
  • Ma Lin;【人名】Mariyn
  1. 这一点应该会让主张重新启用法郎的马琳勒庞(marinelepen)和她的国民阵线(nationalfront)受益。

    This ought to benefit marine Le Pen and the national front , who want a return to the franc .

  2. 反自由的民主主义者,如法国的马琳.勒庞(MarineLePen)和德国新选择党(AfD),将在2017年选举前受到鼓舞。

    Illiberal democrats such as Marine Le Pen in France and the AfD in Germany will take heart ahead of elections in 2017 .

  3. 投票站出口民调显示,极右翼国民阵线(nationalfront)得票率约为14%,低于该党党魁马琳勒庞(marinelepen)在总统选举中18%的得票率。

    The exit polls showed the far-right National Front winning about 14 per cent of the vote , less than the 18 per cent achieved by marine Le Pen , the party leader , in the presidential election .

  4. 明年大选,我们或许将看到奥朗德、前总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)——我们已经看过的两场糟糕电影——对垒极右翼的马琳勒庞(MarineLePen)——令人不堪设想的恐怖电影。

    Next year 's election may pit Hollande and former president Nicolas Sarkozy - two bad films we 've already seen - against the far right 's Marine Le Pen , a horror movie that surely won 't get made .

  5. 中国乒乓球明星马琳、或美国游泳名将迈克尔菲尔普斯(michaelphelps)等奥运会冠军,成为万众瞩目的焦点,但他们是站在各自领域整个国家巨大实力和潜力的巅峰。

    Olympic champions such as Ma Lin , the Chinese table tennis star , or Michael Phelps , the US swimmer , take the limelight , but they are the pinnacle of a tremendous strength and depth of the entire country in their disciplines .

  6. 她在佛罗里达住了30年,其中28年是寡居,大部分时候她坚称,她只有“在骨灰盒里”才会回到故乡密歇根,但是现在她让大女儿、我的姨妈马琳(Marlene)给她在底特律附近找一个阳光灿烂的地方。

    After 30 years of living in Florida , 28 of them as a widow , and most of those spent insisting that the only way she 'd go back to her native Michigan was " in a box , " Nanna asked her older daughter , my Aunt Marlene , to find her a sunny place near Detroit .

  7. 在第29届奥运会上,马琳战败了王浩。

    In the29th Olympics , Ma Lin beat Wang Hao .

  8. 走进去之后,马琳看到的是一个没有床和家具的房间。

    Ma was shown into an apartment stripped of beds and furniture .

  9. 她明天能给我安排5分钟跟马琳见面。

    She can get me five minutes with him tomorrow .

  10. 马琳诉杨军案以后将成为香港法院援引的重要判例。

    MLv YJ will become the important precedents cited by Hong Kong courts .

  11. 马琳坐了下来,开始学习英语单词。

    Ma sat down to study English vocabulary .

  12. 我认为博萨不会好好听取马琳的建议的。

    I don 't think Bertha wil take Marlin 's advice in good part .

  13. 马琳中国人民大学副教授,比利时鲁汶大学哲学博士,列席。

    Ma Lin Associate Professor , School of Philosophy , Renmin University of China .

  14. 他与马琳搭档还获得了07年世界乒乓球冠军赛男子双打冠军。

    He also won the2007 World Table Tennis Championship in men 's doubles with Ma Lin.

  15. 我的中国名字是马琳,但你可以打电话给我摇滚,我的英文名字。

    My Chinese name is Ma Lin , but you can call me Rock , my English name .

  16. 马琳与王皓反手拉结合正手拉步法运用特点分析

    A comparative analysis of footwork of Ma Lin and Wang Hao in combining backhand lifting and forehand lifting

  17. 对马琳在第二十九届北京奥运会乒乓球比赛中正手反拉弧圈球技术的分析与思考四分之一波长扼流圈

    Analysis on Pull-loop of Forehand of Ma Lin in Table Tennis Match of the 29th Beijing Olympic Games

  18. 马琳担心如果这个地方火起来的话,她可能也必须得早起来抢座了。

    Ma is worried that if it becomes popular she may have to get up early to grab a seat .

  19. 马琳在形象业有着无人能及的阅历,是全世界最有经验的专业人士之一。

    Lynne has an unparalleled background in the arena of image and is among the most experienced in the world .

  20. 马琳(化名)并非是去拜访朋友,而是花钱租了一个学习的地方。

    Ma , not her real name , was not visiting friends . She had paid for a place to study .

  21. 中国选手马琳战胜队友王皓,夺得奥运会乒乓球男单的金牌。

    China 's Ma Lin has outlasted teammate Wang Hao to win the men 's singles gold in Olympic table tennis .

  22. 据该公司介绍,接受克隆的是一只六岁半的黑色拉布拉多猎犬“马琳”,这只猎犬被认为具有很强的癌症嗅探能力。

    The puppies are clones of a six-and-a-half-year-old black Labrador retriever named Marine , which is thought to have a well-honed sense for detecting cancer , RNL Bio said .

  23. 作为奥运会和多次世界杯的冠军得主,马琳的技战术也随着时间的变化和多次改革而有所变化。

    The Olympic Games and the World Cup as a Ma lin many times of champions winner , the change of tactics with time and many reform and change .

  24. 以中国乒乓男队马琳、王皓为研究对象,运用文献、访谈、比较、数理统计等方法,分析了直拍快攻打法在技术、体能、心理、战略战术方面的优势;

    The article analyzes penhold fast attack method in table tennis by means of documentary , interview , comparison and statistics and with Ma Lin and Wang Hao as research objects in men table tennis team of China .