
  • 网络Blade back;low pressure side of blade
  1. 卵单产于叶片背面,卵期3~8d;

    The eggs , deposited single on the underside of leaves hatch in 3 to 8 days .

  2. 成虫羽化后于次日清晨5:00~6:00开始交配,持续交配1.5~3h,交配后不久在叶片背面产卵,单个散产,平均单雌产卵40余粒。

    - 6 o clock in the next morning after emergence , the adults begin to copulate , each copulation last 1.5-3 hours , and lay 40 or more eggs per female singly on the lower surfaces of apple leaves .

  3. 基部的秆节间的具苍绿色条纹;叶片背面无毛。

    Basal culm internodes with pale green stripes ; leaf blade abaxially glabrous .

  4. 提出了双流道泵无过载性能预测的计算方法:!2应取叶片背面出口安放角;

    In this thesis a non-overload performance forecasting method of the double-channel pump was provided : β 2 is the blade back outlet angle ;

  5. 得到了压力分布图和速度矢量分布图,知道了汽蚀初生的位置在叶片背面进口稍后处。

    We obtained pressure and velocity vector distribution , knew the location of cavitation born later in the leaves at the back of imports .

  6. 草莓品种对蚜虫抗性与叶片背面的茸毛密度成正相关,与气孔密度呈显著负相关;与叶片的木质素含量成正比;

    The resistance of strawberry to aphids was positively related to the density of pubescences and the content of lignose , and negatively to the content density of stomas .

  7. Ching相似,但叶片的背面密被绒毛,表面被短柔毛,侧生羽片9–16对。

    Ching in size , but differs by its lamina being tomentose on the lower surface and pubescent on the upper surface and having 9 – 16 pairs of lateral pinnae .

  8. 三门峡电站水轮机运行约20000h以后,叶片正面和背面的根部断面出现裂绞。

    Since the turbines of Sanmenxia power station have been put into operation about 20000 hours , cracks appeared on both front and back side at the root section of the blades .

  9. 当年小枝粗壮,2肋;干燥时的叶片厚革质,背面的红棕色;萼片短柔毛。

    Current year branchlets stout , 2-ribbed ; leaf blade thickly leathery , abaxially reddish brown when dry ; sepals pubescent .

  10. 计算结果表明,在大部分长短叶片的通道内,射流区偏向于叶片背面,尾迹区则位于叶片工作面出口附近。

    The calculation result shows that the jet zone transferred to the back of the blades , and the wake zone was near the exit of the pressure side of the blades in the most passing-ways of the split blades .

  11. 在叶轮的长短叶片方案中,本文首次采用了短叶片进口边向长叶片背面偏置的方法,从而使泵的能量性能进一步提高。

    In design of impeller with long and short blades , first adopted is leading edge of short-blade biased toward the back of long one so as to further improve energy performances of pumps .

  12. 在轴垂面内,叶片之间的低速区和高压区都在叶片的工作面,高速区和低压区都在叶片的背面。

    A zone with high pressure or low relative velocity exists in the blade pressure side in blade-to-blade plane .