
  • 网络industrial fumes
  1. 即使工业烟尘产生量增长50%,因其处理率现目前维持在较高水平(95%左右),其排放量也只增长2.5%,所以,工业烟尘排放量与其GDP之间表现为倒U型曲线后期的平衡阶段。

    As the abatement were in high level ( about 95 % ), the discharge only increase 2.5 % even if the industrial soot generation increase 50 % , . Thus , the relationship between industrial soot discharge and GDP were in the stage of balance .

  2. 工业烟尘黑度自动监测系统的研制

    Industrial Smoke Automatic Monitoring System

  3. 其中工业烟尘排放量841.2万吨,生活烟尘排放量217.9万吨。

    The amount of the industrial smoke dust discharge is 8.412 million tons and the amount of the daily lives is 2.179 million tons .

  4. GB/T9079-1988工业炉窑烟尘测试方法250t转炉烟气干法除尘工艺应用

    Determination of the smoke and dust of industrial kiln and furnace Application of dry dedusting process in 250 t converter

  5. 燃煤工业锅炉烟尘排放控制对策

    Soot Emission Control Countermeasure of Coal-Fired Industry Boilers

  6. 工业炉窑烟尘净化所采用的大型袋式除尘器以长袋低压脉冲清灰袋式除尘器为主。

    Large bag filter used in purification of industrial kilns dust is mainly long bag and low-pressure pulse-jet bag filter .

  7. 本文介绍了有色冶炼,化工制酸排放SO2,水泥生产中排放粉尘及钢铁工业排放烟尘的排放系数及计算方法。

    The emission coefficient of SO2 from non-ferrous metal smelting industry , dust from cement producing industry , flue dust from iron and steel industry and the calculation methods are introduced in this paper .

  8. 工业窑炉的烟尘治理

    Smoke Prevention and Dust Control in Industrial Furnace

  9. 工业油炉的烟尘特征及焦壳类烟尘的治理研究

    Soot Characteristics of Oil Fired Boilers and Ways of Dealing with Cake Shell Type of Soot

  10. 其主要污染源为工业粉尘、烟尘,机动车排放的尾气,建筑施工及道路交通产生的尘污染。

    Its main pollution sources were industrial dust , smoke dust , exhaust emission and construction and traffic dust .

  11. 本文结合工程设计实例,从设计主要内容,主要设备,技术经济指标等方面论述了工业硅电炉烟尘治理及微硅粉回收。

    The paper describes the harness of soot from industrial silicon furnace and the recovery of micro silicon powder from the points of the engineering , main equipment and techno-economic indexes combined with practical projects .

  12. 介绍了一种以工业废渣-炼钢烟尘为主要原料,辅以化工厂废硫酸而制成高效无机絮凝剂-聚合硫酸铁(PFS)的新方法。

    A new method for synthesizing polymeric ferric sulfate ( PFS ) which main material are waste sulphuric acid and offscum .

  13. 浅谈工业硅厂电炉烟尘治理及微硅粉回收工程设计

    Brief discussion on the harness of soot from industrial silicon furnace and the recovery of micro silicon powder

  14. 随着工农业的发展,特别是工业的发展,烟尘的危害也越来越严重。

    As the industrial and agricultural development , especially in industrial development , the hazards of dust have also become increasingly serious .

  15. 工业二氧化硫、工业烟尘、工业粉尘排放量与城市化各自耦合曲线和工业废气的耦合曲线相似,他们的互动关系也都进入了磨合阶段。

    Industrial SO2 , industrial soot , dust emissions and urbanization , industrial waste has their own respective coupling curve ; their relationship is in the break-in stage .

  16. 研究表明,中心城区中污染行业能源消耗以煤炭为主,工业源排放的烟尘粉尘与交通源的尾气和扬尘是大气重金属的主要来源,其次为生活排放源和秸秆焚烧带来的。

    The research indicated that the major polluting industries by the coal-based energy structure , the dust emissions from industrial sources and the transportation sources of dust emissions was the main source of heavy metals in the atmosphere , the following was the life emission sources and straw burning sources .

  17. 对三资企业而言,技术、规模、结构的变化对工业废水、二氧化硫、工业烟尘和工业粉尘排放的影响是一致的,而对固体废弃物的影响则不同。

    For foreign-funded enterprise is concerned , the technology , the scale , structure changes on the industry waste water , sulfur dioxide , industrial smoke and industrial dust emissions is consistent , and the influence of solid waste is different .

  18. 化学工业炉砌筑技术条件GB/T9079-1988工业炉窑烟尘测试方法

    Technical requirements for brickwork of chemical furnace Determination of the smoke and dust of industrial kiln and furnace

  19. 通过对燃煤工业锅炉在不同负荷情况下的烟尘排放测试,探讨了低负荷间歇运行燃煤工业锅炉的烟尘排放规律。

    The discharge rules of dust from coal fried boilers under the condition of low-load and intermittent operation are studied .

  20. 钢铁厂工业区周边土壤铅污染主要由于工业废气(烟尘)扩散沉降和废水灌溉引起;

    Furthermore , the Pb contamination of soil is mainly caused by industry waste gas ( mist and dust ) diffusion and the irrigation of farmland by waste water .

  21. 自1992年以来,西安市的工业废水、工业废气排放量和工业固体废弃物的产生量总体趋势都在不断的减少.大气中的SO2和工业烟尘趋于减少;

    Since 1992 the discharge of industrial waste 、 industrial gas and solid waste was being decreasing continually .