
  • 网络Energy Loss;loss of energy;energy loses
  1. 一个改进的Love电子能量损失方程

    An Improved Love Equation of Electron Energy Loss

  2. 用电子能量损失谱仪测量了反应界面内的C浓度变化,测出了界面层的宽度。

    Interface width and carbon concentration in reaction interface have been determined by electron energy loss scope .

  3. 电子能量损失谱的数据采集和谱图处理及在3d过渡族元素谱图中的应用

    Data acquisition and processing in electron energy loss spectroscopy and its application to 3d transition elements analysis

  4. 低速重离子在热等离子体中电子能量损失的Z1振荡效应

    The Z_1 oscillation of electronic stopping power of hot plasma for low velocity heavy ions

  5. C~+离子注入Si单晶形成SiC埋层中Si2p的特征能量损失谱

    Characteristic electron energy loss spectra in SiC buried layers formed by C + implantation into crystalline silicon

  6. 由电子能量损失谱分析得知,Co离子在Na0.3CoO2·1.3H2O超导体中的价态范围为+3.6&+3.8。

    Electron energy loss spectrometry analyses show that the Co ions have valence states of around + 3.7 in this superconducting materials .

  7. 沿程能量损失和水流动能的变化引起V型滤池配水渠水面高程沿程变化,造成滤池配水的不均匀。

    The water level of distribution trench of V shape filter fluctuates with the frictional energy lossed and changed of flow velocity energy .

  8. 特征能量损失谱研究InP(100)表面的氧吸附

    A study of oxygen adsorption of InP ( 100 ) surface by CLS

  9. 用θ、尾管直径和ΔP值计算风量,这种办法灵敏度高,装置简单、使用方便且能量损失小。

    Air volume flow can be determined by calculating parameters θ, d and Δ P. This method has advantages of high sensitivity , simple apparatus , easy operation and small energy loss .

  10. 常规采用ON-OFF运行尽管控制简单,但毕竟造成一定的能量损失。

    The conventional control way is on and off which has much energy loss .

  11. 使用扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜、电子能量损失谱和x射线光电子能谱对合成样品进行了结构和成分分析。

    The structure and composition of the CNTs are investigated by scanning electron microscopy , transmission electron microscopy , x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy ( EELS ) .

  12. 应用扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜、能量损失谱(EDS)和选区电子衍射(SAD)等方法对纳米线化学组成和结构进行了分析和表征。

    The nanowires are analyzed by scanning electron microscopy , transmission electron microscopy , energy dispersive spectroscopy and low-energy electron diffraction methods .

  13. 运用能量损失谱(EDS)及X射线荧光光谱(XRF)对薄膜进行了成分标定;

    The component of different thin film was characterized by energy disperse spectrum ( EDS ) and X-ray fluorescence ( XRF ) .

  14. 本文主要讨论了eA深度非弹性散射中喷注的能量损失问题。

    In this thesis , I would like to explore the parton energy loss in eA deeply inelastic scattering ( DIS ) .

  15. 最后,根据得到的坐标点数据和能量损失数据表,使用μ-随机抽样方法,抽样计算在DNA模型化了的2.3×2.3nm尺寸的小圆柱体内的能量沉积绝对频率分布。

    In the end , based on the coordinate point data and energy lose data , using the u-Random Sampling Method , the Absolute Frequency Distributions of Energy Deposition in DNA model can be got .

  16. 电子能量损失谱(Electronenergylossspectroscopy,简称EELS)是一种可以提供样品表面结构信息的表面分析方法。

    As a method of surface analysis , Electron energy loss spectroscopy ( EELS ) can provide structural information from a specimen . The corrosion resistance of uranium is greatly enhanced by alloying with niobium .

  17. 计算了~(238)U在此材料中的射程和限定能量损失率的能量关系。

    The relation between the energy of ~ ( 238 ) U and range and the relation between the energy and REL of ~ ( 238 ) U in it are calculated .

  18. 目前线性高速光纤通信系统和光孤子传输系统大多采用EDFA作为在线放大器来补偿光纤损耗导致的能量损失。

    At present , both linear high-speed optical fiber communication system and soliton transmission system are mostly using EDFA as in-line amplifier .

  19. FCC感应器能够使磁场集中在小范围作用区,从而实现对高温区施力,但其存在一定能量损失。

    The FCC actuator concentrates magnetic field into small region and is able to apply EM force in high temperature region . But its drawback is loss of energy .

  20. 利用俄歇电子能谱仪获取了表面清洁的铀及其在氧化过程中的电子能量损失谱(EELS),研究这些电子能量损失谱线显示:清洁表面铀的等离子损失的实验值与理论值较为符合;

    Electron energy loss spectroscopy ( EELS ) of uranium and its oxidation processes were studied by Auger electron spectroscopy .

  21. 在此基础上,本文以光伏系统能量损失最小为原则,利用VISUALBASIC6.0编制了光伏系统优化设计软件。

    On the principle of system energy loss minimum , a system optimal design is put forward and a optimal software is done with Visual Basic 6.0 , Which selects equitable the capacity of the photovoltaic array and storage battery .

  22. 通过电子能量损失谱(EELS)证明,Mo元素在原奥氏体晶界的偏聚能够提高钢的晶界结合强度。

    EELS ( electron energy loss spectra ) measurement indicates that the segregation of Mo in grain boundary tends to increase the strength of grain boundary .

  23. 核Drell-Yan过程中夸克的能量损失

    Energy Loss of Quark in Nuclear Drell-Yan Process

  24. MgF2与Alq3(八羟基喹啉)反应的高分辨电子能量损失谱研究

    High-resolution electron-energy-loss spectroscopy study on the reaction of MgF_2 with Alq_3 ( 8-hydroxy-quinoline ) aluminum

  25. 在QED和QCD的框架中许多的理论工作都着重讨论了多次散射诱导轫致辐射导致的能量损失。

    In the framework of QED and QCD many theoretical studies focus on radiative energy loss induced by the multiple scattering .

  26. 高能碰撞轻子对产生的核Drell-Yan过程中的能量损失

    Energy Loss Effect in High Energy Nuclear Drell-Yan Process with the Production of Lepton Pairs

  27. 高能p-A碰撞的碰撞几何、能量损失和横能分布

    On Collision Geometry , Energy Loss and Transverse Energy Distribution in High Energy p A Collisions

  28. GdBa2Cu3O(7-δ)超导薄膜的高分辨电子能量损失谱研究

    HREELS studied of the gdba_2cu_3o_ ( 7_ δ) thin films

  29. GHz频段的高频声表面波(SAW)器件,SAW波长很短(几个μm),基片表面粗糙、缺陷和晶界均容易造成散射产生能量损失。

    GHz band high-frequency surface acoustic wave ( SAW ) devices , SAW wavelength is very short ( several μ m ), substrate surface roughness , defects and grain boundaries are likely to cause scattered to produce energy loss .

  30. 由于经历了相对论修正的集体激发和两体碰撞两种主要的能量损失机制,使得侧月3在DT核中不断损失能量,并将能量全部沉积在靶中。

    The REB continuously loses energies when passing through the DT core because of experiencing two main energy-loss-mechanics such as the collective excitation and the two-body collision with relativistic modification .