
  • 网络opportunistic network;opportunity network
  1. 机会网络具有延时容忍网络(delaytolerantnetwork,DTN)的一般特征,它是利用节点移动带来的相遇机会实现通信的新型自组织网络模型,其目标是为了解决频繁间断网络中的数据通讯问题。

    Opportunistic Networks is a novel self-organizing network model with the general characteristics of the Delay Tolerant Network and it utilizes the encounter opportunities arising from node movement to implement communications and aims at resolving the data communication problem for the frequent interruption network .

  2. 可控性差和资源受限等特点极大地制约着机会网络的性能。

    Characters such as poor controllability and resource limitation have greatly restricted the performance of opportunistic networks .

  3. 为了提高机会网络中报文递交的可靠性,DTN常采用多拷贝路由机制来增加报文到达信宿节点的概率。

    In order to improve packet delivery reliability of this opportunistic network , DTN uses multi-copy mechanism to increase the packet delivery probability .

  4. 为此,提出了一种以人为载体的机会网络协作缓存优化策略:HMP-Cache。

    Therefore , a cooperative caching policy based on human mobility patterns is proposed , which is referred as HMP-Cache .

  5. 一种基于社区机会网络的消息传输算法

    A Message Transmission Scheme for Community-Based Opportunistic Network

  6. 基于源定向中继的机会网络编码的研究与实现

    Opportunistic coding based on source directed relay

  7. 机会网络是一种全新的组网技术,以能够容忍网络分裂和连接中断为特征。

    Opportunistic Networking is a novel technique for networking , characterized by its ability of tolerating connection disruption and network partition .

  8. 组一个不那么正式的团体,你可以和他们交谈并得到建议,这会对你做决定有所帮助,同时帮你扩展机会网络。

    Having an informal group of people that you talk with and get their input will enhance your decision making and also broaden your available network of opportunities .

  9. 机会网络是一种无线自组织网络,在实际的应用环境中,这种网络大部分时候不连通。

    Opportunistic networks is one kind of wireless ad hoc networks , in many realistic application environment , nodes form a disconnected network for most of the time .

  10. 由于机会网络节点采用缓存-移动-转发的机制进行数据通信,这就需要对于协作缓存、缓存替换、路由以及支持移动性的底层通信协议等方面进行全面地考虑。

    It needs to think about cooperative cache , cache replacement , routing and MAC layer protocol and so on because nodes adopt " cache-move-forward " mode to communication .

  11. 在机会网络中,受限于节点的动态特性,要获得整个网络的完全信息几乎是不可能的,节点也就难以实现完美理性。

    Because in opportunistic network , it is impossible to acquire perfect information due to highly dynamic movement of nodes , in result nodes can not behave totally rationally .

  12. 主要创新点可总结如下:首先,在多用户多中继系统模型下,本文提出了一种基于机会网络编码的协作传输方案。

    The major contributions of this dissertation can be summarized below . Firstly , in a multi-user multi-relay system , a cooperative scheme based on opportunistic network coding is proposed .

  13. 与其他移动网络仅将用户移动模型作为仿真实验中的一个基础组件不同,机会网络中用户移动模型具有更加重要的基础性作用,涉及到网络研究的方方面面。

    User mobility models contribute more fundamentally and significantly to opportunistic network research than other mobile networks research which only take a nodal mobility model as a basic component in simulators .

  14. 机会网络是一种不需要源节点和目标节点之间存在完整的通信链路,利用节点移动带来的相遇机会实现数据通信的自组织网络。

    Opportunistic network is self-organization Network that utilizes the mobile node contact opportunity to achieve data communications . It does not require one complete communication path exists between source and destination .

  15. 作为一种全新的组网方式,它突破了传统网络对于延迟和传输率的限制,使得机会网络在很多领域有着巨大的应用潜力。

    As a new Network formation , it breaks through the data latency and transfer rate restrictions of traditional networks . Therefore , Opportunistic network has great potential applications in many areas .

  16. 机会网络利用节点的移动性来建立不能保证实时连通的链路,这是非全连通网络环境下的信息通信手段。

    Opportunistic networks make use of the mobility of nodes to establish links whose connections cannot be guaranteed . That is the basic communication method in the environment which is not all connected .

