
  1. 废名独异的文学观及其小说创作

    The Extraordinary Literature Conception of Fei Ming and His Novel Creation

  2. 废名的文学观与其独异的思维方式

    FEI Ming 's Literary Viewpoint and His Unique Mode of Thinking

  3. 废名乡土小说晦涩之风及其成因

    Obscure Style of Fei Ming 's Local Stories and its Origin

  4. 家与女性:废名小说的生态主义叙事

    Home and Female : Ecology Narration in Fei Ming 's Novel

  5. 论废名小说梦幻叙事的审美特征

    On Aesthetic Characteristics of Dream-like Narration in Fei Ming 's Novels

  6. 废名小说创作对传统文学资源的发掘

    On Traditional Literature Resources Excavated by Fei Ming with His Novel Creation

  7. 绵延的瞬间&废名散文的时间模式

    Continuous " Instantaneous " & Faming Prose ' Time Mode

  8. 废名小说《桥》的象喻语言

    Symbolic and Metaphoric Language in Fei Ming 's The Bridge

  9. 光荣的寂寞&废名研究综述

    Glorious Loneliness ── Comments on The Study of Fei Ming

  10. 论废名与20年代乡土小说作家的差异

    On the Differences between Fei Ming and the Other Country Novel Authors

  11. 废名作品中的讲述人与倾听者

    The narrator and listener of FEI Ming 's works

  12. 论废名小说中的儒家文化意识

    On Confucian Culture Consciousness in Fei Ming 's Novels

  13. 论废名小说的非严肃精神

    The Spirit of Non-serious in Fei Ming 's Fictions

  14. 废名之诗名,向来被研究者所忽视。

    Many scholars and researchers always look down on the poem-fame of FEI MING .

  15. 论废名与普鲁斯特小说之断片的美学

    On " Fragment of Aesthetics " in Fei Ming and Marcel Proust 's Novels

  16. 新诗史上废名是被边缘化的诗人。

    Fei Ming was placed on the verge in the history of new poems .

  17. 废名小说中的黄梅方言成分

    Huangmei Dialect in Fei Ming 's Works

  18. 圣洁而沉重的人性美的挽歌&废名《浣衣母》解读

    Elegy of Holy and Weighty Humanity Beauty

  19. 第二部分主要论述镜像性作为废名小说的主要结构模式;它的基本意义在于通过镜像关系的分析发现对观看的反思即对艺术行为的反思是《桥》的主要内容。

    The second part discussed " mirror-imago " as the main mode of the novel .

  20. 废名小说的童贞倾向

    Virginity Inclination of Fei Ming 's Stories

  21. 现代作家废名对儿童的世界有着特殊的兴趣、热爱和关注。

    Modern writer Feiming had particular interest on and paid special attention to the children .

  22. 作为焦虑的象征,废名的小说反映了他在本体上、道德上、精神上的焦虑。

    As symbol of anxiety , Feiming novels reflect his ontic , moral and spiritual anxiety .

  23. 使废名能够完成两个阶段过渡的是禅宗。

    To enable waste were able to complete the two phases of the transition to Zen .

  24. 归隐派与名士风度&废名、沈从文、汪曾祺论

    Retirement School and Their Personage Demeanour : From FEI Ming , SHEN Cong-wen to WANG Zeng-qi

  25. 时间的静止与叙述的自由&废名的时间意识与小说叙事探询

    STATIC TIME AND FREE NARRATION & Propping into Fei Ming 's Time Consciousness and Novel Narration

  26. 废名小说中的时空意识也颇为自由,其小说叙事遵循的是柏格森所谓的心理时间。

    His consciousness of time and space is also fairly free , echoing Bergsonian psychic time .

  27. 独特的人生关注&论佛禅文化思想对废名小说创作的影响

    Unique Concern About Life & On the Influence of Zen Culture on Fei Ming 's Fiction Writing

  28. 废名是我国现代文学史上颇有个性的小说家。

    FEI Ming is a novelist with strong individual character in modern literature history in our country .

  29. 本文探讨了废名与其他乡土小说作家风格的差异。

    This paper researchs the difference between Fei Ming and the other " Country Novel " authors .

  30. 第二部分,探讨废名发掘传统文学资源的成因及动机。

    The second part discusses origin cause and motive force that Fei Ming excavates the traditional literature resources .