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  • 网络perception;sensory perception;sensation;sensation and perception;sense-perceptions
  1. 爱荷华大学研究小组研究了负责为前脑传递几乎所有感知觉(包括痛觉和触觉)的三叉神经的CGRP受体。

    The UI team investigated CGRP receptors in the trigeminal nerve , which is responsible for relaying almost all sensory perception , including pain and touch , for the front of the head .

  2. 论声乐艺术中感知觉能力的培养

    Views on development of perception in vocal music teaching

  3. 对灵力和超感知觉(简称ESP)的信仰流布甚广,就凭这一点,这两样东西也应该进入十大未解之谜的行列。

    Psychic powers and extra-sensory perception ( ESP ) rank among the top ten unexplained phenomena if for no other reason than that belief in them is so widespread .

  4. 传球准确性与上肢动觉准确性、上肢感知觉、下肢肌肉感知觉之间相关系数很小,且没有显著意义(p0.05),说明它们之间没有密切关系。

    Passing accuracy and the accuracy of upper limb kinesthetic , sensory upper limb , lower limb muscle correlation coefficient between the perception is very small , and no significant ( p0.05 ), that they are not germane .

  5. 关于聋儿感知觉互动语言训练的实践与思考

    Discussion on the application of perceptive interaction of speech training for hearing-impaired children

  6. 对部分中学数学教师的调查表明,数学知识的学习与学习者知觉水平的提高未必同步增长.进而探索数学活动中感知觉训练的途径。

    The ways of training sensation and consciousness in mathematics exercise were explored .

  7. 数学活动中进行感知觉训练的尝试

    Training Sensation and Consciousness in Mathematics Exercise

  8. 对不同级别篮球运动员7项感知觉指标的测试与分析

    Measurement and Analysis on Indexes of 7 Sensory Perception of Basketball Players at Different Levels

  9. 感知觉信息处理的定性映射研究

    Neural Information Processing by Qualitative Mapping

  10. 肌肉感知觉能力与排球基本技术准确性关系的探讨

    Basic Inquiry into of Relation of the Technique Accuracy of Ability and Volleyball of the Muscle Consciousness

  11. 遵循不同感知觉各自的规律是盲校直观教学效果的保证。

    Following the rules of different sense perceptions guarantees the effects of object teaching in these schools .

  12. 感知觉信息处理是心理学、神经科学、人工智能等领域一个重要的研究方向。

    Perceptional information processing is an important research direction in fields of psychology , neuroscience and artificial intelligenceetc .

  13. 篮球运动员运动感知觉能力与投篮命中率的相关性研究

    Study on the Dependence of Basketball Sportsman 's Sport Sense Consciousness bility and the Percentage of Shoot Hits

  14. 由此可见把手指柔韧度练习和投篮练习相结合可以有效的提高运动员的投篮命中率和部分感知觉能力。

    Thus the finger flexibility exercises and shooting practice can improve the shooting hit rate and some perception ability .

  15. 结果表明,运动感知觉指标中,用力与知觉反馈对发球的准确性和稳定性有显著相关。

    After to confirm six item movement perception index of serve veracity , the author makes a comparative experiment .

  16. 目的观察感知觉刺激疗法对儿童脑损伤(脑瘫及其他类型)的疗效。

    Ve To prove the effect of the sense-perceptual stimulation for brain injured children , cerebral palsy and other types .

  17. 性别因素不是影响盲、明被试感知觉的重要因素。

    It is also found that gender is not the important factor affecting the sensation and perception for both groups .

  18. 其中更不寻常的记录是来自“星际之门”项目的文件,该项目涉及到了超能力和超感知觉。

    Among the more unusual records are documents from the Stargate Project , which dealt with psychic powers and extrasensory perception .

  19. 目的:研究应用感知觉特殊训练系统治疗儿童学习技能发育障碍的效果。

    Objectives : To study the effectiveness of special sense and consciousness training system on children with academic skill developing disorder .

  20. 老年缺血性脑卒中患者存在意识障碍,合并球麻痹,致吞咽、咳嗽反射障碍,咽喉部感知觉减退为误吸的主要原因。

    The main reasons for dominant aspiration were consciousness obstacle of patients with stroke , swallow and cough obstacle and laryngopharyngeal sense recession .

  21. 孤独症是一种涉及感知觉、情感、语言、思维、动作和行为等多方面的广泛性发育障碍疾病。

    Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder with the main symptoms of perception , emotion , speech , cognition , behavior and other disorders .

  22. 篮球运动员在三种负荷状态下感知觉发生明显的变化后使投篮准确性发生了明显的变化,在中等负荷状态下的投篮准确性最好。

    There exists obvious difference among the shoot exactness of three workloads , moreover the shoot exactness in the moderate workload is the best .

  23. 智力障碍儿童感知觉能力在不同年级组上存在显著差异,在不同性别和年龄组上均不存在显著差异。

    As for children with intellectual disability there is a significant difference between different grades . But there is no difference between different sexes and ages .

  24. 结论:感知觉、运动、协调、平衡能力减退、糖尿病周围血管病变、神经病变与糖尿病患者跌倒的发生密切相关。

    CONCLUSION : Falls of patients with diabetes are closely related with abnormal sensory , motor , cooperation and balance , diabetic peripheral angiopathy and neuropathy .

  25. 结果表明:不同位置篮球运动员的12项感知觉指标中,前锋比后卫的节奏感要强且有显著性差异(P<0.05);

    The results showed that the forwards were better than the guards at sense of rhythm , and the index was significant difference ( P < 0.05 );

  26. 视觉丧失对其他感知觉的影响,一向存在着补偿说和缺陷说两种互相排斥的理论。

    There has existed two contrary theories , " Deficiency " and " compensation ", regarding the effects on other sensation and perception caused by loss of sight .

  27. 对照组在实验前与实验后的三项感知觉指标均有所变化,且均无显著性差异。

    The control group before and after the experiment in the experiment of the three indexes were the changes in perception , and there were no significant differences .

  28. 另外,我们还在实验六中发现心理旋转不受刺激明暗对比的影响,显示了心理旋转不同于感知觉加工,这可能是基于心理旋转的启动效应产生的基础。

    In Experiment 6 , we found that the rate of mental rotation was not influenced by grey level of stimulus , which separated it from the perceptual processing .

  29. 影响运动员投篮命中率的因素很多,其中最关键的是运动员的各种感知觉能力及心理状态。

    There are many factors which influence the shooting , in which the most critical is the ability of consciousness and the state of the mind of the players .

  30. 讨论了感知觉特点、独立能力等多种因素对视力残疾大学生人格形成带来的直接或间接影响,并提出了建议。

    Diverse factors , including perceptual characteristics and capacity of independence , which may affect directly or indirectly the personalities of visual-impaired college students , are discussed with suggestions proposed .