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  1. 全年频繁的伤病更增加了马晓旭的痛苦。

    Frequent injuries throughout the year added to Ma 's misery .

  2. 外交部发言人马晓旭称“中国尊重利比亚人民的选择”。

    " China respects the choice of the Libyan people ," Ma Zhaoxu , spokesman for the ministry , said in a statement .

  3. 我唯一感到遗憾的事情是马晓旭的受伤。我希望她一切正常,尽早归队。

    The only thing I feel sorry for is Ma 's injury . I hope she will be OK and come back soon .

  4. 多哈:同样具备着些许老成的熟练技巧、精干的性格和浑然天成的力量,将马晓旭和鲁尼相提并论比不令足球爱好者们惊讶。

    DOHA : With precocious skills , dynamic personality and raw strength , it 's little surprise fans are comparing China 's top female footballer Ma Xiaoxu to Wayne Rooney .