
  • 网络eradicate prostitutes
  1. 近代中国废娼思想的历史考察

    A historical analysis on the abolition prostitution ideals in modern China

  2. 废娼与妇女解放的历史反思

    Historical Introspections on Abolition of Prostitution and Womens Emancipation

  3. 近代意义上的废娼思想产生于20世纪初。

    The modern abolition prostitution ideals arose in the early part of the 20th century .

  4. 秦淮空间重构中的国家权力与大众文化&以民国时期南京废娼运动为中心的考察

    On Popular Culture and State Power in the reconstruction of Qinhuai Space & From the Perspective of Banning Prostitutes Movement by Nanjing Government in Republican China

  5. 新婚姻法的宣传实施工作是与其它社会改革,如土地革命、禁烟禁毒运动、废娼运动、三反五反运动等同步开展的。

    Chinese people implemented the new marriage Law with other social reforms such as the agrarian revolution , the anti-smoking campaign , the abolitionist movement at the same time .