
  • 网络Worksharing;work sharing
  1. 同样,硬编码的脚本令过程更加难于改变,因此,可以将工作共享,或在分布式团队中重新分配。

    In the same way , hard-coded scripts make it more difficult for processes to shift so work can be shared or reallocated across distributed teams .

  2. 现阶段的电子商务模式对于B2B电子商务是较为低效的,这是因为企业与企业之间并没有有效地协同工作、共享信息资源。

    EC of now has low efficiency to B2B , because there is no effective cooperation and information share between the enterprises .

  3. 协同工作环境共享白板的设计与实现

    A shared whiteboard for cooperation environment and its implementation

  4. 将图片添加到此图片库以便与工作组共享。

    Share a picture with the team by adding it to this picture library .

  5. 所有开发人员在同一个源代码库下工作,共享基础架构。

    All developers work out of a ~ single source depot ; shared infrastructure !

  6. 业务流程的执行需要多用户参与、协同工作、共享敏感信息和资源。

    The performance of business process needs numbers of users to cooperate and share sensitive information and recourses .

  7. 对于传统线程池的细粒度任务,也存在所有工作线程共享的任务队列发生争用的情况。

    Fine-grained tasks in conventional thread pools can also generate excessive contention for the task queue shared among all workers .

  8. 系统的技术难点是如何使系统能够与其它两个系统(人力资源系统和假期管理系统)协同工作,共享数据;

    This system 's difficult points are how to make system communicate with other two systems and share the data ;

  9. 互操作技术是目前实现我国信息系统协调工作、共享信息的核心技术,信息系统互操作协作机制又是互操作技术需要解决的核心问题。

    Interoperability coordination mechanism of information systems is one of the core issues that need to be resolved in the interoperable technology .

  10. 我们的测试小组和开发小组是分布式的,而且我们还未发现一个好的方法以协调测试工作并共享结果。

    Our test team and development teams are distributed , and we haven 't found a good way to coordinate test activities and share results .

  11. 多任务在同一台计算机上分时运行让用户使用计算机更为方便灵活,允许多项工作同时共享同一台计算机资源。

    More than one tasks running on a same computer provides users convenience and flexibility and allows many jobs to share resources on one single computer .

  12. 任何人都能够通过检入和检出工作区域共享测试文件,任何团队成员都能够在任何时间对其进行更新。

    Anyone can share testing files by checking in and out from the work area , which can be updated at any time by team members .

  13. “发送到”命令便于组织中的用户与其他工作组共享信息,或者将信息发布到一个中心位置。

    The send to command makes it easy for people in an organization to share information with other teams or to publish information to a central location .

  14. 石油天然气开发行业面临着庞大地质信息的可视化分析、不同行业人员协同工作、共享信息资源的困难和挑战。

    It has been the main challenge for the oil and natural gas exploitation industry to analysis geological information visually and to have personals from different background to efficiently coordinate and share information .

  15. 基金会以前曾提出过相似的对策,该组织称,这个行动意味着人们有更多的时间思考他们对于环境的影响,也使工作得以共享。

    The foundation has previously suggested a similar strategy and said the move would mean people had more time to think about the effect they are having on the environment and that it would allow for job sharing .

  16. 现在,这两个LPAR的工作集大于共享内存池大小。

    The working set of both LPARs is now larger than the shared memory pool size .

  17. 因此,IDA与ODA在共享shell的环境中一起工作,shell共享环境中存在IDA会增强ODA。

    IDA thus works with ODA together in one shell shared environment , and ODA is strengthened by IDA 's presence in the shell shared environment .

  18. P2P技术在分布式计算、协作工作、文件共享等领域有着广泛的应用,但是,P2P网络本身也存在安全的缺陷。

    P2P technology is widely applied in many fields , such as distributed computing , cooperative work , and file sharing , etc. However , there are many secure flaws in P2P network .

  19. 假如您正在一个团队环境中工作并在共享您的代码,那么Eclipse工具会负责将文件从正确的目录登记到源代码控制存储库内。

    If you 're working in a team environment and sharing your code , the Eclipse tools will take care of checking the files in from the correct directory into the source-control repository .

  20. 计算机支持同步协同工作中应用共享机制的研究

    Study on Mechanism of Application Sharing in Computer Supported Synchronous Cooperative Work Systems

  21. 列表是您与工作组成员共享的信息集合。

    A list is a collection of information that you share with team members .

  22. 目的探讨隐性护理知识在临床护理工作中的共享方法。

    Objective To investigate the sharing methods of recessive nursing knowledge in clinical nursing .

  23. 各模块之间相对独立工作、数据共享,实现联动控制。

    Every module works independently , shares data continuously , and achieves linkage controlling .

  24. 因此协同工作和资源共享是织女星个人网格提供的主要功能。

    Resource sharing and cooperative work is the main capability VEGA PG provides for applications .

  25. 网络协同工作的应用共享机制

    Mechanism of application sharing for CSCW applications

  26. 工作组是共享网络上相同文件的一组用户。

    A workgroup is a group of users who share the same files on a network .

  27. 积极开展培训工作,推动共享工程持续发展&贵州省文化共享工程培训工作综述

    Do Training Work and Promote the Development of Sharing Project & Guizhou Culture Sharing Project Work in Brief

  28. 维和是一项艰巨困难的工作,而共享最佳实践是保证维和工作取得成功的最好方法。

    Peacekeeping is a delicate and difficult task but the best way to ensure success is to share best practice .

  29. 合唱团于1947年成立,那时候,联合国的有些工作人员渴望共享彼此国家的音乐,于是走到了一起。

    The choir was founded in1947 by staff members who wanted to get together to share music from each others'countries .

  30. 只有完成的更改集才能与其他流和工作区进行共享;交付操作会自动完成所有正在交付的更改集。

    Only completed change sets may be shared with other streams and workspaces ; Deliver automatically completes all change sets being delivered .