
  • 网络leaf stage
  1. 小麦种子从萌动至两叶期,用牛胸腺DNA分次进行滴浸处理。

    From germination to two - leaf stage , wheat seeds were trickled several times with liquor of thymus DNAs of calf .

  2. 至七叶期,缺Zn与缺Cu、Zn培养的稻苗,新叶脉间均出现黄白色条纹,叶片呈卷曲状的缺Zn症状。

    By the seventh leaf stage , the seedlings in Zn deficient and ( Cu + Zn ) deficient solutions showed symptoms of Zn deficienty . New leaves twisted and yellowish strips occured between veins .

  3. 早实核桃叶片P含量在展叶期期间铵态氮肥对其影响较好,果实膨大期和硬核期为尿素对其影响较好。

    Ammonium nitrogen fertilizer had good influence on leaf P content in leaf-expansion stage , while urea in fruit-expansion stage and hard stone stage .

  4. 利用PAGE凝胶电泳对9个大白菜品种子叶期EST同工酶和POD同工酶进行了品种鉴定分析。

    Chinese cabbage cultivars were identified with EST and POD isozyme PAGE patterns during cotyledon period .

  5. 父本对F1展叶期的影响大。

    The male paternal showed more influence on the leaf-expansion period in F1 generation .

  6. 本文探讨了大豆在子叶期和鼓粒期的耐阴性与叶片超氧物歧化酶(SOD)的关系。

    This paper discussed the relations between shade-endurance and superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) of soybean leaf in the periods both cotyledon and seed expanding .

  7. 晚生种×早生种F1展叶期介于两亲之间。

    In the combination of late-sprouting and early-sprouting cultivars , the F1 leaf-expansion periods were located between their parents .

  8. 刺五加(AcanthopanaxSenticosus)生理生态学特性的研究&1.展叶期

    A Study on the Physiological Ecology Characters of Acanthopanax Senticosus ⅰ . Elongating stage of leaf

  9. 在N叶期搁田,并持续1个叶龄期,对N叶内的分蘖芽长度有抑制作用,茎蘖生长呈迟缓状态。

    It was clearly shown that draining paddy field at N leaf-age and keeping one leaf-age long would prohibit the length of the tiller bud in N leaf axil , and could make it grow slowly .

  10. 6个有代表性的甜莱品种在人工气候室的营养液培养试验表明,甜菜子叶期幼苗对NO3~-的吸收要经最初2h的适应阶段后才可均匀进行。

    Nutrient solution culture showed that sugar beet seedlings at cotyledon stage began to consistently absorb nitrate after the 1 st 2h of adaptation .

  11. 以萌芽期和4叶期杜梨实生苗接种VA菌根,用不同方法培育梨树菌根苗。

    The VA mycorrhiza seedlings have been cultivated with different methods by inoculating VAM onto the seedlings in the states of germination and four-leaves .

  12. 试验采用水杨酸(SA)诱导5叶期番茄幼苗,研究SA诱导及诱导后冷胁迫对番茄幼苗抗冷性相关生理生化指标的影响。

    The seedlings of tomato at five leaves stage were treated with SA . We study the effects of SA and low temperature on physiological indexes of resistance to chilling injury .

  13. 结果表明,M1代一叶期和三叶期动苗生长,成苗率和商性的辐射损伤效应随处理剂量的增加而显著加重;

    Results showed that the damage effects of radiation on seedling growth , percentage of seedling produced and fertility in M1 generation increased significantly with increase of the dose .

  14. 早生种×早生种F1展叶期提早和推迟的正负向超亲遗传现象同时出现。

    In the combinations of early-sprouting and early-sprouting cultivars , the super-parental phenomenon in both positive and negative directions of genetic variation of shortening or postponing the F1 leaf-expansion period were observed .

  15. 子叶期幼苗在-7.5℃下处理12h,存活率仅为3.26%。

    For the seedlings having two cotyledons , when they were exposed to the temperature of-7.5 ℃ for about 12 h , the survival rate was only 3.26 % .

  16. 主要研究结果如下:1、氮、钾在植株叶片的含量均随生育进程呈显著降低趋势,展叶期叶片含N、K量较高,开花期后至植株枯萎含量有所下降但较为平缓。

    Nitrogen and potassium content in leaves had a significant decreasing trend along with the development process . Nitrogen and potassium contents in S.chinensis leaves were relatively high in the leaf-extension period . However , the contents declined smoothly from flowering period to withering period .

