
  • 网络energy efficiency standards
  1. 能源效率标准和标记特设专家组

    Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels

  2. 对家用电器也可象住宅本身一样建立能源效率标准。

    Energy efficiency standards can be established for household appliances as well as for houses themselves .

  3. 能源效率标准和标识

    Energy efficiency standards and labels

  4. 简要介绍了国际上能源效率标准和标识的实施情况。

    Briefly presents the implementation of energy efficiency standards and labels for air conditioners throughout the world .

  5. 此外,作为一种减少依赖石油的直接步骤,能源效率标准也应该被提高。

    In addition , fuel-efficiency standards should be raised as an immediate step towards reducing dependency on oil .

  6. 阐述了我国新颁布的房间空调器、单元式空调机和冷水机组的能源效率标准。

    States the lately issued energy efficiency standards for room air conditioners , unitary air conditioners and water chillers in China .

  7. 认真的节能努力会给中国带来高额回报。中国的能源效率标准远低于发达国家。

    A serious drive for energy efficiency would pay high dividends in China , where standards are much lower than in the developed world .

  8. 能源效率标准与标识是减少能源消耗及保护环境的有效政策工具之一,在世界上受到了广泛重视。

    Energy efficiency standards and labels are the most effective policy tools for reducing energy consumption and protecting the environment , which have received broad attention worldwide .

  9. 该文运用能源效率标准,系统地分析了大型机房各项耗能指标,并提出了节能的方法,从而降低能耗,提高能源效率,达到节能的目的。

    By applying energy efficiency standards , this article systematically analyzes various energy consumption indicators at large-scale computer centers and proposes energy conservation techniques so as to achieve the goals of reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency .

  10. 地方官员正在设定此类(能源效率)标准,而非仅仅关注于经济增长。

    Local officials are already setting such [ energy efficiency ] yardsticks rather than looking simply at economic growth .

  11. 主要制冷空调产品季节性能源效率评价方法标准的分析

    Analysis of seasonal energy efficiency evaluation method standards of main refrigeration and air-conditioning equipments

  12. 根据国家有关节能法规,制定不同类型工业小区能源综合利用效率标准和相应的产品单耗标准,推广清洁生产和污染物资源化处理技术

    Formulating the standard of integrated energy use efficiency and the related standard of unit energy consumption to promote the clean production and the treatment technology of pollutants reutilization , according to the relevant regulations of energy conservation . RESOURCE

  13. 以国内最高能源效率为比较标准计算中国的节能潜力不仅比以国际先进水平为标准更符合实际,而且还可以做到能源资源公平合理地配置。

    China 's energy-saving potential rate , calculated by comparing it with the highest domestic energy efficiency rate , not only is more compatible with reality than if it is compared with the advanced world level , but also makes it possible for allocating resources on a sound footing .

  14. 能源之星是起源于美国的一项评定消费产品能源效率的国际标准。

    Energy Star is an international standard for energy efficient consumer products that originated in the US .