
  1. 应用GM(1,1)模型的简化算法预测废水排放量

    Forecast of waste water emission by simplified gm ( 1,1 ) model

  2. 以山东省工业废水排放量为例,建立了GM(1,1)高阶残差预测模型。

    As an example , such a model for predicting the discharge quantity of industrial wastewaters in Shandong province is developed .

  3. 用工业废水排放量预测地面水COD(Mn)灰色方法研究

    Study on grey method of forecasting for com_ ( mn ) in surface water by discharge amount of industrial waste water

  4. 其中TNT废水排放量最大,污染最严重。

    The TNT wastewater is the most polluted and pulled out most .

  5. 某市化工行业废水排放量的预测实例表明,本方法比GM(1,1)有着更好的预测效果。

    A case of predicting the discharge quantity of wastewater from chemical industry in a city shows that this method has the advantage over GM ( 1,1 ) in prediction effect .

  6. 登封市2002-2006年人均GDP与工业废水排放量、工业二氧化硫排放量指标二次多项式曲线拟合较好,符合环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)倒U型特征。

    The per capita GDP of Dengfeng from 2002 to 2006 conform with secondary polynomial curve of discharged volume of industrial waste , discharged volume of industrial SO2 .

  7. 基于此GIS系统,对淮南市水质现状进行客观评价,对废水排放量进行预测,合理划分水环境功能区以及水环境容量计算,对淮南市水环境进行合理规划。

    On the basis of the system , the water quality is assessed objectively , the effluent volume in the future is predicted , the water environmental functional district is planned , the water environment capacity is calculated and the water environment of HuaiNan City is planned rationally .

  8. 2005~2006年期间,江苏省部分环境指标开始出现拐点(如工业废水排放量、烟尘排放量、SO2排放量),环境问题有改善之趋。

    Second , during the period 2005 ~ 2006 , some environmental indicators of Jiangsu province have changed in the opposite direction , such as industrial wastewater emissions , dust emissions , sulfur dioxide emissions . There is the trend that environmental issues will be improved .

  9. 以废水排放量最小和焦化气吸收过程的优化设计为实例,进行了应用研究,均得到了令人满意的结果,证明MINLP模型用于废水网络和质量交换集成网络的优化是可行的;

    Application study has been carried out taking the optimum design of minimum waste water discharge and coker gas absorption process as examples and the satisfactory result obtained . It is proved that MINLP model is feasible to be used in waste water network and mass exchange integrated network .

  10. 研究发现:开封市工业三废污染物(如工业废水排放量、工业废气排放量、工业固体废弃物产生量)的EKC曲线均已过转折点,说明开封市工业三废污染状况开始向良性化方向发展。

    The result shows that the amount of discharged pollutants ( such as industrial waste water , industrial waste gas , industrial solid waste ) in Kaifeng city have got through the EKC curve turning point , which indicates that the environment condition is becoming better in Kaifeng city .

  11. 中国城镇生活废水排放量影响因素及情景分析

    Analysis of Scenario and Factors on China 's Urban Wastewater Emission

  12. 城市工业废水排放量灰色预测的研究

    The Quantity Grey Forecast of Our City Industrial Waste Emission

  13. 降低制浆中段废水排放量的措施

    Measures for Decreasing the Amount of the Pulping Medium Wastewater

  14. 2004年海南省的废水排放量为53854万吨;

    In 2004 , the discharge of Wastewater was 538.54 million tons .

  15. 工业废水排放量变化的密度效应和增长效应

    Density effect and increase effect of variation of discharge amount of industrial wastewater

  16. 工业废水排放量和治理投资费用的预测

    Prediction of Industrial Wastewater Discharge and Abatement Expenditure

  17. 化工废水排放量灰色预测新方法

    A New Grey Prediction Method for the Discharge Quantity of Wastewater from Chemical Industry

  18. 工业废水排放量减少,排放达标率呈上升趋势;

    The discharge of industrial waste water is reduced and the discharge rate is low ;

  19. 对淮河安徽段的人均废水排放量与经济发展间的关系,结合环境库兹涅茨曲线进行了研究,探求两者间的发展协调关系;

    Studies the harmonious relationship between wastewater discharge and economic development by environmental Kuznets Curve .

  20. 含氟废水排放量逐年增长,氟污染日益受到人们的关注。

    The effluent amount of fluorine and fluoride is on the increase with each passing day .

  21. 工业废水排放量有所减少,说明对工业用水及污水处理的监管比较有效,生活污水排放量逐年增加。

    Industrial wastewater emissions decreased , indicating that regulation of industrial water and wastewater treatment is effective .

  22. 在新建管道和原料储罐的除锈清洗中进行了应用,大大简化了清洗工序,清洗废水排放量减少4/5,达到理想的清洗效果。

    Also , satisfied effect has been gained in its application to new pipelines and raw material containers .

  23. 计算结果表明,产业和行业生产用水的调整可以减少废水排放量和实现经济增长。

    The results showed that suitable adjustment of sector and trade structures could reduce discharge of wastewater and promoted economic growth .

  24. 水夹点技术可以有效地节约过程工业的新鲜水用量,同时减少废水排放量。

    Application of water pinch technology can effectively save the fresh water in industry , and remarkably reduce the discharge of wastewater .

  25. 目前,随着工业废水排放量的迅速增加,废水处理问题的日益突出。

    At present , with the rapid increasing drainage of the industrial wastewater , the problem of wastewater treatment becomes more urgent .

  26. 随着城市人口增多,城市化水平的提高,城镇居民家庭生活废水排放量占全国废水排放总量的比例越来越大。

    With the increasing population in urban area and the development of urbanization , domestic wastewaters discharge an increasing proportion of the total .

  27. 改造后的铁厂用水网络新鲜水用量节约57.7%,废水排放量减少75.9%。

    After optimisation of water-using network in an iron works , freshwater can be reduced by 57.7 % and wastewater by 75.9 % .

  28. 印染废水排放量大,水质成分复杂,且含较多难生物降解的有机物。

    The discharge of printing and dyeing wastewater is of a great volume , with its complex composition including many non-biodegradable organic matters .

  29. 纺织印染工业废水排放量在全国工业废水排放总量中所占比重正逐年提高。

    The discharge of textile printing and dyeing industrial wastewater is increasing year by year in the total discharge of industrial wastewater around the country .

  30. 食品行业高浓度含油废水排放量大,有机物浓度高,对水资源造成很大的污染。

    The high strengthen oil containing wastewater with high concentrated organic contaminants , which charged from food industry , result in serious water resources pollution .