
  • 网络combustion system;CVCC
  1. 燃烧系统的FUZZY控制方案研究

    Study on the FUZZY Control Method of Combustion System

  2. 基于MATLAB的燃烧系统虚拟仿真

    Virtual Reality Simulation of Combustion System Based on MATLAB

  3. 华能丹东电厂低NOX分级燃烧系统

    Low NO_x Staged Combustion Systemof Huaneng Dandong Power Plant

  4. 电厂锅炉燃烧系统的模糊免疫PID控制

    Fuzzy-Immune Control of Combustion Systems of Utility Boilers

  5. 利用研制的快速燃烧系统开展了LPG快速稀燃的试验研究。

    The LPG rapid lean-burning research is carried out by using the developed system .

  6. LPG预燃式发动机燃烧系统的开发研究

    Development and Study of LPG 's Pre-combustion System

  7. TR燃烧系统混合气形成过程的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Mixture Formation Process of TR Combustion System

  8. 喷油嘴参数对TR燃烧系统排放性能的影响

    Effects of Nozzle Parameters on Emission Performance of TR Combustion System

  9. 本文报导了实验室规模的生物质封闭燃烧系统及稻草、玉米秸、麦杆燃烧过程中N2O排放因子的测定结果。

    The emission factors of nitrous oxide have been determined during the combustion of rice straws , wheat stalks and maize stalks in an enclosed combustion system .

  10. 锅炉燃烧系统智能控制策略及其在MCGS中的实现方法

    Intelligent Strategy for Boiler Combustion System and Method to realize it in MCGS

  11. 介绍了将LPG应用在小型点燃式发动机上时,对燃烧系统参数优化和稀薄燃烧能力的影响。

    This paper presents the effects of combustion parameters on the performance and lean burn of LPG for small SI engine .

  12. 采用模糊PID控制方法对锅炉燃烧系统进行控制,对具有大滞后特性的锅炉更具有显著控制效果。

    It is better for the control effect of the boiler with severe lag characters that the burning system of the boiler is under the fuzzy PID control .

  13. USC乙烯裂解炉底部燃烧系统的改造

    The reconstruction of bottom combustion system for USC ethene cracking heater

  14. 1025t/h锅炉燃烧系统风粉在线监测及故障诊断

    On-line Monitoring and Failure Diagnosis of Air / Pulverized Coal in Combustion System of 1025 t / h Boiler

  15. 华能丹东电厂350MW锅炉低NOx分级燃烧系统特点分析

    Analysis of the Low NO_x Stagging Combustion System of 350 MW Boiler in Huaneng Dandong Power Plant

  16. TRB燃烧系统喷雾半壁射流混合的三维数值模拟

    Three Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Half Wall Jet of TRB Combustion System

  17. 介绍了燃烧系统的动态工作特性,采用PID数字控制器的优化设计原则和数学模型,通过实例仿真说明了系统优化设计的作用是很明显的。

    This paper introduces the dynamic characteristics of the boiler burnt system , optimum design principle and mathematics model of PID controller . Experimental emulation proves the design of the system has been significantly optimized .

  18. 为研究导向圆弧和中孔喷射对TR燃烧系统的影响,应用STAR&CD软件对TR燃烧系统进行三维数值模拟。

    In order to study the effect of oriented arc and central spray , three-dimensional numerical simulation was made with STAR & CD code .

  19. 对TR燃烧系统的性能实验表明TR燃烧系统具有良好的烟度排放特性,NOx排放在中小负荷低于原机排放,在高负荷则有所增加。

    At the low and part load , NOx emission of TR combustion system is less than original diesel , but more at high load conditions .

  20. 在一台单缸135柴油机上,通过试验就喷油嘴参数对TR燃烧系统性能的影响进行了研究。

    Experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of nozzle parameters on the performance of diesel TR combustion system in a single-cylinder 135 diesel engine .

  21. 辅锅燃烧系统在CENTUM-CS上的实现

    Realization of auxiliary boiler combustion system with CENTUM-CS

  22. 本文主要研究采用低旋流进气、浅W型燃烧系统的SD2100直喷柴油机的循环变动。

    The characteristics of operating cyclic variations for low swirl shallow W type combustion system on SD2100 diesel engine are tested and measured .

  23. 结果表明,在发动机燃油和燃烧系统不作变动的条件下,随着DMC在柴油中添加比例的增加,排气烟度逐步下降,热效率提高。

    Experimental results show that smoke emission decreases , thermal efficiency increases with increasing in DMC proportion in diesel fuel without modifications on fuel injection and combustion system of the engine .

  24. 分析了多元CARS谱与温度,多元探针分子浓度之间的关系,分析结果表明:利用多元CARS谱不仅能得到燃烧系统的温度,还可以同时得到多元探针分子的浓度百分比。

    The relation of the multiplex CARS spectra with temperature , multiplex species concentration is analyzed . It is indicated from the results that both the temperature of the combustion and the concentration of multiplex species can be obtained with multiplex CARS simultaneously .

  25. 介绍了乙烯装置辅助锅炉燃烧系统,在油(渣油)气混烧的基础上掺烧焦油,用DCS系统实现控制的过程。优化了控制方案,提高了燃烧效率;

    It introduces to utilize DCS system to control auxiliary boiler burning system of ethylene plant where incorporated tar is burned besides oil ( residual oil ) - gas mixture which optimizes control scheme and improve burning efficiency ;

  26. 日本三菱350MW燃煤机组制粉&燃烧系统应用分析

    Feature Analysis of Burning System of MISUBISHI 350 MW Coal Burning Units Powder Maker

  27. 提出并发展的同时测量氢和氧的CARS谱新方法,为同时测量火焰温度和氢、氧浓度提供了一条途径,特别对不含氮的燃烧系统更具重要意义。

    The new method of simultaneously measuring CARS of H 2 and O 2 , which was developed in our laboratory , provides a way for simultaneously obtaining temperature and concentration of H 2 and O 2 in flame , especially for nitrogen free condition .

  28. 介绍了用垃圾填埋气(LFG)进行发电带来的巨大的社会效益和经济效益;探讨了燃烧系统各种参数对填埋气发动机性能的影响。

    The paper introduces the great social and economic benefits brought people by using LFG to generate electricity and discusses influences of parameters of combustion system on LFG engine performance .

  29. 随着喷油提前角向后推迟,TR燃烧系统的NOx排放下降,碳烟排放增加,上止点前11°CA喷油为最佳。

    With fuel supply advance angle delaying , the NOx emission of TR decreases and smoke emission increases . In die BTDC 5 0 CA , NOX reduces less than before . The BTDC 11 ° CA is the trade-off of fuel supply advance angle .

  30. 但是从仿真结果上来看,ADRC对于负荷部分的控制性能提升要好于主汽压力部分,作者认为究其原因还是由于炉侧燃烧系统的时滞较大导致。

    But from the simulation result , the ADRC control performance of load parts is better than that of the main steam pressure parts , the author thinks that the reason is the larger delay of the boiler system .