  17. 但从第11叶期后Bt杀虫蛋白表达量显著地降低,只有7~50ng/25mg鲜叶,占植物可溶性蛋白的0.003%~0.02%。

    But expressing quantity of Bt insecticidal protein apparently decreased after the 11th leaf stage and down to 7 ~ 50ng / 25mg fresh leaf , corresponding to 0.003 % ~ 0.02 % of plant soluble protein .

  18. 用作外植体的试管苗以3~4叶期为佳,叶片切块以4mm×4mm为宜。

    In vitro plantlets used for explants was at the stage with 3-4 leaves and suitable size of cut leaf segments was about 4mm × 4mm .

  19. 初始细胞密度和pH分别为2.0%(鲜重)及5.5左右。最后获得正常子叶期体细胞胚数为130个/mL。

    With the optimum flask shake rate of about 100 ~ 150 r / min , initial cell density of 2.0 % ( fresh weight ) and the initial pH value of 5.5 , the authors have obtained 130 normal cotyledon embryos in each mL of cultures .

  20. 突变体Swp二叶期叶片中叶绿素α、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素的含量显著低于野生型,但随着植物的生长发育逐渐增加。

    At the second-leaf stage , the chlorophyll a , chlorophyll b and carotenoid content of the mutant swp were significantly lower than the wild type , but increased with the gradual growth and development of the plant .

  21. 柠条根中PAL活性和比活性以真叶期最高,其茎和叶中PAL活性和比活性以速生期最高。

    The PAL activity and specific activity of its root were the highest at the real leaf stage ; the PAL activity and specific activity of its leaf and stem were the highest at rapid growth stage .

  22. 结果表明:萌动期、子叶期、1叶期热激和自然高温期,DP可溶性蛋白质总含量分别比对照提高10.24%、13.11%、15.09%和74.36%;

    This study shows : DP contents of water-soluble proteins increased by 10.24 % , 13.11 % , 15.09 % and 74.36 % at germination stage , cotyledon stage , one-leaf stage and natural heat period than contrast ;

  23. 在第3~9叶期Bt杀虫蛋白基因稳定、高效地表达,Bt杀虫蛋白的表达量为6.68~10.52ng/mg(以鲜叶计),占植物可溶性蛋白的0.067%~0.105%。

    It stably and efficiently expresses during the 3rd ~ 9th leaf stage ; its expressing quantity is up to 6.68 ~ 10.52 ng / mg fresh leaf ; its proportion to plant soluble protein is 0.067 % ~ 0.105 % .

  24. 其余2个片段与水稻3&5叶期EST有较高的同源性,还有一个片段未找到相关基因或蛋白,但其含有一开放阅读框,可能为一未知蛋白。

    The other two cDNA fragments show high homology to Oryza saliva ( 3-5 leaf stage ) EST . the last one is not similar to any gene or protein but it has a ORF , it may be a new protein .

  25. 对杂交小麦不育系繁殖中的播期、行比、播量等研究表明:父母本的差播期为二叶期,行比为1∶3(播幅1.5m);

    The seed reproduction techniques of wheat male sterile line such as different planting date , the ratio of male to female line and different female sowing period were studied in the paper .

  26. MDA含量展叶期后逐渐升高,开花期后先降后升,红果期是MDA含量达到最大值,四年三茎人参中丙二醛含量大于单茎和双茎。

    The MDA content after the exhibition leaf period is increasing gradually , after the flowering period the activity drop then rise , red fruits period MDA content reach to the maximum , four years old three stems ginseng MDA content higher than single stem and double stems .

  27. 结果表明:在6叶期,以05%秋水仙素配以20%的DMSO处理效果最好,加倍率高达323%,是对照的48倍。

    The findings showed that the best result is the treatment which was made in six leaf stage with 0.5 % colchicines and 2.0 % DMSO . The highest shedding plant rate was 32.3 % which was 4.84 times the CK .

  28. 此外,增铵营养和单一NO-3营养下5~7叶期的相对生长速率显著高于单一NH+4营养。

    EAN and single NO - 3 nutrition significantly increased relative growth rate from five leaf stage to seven leaf stage as compared with single NH + 4 nutrition .

  29. 热胁迫下萝卜播收期为60d,播种后30d为长叶期,30~60d为长根期。

    Under heat stress , the times from sowing to harvest of radish is 60 days . The growing leaf period of radish is 30 days after sowing , and the growing root period is 30-60 days .

  30. 真叶期机械损伤处理后第15d起黄瓜植株的株高、茎粗、最大叶叶面积和叶数与对照达到了显著、极显著差异。

    After mechanical wounding treatment 15d at stage of the first true leaf , the height 、 the width 、 the largest leaf area and leaf number with the control were reached a significant , very significant differences . 2 .