
  • 网络rote memorizing
  1. 学习能力在青少年时期不断增长,中年之后则缓慢下降,这是由于感知能力和机械识记能力等认知心理活动能力下降所致。

    But the ability of learning is gradually decreasing after middle age .

  2. 关于意义识记与机械识记发展过程的特点的研究

    A Research on the Characteristics of the Developmental Process of Meaningful Memory and Machanical Memory

  3. 本研究是用实验室实验方法研究意义识记与机械识记发展过程的特点。

    The research studies the characteristics of the developmental process of meaningful memory and machanical memory by experimental method .

  4. 因此本文所作的关于机械识记能力与语言学能倾向的相关性研究在外语学习与教学领域中有一定的现实意义。

    Therefore , the correlational research on rote learning ability and foreign language aptitude is of significance to the field of foreign language learning and teaching .

  5. 但是作为其要素之一的机械识记能力的测试以及它与外语学习能力之间的相关性研究在中国却不尽如人意。

    But the measurement of the rote learning ability and the correlational research on rote learning ability and foreign language aptitude have undergone unsatisfactory development in China .

  6. 设计主要是依据顿肯·哈里斯在其专著《学习方法检测及评估》中提出的针对机械识记能力可用的检测依据。

    The designing is mainly based on the method specifically to measure rote learning ability , proposed by Duncan Harris in his masterpiece Evaluating and Assessing for Learning .

  7. 本研究从心理语言学的角度出发,结合心理学范畴中的记忆及机械识记的概念,以设计的研究题目对被试进行测试。

    This thesis is from the psycholinguistic perspective , joint with the definition of memory and rote learning ability in the category of psychology and aims to test the subjects with the measurements devised in the experiment .