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jīng qì
  • vital essence;absolute sincerity;vitality Yin and Yang
精气 [jīng qì]
  • (1) [absolute sincerity]∶指人的精诚

  • (2) [vitality Yin and Yang]∶阴阳元气

精气[jīng qì]
  1. 论肝主疏泄精气

    Discussion on liver function of freeing and discharging vital essence

  2. 针刺影响内分泌的实质是“脏腑之气(内分泌)由先天之精气(基因)化生”。

    The essence of acupuncture influencing endocrines is " the vital energy of Zang-and Fu-organs ( endocrines ) is produced by congenital vital essence and energy ( gene )" .

  3. 2肾应冬的调控机制是肾中精气随季节的变化以松果体为中介,通过影响睾丸的CFos和CJUN的mRNA表达来调节季节性生殖活动。

    The modulation mechanism of the Correspondence between Kidney and Winter is that the essence and Qi of kidney varies according to the season 's change which is mediated by pineal to influence c fos and c jun mRNA in testis to modulate season 's reproductive activity .

  4. 外表也许不错,但精气神儿就不行了。

    You get good lines , perhaps , but no stamina .

  5. 精气神评价法在晚期非小细胞肺癌的应用

    Application of Essence-qi Vitality Evaluation Methods to Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

  6. 谈武术的精气神

    On the Essence of Life , Vital Energy and Spirit in Wushu

  7. 你眼镜所看到的东西会十分容易地扰乱你内在的精气神。

    What you see can easily disturb your internal energies .

  8. 父母之精气相合,形成胚胎发育的原始物质。

    The combination of the parental essence forms the original substance of fetus .

  9. 5种杉科植物不同部位的精气成分

    A Study of Chemical Components in the Volatile Gas from 5 Taxodiaceae Species

  10. 抑郁的典型症状是没有精气神儿。

    A hallmark symptom of depression is low energy .

  11. 超精气磁轴承主轴系统的结构设计与控制

    Structural Design and the Control of Ultra Precision Gas-magnetic Bearings Principal Axis System

  12. 人体“精气神”的气化状态直接影响人体的生理功能。

    Gasification condition of Spirit , Qi , Soul direct influence physiologic function .

  13. 精化气、气生神,神又反过来影响精气活动。

    Mental activities , in turn , influence the activities of essence and Qi .

  14. 试论《管子》精气理论内涵特征

    Connotation Characteristics of Essence-Qi Theory in Guan Zi

  15. 蛋白尿属于中医精气下泄范畴。

    Proteinuria is correspondant to " Essence and vital Energy callapse " of TCM .

  16. 微雕工艺其实是一种很繁重很耗费精气和体力的技艺。

    Tiny sculpture process is a very very heavy gas-consuming fine and physical skills .

  17. 肮脏的办公楼厕所的确会让人失去精气神。

    A dirty office loo is really dispiriting .

  18. 2五脏的共同生理特点是生化和贮藏精气。

    The common physiological function of the fie Zang_organs is to transform and store essence .

  19. 其理论系统是以气论为主干的,精气论在其气论中占有比较重要的位置,初步运用了阴阳学说。

    Essential breath as its main stem , and adopted the theory of Yin and Yang .

  20. 过度的惊恐,会损伤脏腑精气,导致脏腑气机逆乱。

    Excessive panic , will damage the viscera essence , cause the inverse viscera qi activity .

  21. 肿瘤干细胞研究进展与扶助肾中精气抗癌

    Progress of Studies on Tumor Stem Cell and Anti-cancer Treatment by Nourishing Shen Essence and Qi

  22. 是呀,有了文化自信才会有精气神去主动创造。

    Yes , with the uniqueness of cultural self-confidence will have to take the initiative to create .

  23. 精气神学说是对生命现象的高度概括与宏观认识。

    Theory of Jing Qi Shen was the highest summarize and macroscopy recognition about the vital phenomena .

  24. 找时间让自己沉默平和一下,你会更有精气神儿。

    You can recharge your spirit and find a little peace in a little bit of silence .

  25. 补虚损,益精气,保肺益肾,扶正固本。

    Enriching consumptive disease , benefiting pneuma , protect lung and tonifying kidney , support healthy energy .

  26. 而所谓的“天子”则受天之命来统治人间。精气说

    The Tian , Zi ( Emperor ) therefore was designated by the heaven to govem the world .

  27. 儿童抑郁症与成人表现不同,有的是易怒,有的是没有精气神儿。

    Unlike in adults , depression in children presents itself differently . Symptoms vary from irritability to low energy .

  28. 谈武术的精气神论生命的本真与意义

    On the Essence of Life , Vital Energy and Spirit in Wushu On the Essence and Sense of Life

  29. β-环糊精气相色谱手性柱的研制及其色谱性能的研究

    Preparation of Gas Chromatographic Chiral Columns with β - Cyclodextrins as Stationary Phases and Studies on Their Chromatographic Properties

  30. 它首创了“精气说”,从本体论的意义上阐明了大自然与生命的物质性。

    It first set up Jing-Qi Theory , discussing materiality of the Nature and life from the sense of ontology .