
  • 网络epr;extended producer responsibility;extended producer responsibility regime
  1. 在这种背景下,研究生产者责任延伸制度有着重要的意义。

    Under the background , it is important to study the meaning of " EPR " .

  2. 论文的第一部分为生产者责任延伸制度的理论分析。

    Part One is the academic analysis of EPR .

  3. 电子废物管理中生产者责任延伸制度及对策研究

    Responsibility Extending System of Producer and Control Measure in Electronic Waste Management

  4. 小康社会视阈下的生产者责任延伸制度解构

    Study on the System of Extended Producer Responsibility under the Moderately Prosperous Society

  5. 生产者责任延伸制度在电子废弃物管理中的探讨

    Role of Extended Producer Responsibility in the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Management

  6. 论生产者责任延伸制度概念的淆乱与矫正

    Discussion on Confusion and Correction for the Concept of Extended Producer Responsibility Regime

  7. 生产者责任延伸制度实施方式差异及绩效评价

    Differences in Implementation Means of Extended Producer Responsibility System and Evaluation of the Performance

  8. 生产者责任延伸制度立法的探讨

    Discussion on Legislating Extended ProdUcer Responsibility

  9. 生产者责任延伸制度在德国、荷兰、瑞典、比利时、挪威、日本等国家得到了成功。

    EPR system achieves success in Germany , Holland , Sweden , Belgium , Norway and Japan .

  10. 从环境经济学理论上说,环境押金制度建立在环境外部不经济性和生产者责任延伸制度的基础上。

    On economic theory , environmental deposit is built on environmental negative externality and extended producer responsibility .

  11. 在生产者责任延伸制度下,生产型企业需要制定接受退货和实施回收的策略。

    The manufacturing enterprises need to establish accepting returned goods and implementing the recycling strategy under extended producer responsibility .

  12. 生产者责任延伸制度作为一项全新的废弃物管理制度,是一项环境保护战略。

    The extended producer responsibility ( EPR ) system as a new waste disposal system , is an environmental protection strategy .

  13. 第三部分以固体废物管理为视角,分析我国关于生产者责任延伸制度立法的现状以及存在的诸多问题。

    The third part through the view of Solid waste pollution to analyze the present and many problems of " EPR " .

  14. 在产品的生命周期理论论述中,本文着重介绍了与生产者责任延伸制度密切相关的产品生命周期分析方法。

    During the discussion of the LCA theory , the LCA method which is of close relationship with EPR is the core .

  15. 生产者责任延伸制度的建立与实施将成为废弃产品的生产负外部性内部化的有力手段。

    The establishment and implementation of EPR regime can be a powerful means to internalize negative externality of the production of waste products .

  16. 本文的研究目的就是要通过借鉴国外的先进经验,结合我国的具体国情,探讨如何在我国构建生产者责任延伸制度。

    The purpose of this research is to approach how to establish EPR in our country by learning the advanced experience of foreign countries .

  17. 从法理学角度来说,环境押金制度是建立在环境权、国家环境管理权和生产者责任延伸制度的基础上。

    From the perspective of jurisprudence , environmental deposit system is built on the base of environmental right , national environmental management and extended producer responsibility system .

  18. 不论是从国际趋势看,还是从国内固体废物污染的现状来说,生产者责任延伸制度是我国经济可持续发展的重要保障。

    From both the outside tendency and the inside state of Solid waste pollution , " EPR " is the necessary safeguard for the economic sustainable development .

  19. 其次,介绍了本文用到的相关基本理论,从逆向物流产生到生产者责任延伸制度的发展与应用。

    The second part describes the basic theory related to this paper , arising from the reverse logistics system to the implementation and application of the Extended Producer Responsibility .

  20. 相对电子废物的传统管理模式,生产者责任延伸制度是将产品生产者的责任延伸到产品的整个生命周期,是一种先进的管理模式。

    The responsibility extending system of producer , an advanced model comparing with traditional waste management , is to extend producer 's responsibility to whole life cycle of the product .

  21. 第二部分阐述我国生产者责任延伸制度的立法的历程及实施现状,提出目前存在的问题和困境。

    Writer summarized its characteristics for our reference . The second part describes the system of extended producer responsibility legislation and implementation of China , and list the existing problems .

  22. 第二部分分析了国外生产者责任延伸制度相关立法及实践,以此来探索我国生产者责任延伸制度的立法方向。

    The second part introduces the related legislation and practices of " EPR " in foreign countries in order to find the direct way of " EPR " in our countries .

  23. 本文分析了引进生产者责任延伸制度对于我国发展循环经济的重要意义,并对我国如何建立和实施生产者责任延伸制度提出了具体的建议。

    The article analyzes that " EPR " is very important for the development of " Circular economy ", and it gives some suggestions to establish " EPR " in our country .

  24. 生产者责任延伸制度的主要内容在于产品的生产者要对产品承担绿色设计、清洁生产以及产品报废以后的回收、处理及再利用的责任。

    The main content of the extended producer responsibility ( EPR ) includes that the producer needs to be responsible for green design , clean production and reprocessing and reusing the end-of-life product .

  25. 本部分分析了产品服务系统的激励机制、产品服务系统与商业流程外包的关系,以及产品服务系统与生产者责任延伸制度的联系。

    This chapter analyzes the incentive mechanism of PSS , the relationship of PSS and Business Process Outsourcing ( BPO ), and the relationship of PSS and Extended Producer Responsibility ( EPR ) .

  26. 第一部分制度构建中,笔者以我国现有法律制度为依据,并结合其不足之处,界定且完善了我国生产者责任延伸制度的责任主体、内容、实施对象、回收体系和诉讼机制。

    In the first part of the system , writer defined the extended producer responsibility system , the main responsibilities , content , implementation of the object , recycling system and litigation patterns .

  27. 除序言和结论部分外,本文共分四个部分对固体废物管理中生产者责任延伸制度问题进行了初步的探索。

    Apart from the prelude and the conclusion , this article is divided into four parts concerning with the system of the Extended Producer 's Responsibility ( EPR ) in the management of solid waste .

  28. 生产者责任延伸制度的出现将传统的生产者责任扩展到产品生命周期后的处理阶段,提高了资源的利用率,纠正了上述的不合理现象。

    The system of EPR extended the responsibility of producers from traditional stage to the stage after the life cycle of the product . This system can improve the utilization of resources and can correct the unreasonable situation above .

  29. 在一定理论基础上建立健全我国的生产者责任延伸制度对于保障我国废弃物的回收处置和再资源化利用,对于建设资源节约型社会和环境友好型社会具有重要的意义。

    Establishing and perfecting the system of extended producer responsibility on the basis of some theoretical basis are very important to ensure the recycling and disposal and re-use of resources in China and to construct the economical society and environment-friendly society .

  30. 发达国家完善的垃圾分类回收制度、生产者责任延伸制度、环境押金制度、公众参与制度,使这些国家生活垃圾产量不断减少、资源回收率不断提高。

    Developed countries to improve waste separation and recovery system , the system of extended producer responsibility , environmental deposit system , public participation in the system , so that these countries continue to reduce waste production , resource recovery rate continues to increase .