  17. 然而应用于传统的移动自组织网络的路由协议要求源节点和目的节点之间至少存在一条完整的路径,因此这些传统的路由协议无法在机会网络环境中工作。

    However , the routing protocols used in traditional Mobile Ad Hoc Networks require at least one path existing from source to destination nodes . In consequence , these protocols can not work in Opportunistic Networks environment .

  18. 最近的研究提出,可以考虑通过设立一些静态的基础设施节点来建立区域化的机会网络结构,以提高数据共享程度,减少节点存储压力。

    According to recent studies , we can make effort to improve the performance of data sharing and reduce the storage pressure of nodes by setting up some static infrastructures and building up clustered opportunistic network architectures .

  19. 在机会网络中,不同的节点并非均匀混合分布,而节点之间相遇概率也并非均匀分布,通常某个节点只会与其通信范围内的节点进行博弈,并非与所有节点都存在竞争合作的关系。

    And different kinds of nodes are not well mixed , and the chances to meet each other are not homogeneous distribution , each node only competes in a game with the nodes in its transmission range .

  20. 通过查阅大量文献,对现有的机会网络路由机制进行分类,本文研究重点主要放在基于计划的机会网络路由机制上,并且分析了现有的基于计划的研究现状。

    Through consulting massive literature to classify the routing mechanism of existing opportunities network . This paper focuses on the plan of routing mechanism of the opportunity network , and analysis the present research situation of plan which existed .

  21. 机会网络完全是由用户所携带的无线设备构成的,因此用户的移动模式是网络体系结构设计以及各种协议性能评价中必须重点考虑的因素。

    Since an opportunistic network consists exclusively of wireless devices carried by users , user mobility pattern must be considered as a factor of significance in designing the architecture of the network and in evaluating the performance of various protocols .

  22. 在数据发送时,算法采用分组交织思想分散数据包;在数据接收时,利用机会网络中传输数据自相关性强的特点,用插值法恢复丢失的数据。

    While sending data , algorithm can disperse data packets through the thought of interweaving transport , while receiving data , because data in opportunistic networks have a trait of autocorrelation , by using interpolation the lost data can be recovered .

  23. 在存储方面,机会网络中的信息需要被节点存储-携带-转发,在网络连通性差或者节点的数据请求过多时,节点将面临巨大的存储压力。

    Information in opportunistic networks needs to be stored moved and transmitted by nodes . Nodes have to face a huge storage pressure if the connection situation of the network is poor or there are too many data requests at the same time .

  24. 本论文主要针对移动自组网的分簇体系架构、服务发现协议和机会网络等关键技术问题展开研究。论文的第一部分工作主要针对移动自组网中的层次拓扑结构进行设计。

    This paper mainly focuses on the research of cluster ? architecture , service-oriented MANET and the opportunistic network , which are some key issues for the MANET . In the first part of this paper , the topology structure of MANET is discussed .

  25. 然后回顾了机会网络中典型的路由协议以及各自的优缺点,现存的路由协议都依赖于一种假设,即每个中间节点愿意为其他节点转发消息。

    Secondly , typical routing protocols for opportunistic network as well as their respective advantages and disadvantages are reviewed . As the existing routing protocols for DTNs rely on the assumption that each individual node is willing to help in forwarding messages for other nodes .

  26. 本文研究了针对各种移动网络提出的多种节点移动模型,并通过分析人类移动特征提出了一个较全面的评价机会网络中用户移动模型的体系和标准。

    On the basis of studying a number of nodal mobility models suggested for various mobile networks , and of analyzing characteristics of human movement , in this thesis , a general framework and standard of evaluation of user mobility models for opportunistic networks is proposed .

  27. 中继节点采取以弱化iLT编码及机会式网络编码相结合的方式,使其同时达到路由转发和编码的功能。

    On the other hand , relay nodes combine weaken iLT coding and opportunistic network coding , finishing routing and coding in the meantime .

  28. 很多人那么无知,是因为他们没有机会接触网络等获取新知的途径。

    Many are ignorant because they never had the opportunities , like being connected , to be informed .

  29. 在一定条件下,提出的算法都可以使广播传输的平均传输带宽达到基于机会式网络编码传输方法的最佳值。

    The proposed algorithm can make the average transmission bandwidth achieve the best one of network coding-based transmission schemes under certain conditions .

  30. 将机会式网络编码技术应用于丢包的重传,并采用高效的丢包组合策略生成重传包。

    The ONC is applied to the retransmission of lost packets , and an efficient combination strategy is introduced to generate the retransmission packet .