
  • 网络emission;exhaust emission;off-gassing
  1. 也许双方的观点都有一定道理,但是,无论车辆多少,必须对废气排放实行控制。

    There is probably some truth to both arguments , but emission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles .

  2. 在此阶段内,兰州市的工业废气排放量是随着人均GDP的增长而逐渐减少的。

    At this stage , the industrial emission in Lanzhou is gradually reduced with the per capita GDP growth .

  3. Air(初三适用)局地废气排放污染影响的实验模拟

    Experimental modeling for the impact of local air pollution by the effluent

  4. 菌源高度(栏舍废气排放孔)认作3m和10m。

    Height of the microbial source was regarded as 3m and 10m .

  5. 大冶有色金属冶炼厂废气排放也是罗桥地区土壤Cd污染的另一个原因。

    The discharge of waste gas from a nearby nonferrous metal smeltery is another cause for the Cd pollution of soil in the area .

  6. 自1992年以来,西安市的工业废水、工业废气排放量和工业固体废弃物的产生量总体趋势都在不断的减少.大气中的SO2和工业烟尘趋于减少;

    Since 1992 the discharge of industrial waste 、 industrial gas and solid waste was being decreasing continually .

  7. 《京都议定书》(Kyotoprotocol)中就有一项认识,认为减少废气排放量会削弱重工业的竞争力。该议定书所引发的争议,在很大程度上可以归结为这一认识。

    Much of the controversy aroused by the Kyoto protocol has been based on a perception that cutting emissions can damage the competitiveness of heavy industry .

  8. 5.n.排放(物)重点城市工业废气排放及处理情况6.vt.摧毁,完全根除

    Industrial waste gas emission and treatment by key city

  9. 电子不停车收费(ETC)系统的优点有提高收费站通行效率,缓解收费站交通堵塞,减少车辆等候时的耗油和废气排放等。

    Electronic Toll Collection System ( ETC ) has advantages in increasing traffic efficiency of toll stations , alleviating traffic jams and reducing fuel consumption and exhaust emission when vehicles waiting .

  10. 验证了该燃料不仅节约能源,而且减少了废气排放中的CO、HC污染物,并降低了噪声。

    The fuel an conserve energy , reduce the concentration of CO , HC of exhaust emissions and the noise emission , so the environmental condition is improved .

  11. 改善DMCC发动机废气排放质量的研究

    Study on Emissions Reduction of DMCC Engine with Oxidation Catalyst

  12. 全球变暖的潜能(简写为GWP):指个别的废气排放影响全球变暖的程度。

    Global warming potential - GWP : The extent to which individual emissions contribute to global warming .

  13. 大气污染物的主要来源于工厂的废气排放,这些废弃物主要成分是S02、氮气的各种化合物NOx等。

    Atmospheric pollutant mainly comes from the factory emissions which is compose of SO2 , all kinds of nitrogen compounds .

  14. 废气排放主要是CO2和SOx,其主要来源于煤的燃烧和工艺过程,十分巨大的工业固体废弃物将造成严峻的局地环境问题。

    The key gas emission is CO 2 and SO x , which are mainly emitted from coal burning and industrial process . The huge industrial solid waste from steel production will lead to severe local environmental pressure .

  15. 此外,废气排放也达到了的TLEV标准。

    Furthermore , the TLEV level of exhaust emissions is also achieved .

  16. 废水和废气排放可能是导致内分泌相关肿瘤发生的原因之一,尤其是环境内分泌干扰物(EDCs)污染外环境的主要途径。

    Sewage discharge and emission of exhaust gas might be the main way for transportation carcinogenic chemicals , especially for environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals ( EDCs ) to pollute environment .

  17. 随着工商业的快速发展,大规模的工业生产活动和大量化学药品的使用造成大量含有挥发性有机物(VOCs)的废气排放,严重污染了环境、威胁人体健康。

    With the rapid development of industry , large-scale industrial production activities and the use of chemical medicines , large volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) waste gas was emitted , which resulted in serious environmental pollution and threatened human health .

  18. 但据中国环境保护部的数据,中国仅有5.7%的车辆符合最严格的国家第四阶段机动车污染物排放标准(国IV标准),该标准对包括温室气体和微小颗粒物PM2.5在内的废气排放做出了限制。

    But according to China 's Ministry of Environmental Protection , only 5.7 % of China 's vehicles meet the country 's highest national Grade IV standards that limit toxic emissions from vehicles including greenhouse gas and tiny particulate matter known as PM2.5 .

  19. 主要介绍了采用3C1B涂装工艺保险杠喷涂线的废气排放量及排气筒高度计算分析。

    The paper mainly introduces the emission of waste gas and height of exhaust funnel of3C1B coating line for auto bumper .

  20. 研究发现:开封市工业三废污染物(如工业废水排放量、工业废气排放量、工业固体废弃物产生量)的EKC曲线均已过转折点,说明开封市工业三废污染状况开始向良性化方向发展。

    The result shows that the amount of discharged pollutants ( such as industrial waste water , industrial waste gas , industrial solid waste ) in Kaifeng city have got through the EKC curve turning point , which indicates that the environment condition is becoming better in Kaifeng city .

  21. 控制柴油机废气排放的燃料技术与措施

    The Fuel Technique and Measure of Controlling Diesel Engine Exhaust Emissions

  22. 工业生产废气排放是金昌市空气污染的主要来源。

    Industrial waste gas was the main source of air pollution .

  23. 废气排放塔尾流区随机游动扩散模拟研究

    Random Walk Modeling of Dispersion in Wake Area of Exhaust Tower

  24. 废气排放量灰色建模新法初探

    Preliminary Investigation of Innovative Grey Model-Establishing Method on Exhaust Gases Amount

  25. 直喷式柴油机;燃烧系统;废气排放;

    Direct injection diesel engine ; Combustion system ; Exhaust emission ;

  26. 降低重型车用柴油机废气排放的技术措施

    Technical Measures for Reducing Exhaust of Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Diesel Engine

  27. 汽车安全检测线废气排放数据采集与处理系统

    Gas-Exhaust Property Data Collection & Processing System of Vehicle Safety Testing Line

  28. 汽油加入生物添加剂对发动机废气排放影响的研究

    Effect of Bio - Additives for Gasoline on Engine Emission

  29. 你甚至可以停止废气排放。

    In fact you can even reduce your carbon emission to zero .

  30. 电控汽车车载诊断系统与汽车废气排放

    On - Board Electronic Control Diagnostic System and Automobile Emissions