
  • 网络vaginitis
  1. 糖尿病、泌尿系感染、老年性阴道炎的老年妇女中,应力性尿失禁患病率明显高于无上述并存症者。

    Elderly women with coronary heart disease , chronic bronchitis , diabetes , urinary infection , and senile vaginitis tended to have higher prevalence .

  2. 奥硝唑和替硝唑的不良反应发生率分别为11.5%及28.3%(P<0.05)。结论:奥硝唑片治疗急性厌氧菌感染和滴虫性阴道炎安全有效,不良反应少,优于同类药物替硝唑。

    Conclusion : Ornidazole is an effective and safe drug for treating acute anaerobic infections and vaginalis trichomoniasis , the adverse reaction rate is less compared with tinidazole .

  3. 结果:938名工厂女工中,外阴阴道念珠菌病、细菌性阴道病、沙眼衣原体感染和滴虫性阴道炎的患病率分别为10.3%、4.2%、2.7%和0.7%;

    Results : The prevalence rate of the four target disease , vulvovaginal candidiasis , bacterial vaginosis , chlamydia trachomatis and trichomonas vaginalis were 10.3 % , 4.2 % , 2.7 % and 0.7 % in 938 married female factory workers .

  4. 结论:280名产妇中感染性传播疾病以阴道炎患病率为首,达22.5%。其次为尖锐湿疣。

    Conclusion : Vaginitis morbidity rate , amounting to 22.5 % , occupys first place in the sexually transmitted diseases in 280 pregnancy woman .

  5. GDM感染主要以尿路感染、呼吸道感染、霉菌性阴道炎为主。

    The GDM infection mostly includes urinary and respiratory route infection , vaginitis of trichomonas and mycosis .