- 名mandarin jacket

[mandarin jacket worn over a gown] 旧时男子穿在长袍外面的对襟的短褂。以黑色为最普通。原来是满族人骑马时所穿的衣服
Genetic differentiation of geographic populations in Liriodendron chinense using RAPD Markers
Selection of Elite Corylus Heterophylla F.tree and Half-sib Progeny Test ; Family Selection with High Nitrogen Efficiency and Investigation on the Effect of Cultivating Seedling of Liriodendron Chinense with Mycorrhizal Fungi
C.camphor with total growth were beyond the Liriodendron and magnolia .
Effect of Nitrogen on the Seedling Growth of Liriodendron chinense Families
Research on Seedling-raising Techniques of Hybrid Tulip Trees by Cuttage
Long gown , mandarin jacket and waistcoat were the typical Manchurian clothes .
Growth and Dry Matter Accumulation of Liriodendron chinese Provenances Related to Phosphorus Environment
To his surprise , Jiang appeared in the hall , wearing long gown .
The Qing Dynasty unified China , and unified the nationwide costume as well .
Screening of Chinese Tulip Tree Mycorrhizal Fungi and Effect of Growing Seedling with Mycorrhizae
Physiological Response of Liriodendron chinense Provenances with Different Phosphorus Efficiency under Low Phosphorus Stress
The result showed that phosphorus efficiency varied from 15.4 % to 38.9 % with the provenances tested .
This made Li , standing behind Jiang and wearing the uniform , look like a Jiang 's aide .
I saw him wearing a big black coat and deep green cotton clothing , staggering to the railroad .
The style with a mandarin jacket over a long gown was still one of the common dressing styles .
I watched him hobble towards the railway track in his black skullcap , black cloth mandarin jacket and dark blue cotton-padded cloth long gown .
A local official gave Cixi a monkey as a present , and she was so happy to order to wear the monkey a yellow jacket .
I watched him hobble towards the railway track in his black skullcap , black cloth mandarin jacket and dark blue cotton padded cloth ling gown .
Genetic Variation and Selection in PUE among Liriodendron Chinese Provenance ; Genetic Variation of Seed Color and Produce Sweetened Bean Paste Rate of Adzuki Bean Germplasm Resources
Talking about the Chinese clothing , a hundred years ago we wore long gowns , we call them " Chang Pao " or " Ma Gua " .
We projected an image of the original orchestra - all its players were wearing changpao magua , traditional Chinese robes - and we performed in front of it .
There is also a type of garment combining the long gown and the mandarin jacket , and they will only have the under-half part , buttoning in the under lap of the mandarin jacket .
Population genetics revealed that the small population effect , for lack of gene flow and special endangering mechanism resulted in a high genetic differentiation within populations which amounted to 34.34 % of the genetic variation .
Routine suits included Western style and Chinese style ( e. g. long gown and mandarin jacket ) . The formal dress of women had collars and was long to the knees with buttons down the front .
Wearing a gown and a mandarinjacket , the old man beats a drum to set the pace for the oarsmen , and severalboys about 10 years of age , wearmg dresses , beat drums and gongs .
Sun Zhongshan thought that the long gown and mandarin jacket are not only inconvenient for life , but also not economic due to its insufficient cutting , so he was also opposed to wear the costume .
White garments were worn in the summer , but black or dark garments were worn in other seasons . The style with a mandarin jacket over a long gown was still one of the common dressing styles .
A loose-fitting garment , sleeved or sleeveless , extending to the knees and worn by men and women especially in ancient Greece and Rome . Long gown , mandarin jacket and waistcoat were the typical Manchurian clothes .
Perhaps it won 't be long now before I depart this life . Through the glistening tears which these words had brought to my eyes I again saw the back of father 's corpulent form in the dark blue cotton-padded cloth long gown and the black cloth mandarin jacket .