
jīng zhì
  • make with extra care;refine;purify;purification
精制 [jīng zhì]
  • (1) [refine]∶精工制造

  • (2) [purify]∶从一种物质中把不需要的成分除去

精制[jīng zhì]
  1. 对黄芪皂甙的几种提取分离方法:水提法、醇提法、萃取法精制、树脂吸附法精制和超临界CO2法进行了试验研究。

    Various methods of extracting and isolating astragaloside like water extracting , ethanol extracting , extraction refine , resin absorbing have been carried out .

  2. DE值过低,糖化液的粘度较高,不利于麦芽糖的获得和糖化液的过滤及精制;

    Low DE value and high viscosity saccharified liquid was not benefit for increasing maltose content , the lanter and refine of the saccharified liquid .

  3. 精制糖迅速吸收进血液中。

    Refined sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly .

  4. 糙米和其他谷物属非精制的碳水化合物。

    Unrefined carbohydrates include brown rice and other grains .

  5. 银盘子上面摆放着精制的陶瓷汤盘。

    Exquisite china soup dishes reposed on silver plates .

  6. 它们是精制香烟。

    They are quality cigarette .

  7. 这是一位贩卖能够止渴的精制药丸的商人。

    This was a merchant who sold pills that had been invented to quench thirst .

  8. “清洁饮食”指一个人不吃加工精制食品,大量摄入未加工的农产品。

    A diet of " clean eating " refers to one which avoids processed foods and is heavy in raw and unrefined produce .

  9. 剖析了C5石油树脂间歇精制工艺存在的问题及改进的必要性,采用降膜蒸发器开发了连续化精制新工艺。

    New continuous purification process has been developed .

  10. 桑根酮C、D的提取和精制

    Extraction and Purification of Sanggenon C and D

  11. 介绍催化蒸馏技术用于烷基化原料(混合C4)选择性加氢精制的新工艺。

    A new selective hydrogenation process of alkylation feedstock ( mixed C4 ) with cata-lytic distillation technology is introduced .

  12. PLC型ESD系统在加氢精制装置中的应用

    Application of PLC type ESD system in hydrofining unit

  13. CH-12型石蜡加氢精制催化剂研制及工业应用

    Performance and Industrial Application of CH-12 Type Paraffin Hydrorefining Catalyst

  14. 钴和镍对MoP/γ-Al2O3加氢精制催化剂活性的影响

    Effect of CO and Ni on hydrotreating activity of mop / γ - al_2o_3 hydrofining catalyst

  15. PTA装置精制单元高负荷运行技术分析

    PTA plant refining unit high load running technique analysis

  16. 大庆27kt/aSAN装置DMF精制系统改造

    Improvement of DMF refining system in daqing 27kt / a SAN unit

  17. 该工艺能将精制油的氮含量从5000μg/g降至1500μg/g以下,而精制油的收率在80%以上。

    The raffinate oil recovery can be more than 80 % , and in which the nitrogen content was less than 1 . 5 mg / g.

  18. FS柴油精制技术的应用探讨

    Discussion on application of FS diesel purification technology

  19. 试验制备了抗绿脓杆菌外毒素-A血浆,使用马匹免疫抗原为精制PA-103菌株的外毒素-A。

    Antitoxic sera was produced in horse with purified exotoxin A of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( Strain PA 103 ) .

  20. 糊精增敏钼蓝光度法测定精制盐水中杂质SiO2含量

    Determination of SiO_2 content in refined brine by molybdenum-blue spectrophotometry with increased sensitivity by dextrin

  21. Agaricus中提取并精制活性成分及其纯度的评价

    Extracted and refined active component from Agaricus and evaluation of refined value

  22. 开发的RS精制剂能有效脱除柴油中的酚类物质,从而显著提高催化裂化柴油的安定性。

    RS solvent has been proved to be effective to remove phenols from diesel and hence to improve the stability of diesel .

  23. 通过混合法和共浸渍法合成了系列负载型WP加氢精制催化剂。

    Supported tungsten phosphide catalysts were prepared by mixing and co-impregnation method .

  24. 介绍了FS法精制技术在大庆分石化公司炼油厂的工业应用。

    The industrial application of FS purification technology in the Refinery of Daqing Petrochemical Company is introduced .

  25. 石蜡加氢精制催化剂进展及FV催化剂的开发应用

    Developments in paraffin hydrotreating catalysts in China

  26. NMP精制伊朗润滑油馏分的初步研究

    The pilot study on NMP solvent refining of Iran lube oil distillate

  27. 精制液体BAA中温α-淀粉酶工艺研究

    Study on refined technology of liquid BAA mesophilic α - diastase

  28. M-1型精制剂在联碱氨Ⅱ精制上的应用研究

    Study on Application of M-1 Refining Medicine on Ammoniacal Mother-liquor ⅱ

  29. 由于在工厂中往往很难采集到丰富的故障数据,所以利用aspenplus软件模拟CTA加氢精制单元生产过程,收集所需的故障数据。

    Since it is often difficult to collect the abundant fault data in the factory , ASPEN PLUS based CTA hydrofining process model is used to generate the needed data .

  30. 目的研究大黄超临界CO2萃取后药渣的提取工艺。方法番泻苷A为指标,以单因素考察确定药渣溶剂提取与树脂精制条件。

    OBJECTIVE To study the extraction for rhubarb residue after SFE-CO2 . METHODS Indicated by the content of sennoside A , the conditions of residue solvent extraction and resin purification were determined by single factor trial .