
  • 网络Waste minimization;Wastes Minimisation
  1. 为求解模型构成的混合整数非线性规划(MINLP)问题有针对性地开发了自适应模拟退火遗传算法(ASAGA),从而为定量化确定废物最小化最优操作方案提供了有效的工具。

    Finally , the adaptive simulated annealing genetic algorithms ( ASAGA ) are proposed aiming at solving the mixed integer non-linear programming ( MINLP ) problem of process synthesis , which is proven to be an effective tool to obtain the optimal operating project of waste minimization .

  2. 基于废物最小化的质量集成策略

    The Mass Integration Strategies Based on Waste Minimization

  3. 质量交换网络(MEN)综合是有效的废物最小化定量研究方法,国外对质量交换网络综合问题进行了许多研究工作,而在国内目前还鲜见报道。

    The synthesis of mass exchange network ( MEN ) is an effective approach for WM . Little study on MEN has been reported in domestic although many considerable advances are take in abroad .

  4. 废物最小化为目标的质量集成方法研究

    Study on Mass Integration for Waste Minimization

  5. 危险废物最小化原则浅析

    On the Principle of Hazardous Wastes Minimization

  6. 对废物最小化的经济性进行分析,指出它与传统工艺的差别和优越性;

    The economics of waste minimization is analyzed , which proves its advantage and difference from the traditional technology .

  7. 以工艺闭路循环思想为核心,结合现有的定性化方法和定量化方法,建立了过程废物最小化的集成框架;

    Based on the idea of closed loop recycle , the framework of process waste minimization is built , combining qualitative methods with quantitative method .

  8. 本文从废物最小化的发展过程出发,研究了废物最小化的内涵,废物最小化的层级和技术路径,探讨了实现废物最小化的基本途径。

    This paper research meaning , hierarchy and technical route of waste minimization , discuss the way that realize waste minimization by resource purchasing and controlling , production manner , treatment of toxicant and waste .

  9. 对废物最小化的定量化方法&质量交换网络综合、质量集成及其方法进行研究,并对质量集成问题建立超结构数学模型,以定量确定过程的废物最小化方案;

    The framework of waste minimization for the process industry is built . The quantitative methods of WM , synthesis of mass exchange networks and mass integration , are studied . Furthermore , the superstructure mathematical model is established .

  10. 它是通过最少的物质和能量消耗和最大限度地回收物质和能量实现最大设计效率,是废物最小化过程设计的基础。

    Process integration can provide that approach as it has the primary goal of maximizing the efficiency of design by minimizing the consumption of materials and energy . The overall strategy of waste minimization is discussed in this paper .

  11. 循环经济作为实施可持续发展的有效途径和手段,能实现城市废物排放最小化,实现资源利用最大化,是解决资源型城市工业经济可持续发展问题的理想途径。

    As an effective way of achieving sustainable development , the implementation of circular economy can minimize city waste and Maximize use of resources .

  12. 按照输入(资源)和输出(废物)都最小化的原则提出了城市的生态环境循环系统。

    In accordance with the principle of minimizing the inputs ( resources ) and output ( waste ), the circulation system of ecological environment in city is proposed .

  13. 通过物质、能量和水的集成,实现社会、经济、环境利益相协调和废物排放的最小化。

    In this EIP , society , economy and environment are in harmony among themselves and the waste let-off was minimized by the integrity of materials , energy and water .

  14. 其次对绿色过程合成的模型化和算法的研究进展进行了详细论述,介绍了其在废物(水)最小化、分离系统集成等方面的应用;

    The modeling and algorithms for green process synthesis and optimization design have been reviewed .