
  • 网络Rick O'shea;a circus clown;circus freak
  1. 你是物理学家,不是马戏团小丑。

    Well , you 're a physicist , not a circus clown .

  2. 人们紧紧地围着一个马戏团小丑,我想挤进去,但没做到。

    People had crowded around a circus clown . I tried to edge in but I failed .

  3. clown:小丑llama:美洲驼你记得吗?她30岁生日时的马戏团小丑和他的美洲驼?goover:[美国口语]大受欢迎;

    Your remember her , uh , 30th birthday with the clown and his llama ? -

  4. 马戏团小丑:来马戏团看我表演吧!

    Circus : Go to the circus , watch my performance !

  5. 我觉得是两个跳舞的马戏团小丑。

    I 'm thinking two circus clowns dancing .

  6. 你记得吗?她30岁生日时的马戏团小丑和他的美洲驼?

    Your remember her , uh , 30th birthday with the clown and his llama ?

  7. 我们是相信留长发和穿马戏团小丑一般的衣服可以结束越南战争的一代。

    We were the generation that believed we could stop the Vietnam War by growing our hair long and dressing like circus clowns .

  8. 他们将传奇的疯帽子变成了一个身材瘦长的,如同马戏团小丑一样的男子;他因中毒而发狂,说话总是夹杂着谜语和嗤嗤傻笑,就像一个女学生一样。

    They transformed the legendary Hatter into a gangly , circus clown , a man driven crazy by poison , who speaks in riddles and giggles like a school girl .

  9. 马戏团的小丑善于踩着高跷走和跑。

    Circus clowns are experts at walking and running on stilts .

  10. 马戏团的小丑们相互将一桶桶白涂料倒向对方。

    The circus clowns dashed buckets of white wash over each other .

  11. 马戏团的小丑出现时大家都笑了。

    Everybody laughed when the circus clown made his appearance .

  12. 马戏团的小丑总是能给孩子们带来欢乐。

    Circus clowns can always give joy to children .

  13. 孩子们被马戏团的小丑逗乐了。

    The children were amused by the circus clown . ( They laughed . )

  14. 一天,马戏团的小丑阿奇走进一家鞋店,他想买一双新鞋。

    One day Archie Clown went into a shoe shop to buy a new pair of shoes .

  15. 马戏团要是没有小丑就不叫马戏团了!

    A circus is not a circus without clowns !

  16. 所有的孩子们都盼望能见到马戏团中的小丑。

    All the children looked forward to seeing the clown of the circus .

  17. 当盖·拉里伯特召集了一帮子演员开始创建太阳马戏团的时候,他还只是一个高中文化程度的马戏团小丑。

    Guy Laliberte was a high-school-educated circus clown from Quebec when he led a collective of performers to start Cirque du Soleil .