
  • 网络Infectious diarrhea;infectious diarrhea disease;infectious diarrheal disease
  1. 思密达联合羟氨苄青霉素治疗小儿急性感染性腹泻病46例

    The effect of smecta and amoxycillin on paediatric acute infectious diarrhea

  2. 东北地区某部急性感染性腹泻病的流行病学研究

    The epidemiological investigation on acute infectious diarrhea in a certain unit

  3. 感染性腹泻病的流行病学监测与病原学检测的初步研究

    Epidemic surveillance of infectious diarrhea disease and its pathogenic detection

  4. 目的提高对感染性腹泻病的临床疗效。

    Objective To improve the curative rate of children with bacillary dysentery .

  5. 从理论上讲,感染性腹泻病是完全能够预防和控制的。

    Thirdly , infectious diarrhea could be thoroughly controlled and prevented theoretically .

  6. 一起饮用水污染引起的感染性腹泻病暴发的流行病学调查

    Epidemiological survey of an outbreak of infective diarrhea due to Aeromonas hydrophila contamination

  7. 目的:探讨免疫初乳在干预急性感染性腹泻病中的保护效应及其机制。

    Objective : To discuss the protective effect and its mechanisms of immune colostrum in intervening in acute infectious diarrhea disease .

  8. 如果我们将彻底控制感染性腹泻病的希望寄托于抗生素、液体疗法和疫苗(菌苗)的研制及应用是不现实的。

    Therefore , It is unpractical to thoroughly control and prevent the disease by develop and apply antibiotics , liquid-therapy and new vaccines .

  9. 结果发现部分感染性腹泻病可能还是由轮状病毒引起,且有时间分布、户籍分布、人群分布、性别分布、职业分布特点。

    Results We can find the epidemiological distribu ˉ tion of infectious diarrhea in different people and in different times and the most factor which inducing the infectious diarrhea is perhaps rotavirus .