  29. 道格拉斯1818年出生在一个黑奴家庭,后来逃亡,成为一个著名的废奴主义者。

    Where people are learning about the African-American leader Frederick Douglass , who was born a slave in1818 , but escaped to become a leading abolitionist .

  30. 她表示,不妨说,废奴主义者索洁娜·特鲁斯和哈丽特·塔布曼或者政治家贝拉·阿伯格和雪莉·齐泽姆已经很适合出现在美元上了。

    She says abolitionists Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman or politicians Bella Abzug and Shirley Chisholm already , in a manner of speaking , fit the bill .