
yì diǎn
  • Epidemic spot;epidemic focus;focus of infection
  1. 非疫点带菌率为6.06%;以B群为主(占91.67%)。

    The carrying rate in non-infectious foci was 6.06 % , with a predominance of B colony ( accounting for 91.67 % ) .

  2. 结果在疫点内调查30人,其中5人HFRSIgG抗体阳性,隐性感染率为16.67%。

    Results Investigated village of epidemic disease for 30 individual which HFRS IgG antibody position for 5 case . The rate of recessiveness infection was 16.6 % .

  3. 消灭病犬、治疗病人和在疫点用杀虫剂滞留喷洒能有效控制VL流行。

    VL could be effectively controlled by combination of dog elimination , patient treatment and focal residual spraying with insecticide .

  4. 结论RIHA是动物间鼠疫最快速诊断方法,而IHA检测指示动物FI抗体是新疫点早期发现鼠疫疫情的线索之一。

    Conclusion RIHA is the rapidest method to detect bacterium Yersinia pestis in suspectable specimens and IHA can provide an early clue to find a new epidemic focus of rodent plague .

  5. 经过15年来对疫点和疫区全民抗复发治疗、外出回归人员药物根治,以及连续3年DDT室内滞留喷洒和6年溴(氯)氰菊脂浸泡蚊帐灭蚊,控制了输入性恶性疟传播蔓延。

    After conducting anti-recrudescence treatment for whole people in epidemic focuses and epidemic area , radical cure for migrants for 15 years , indoor residual spray of DDT for 3 consecutive years and decamethrin soaked mosquito nets for 6 years , falciparum malaria had got under control .

  6. 澄海县麻风疫点村的分析

    Analysis of Villages with Leprosy Patients in an Endemic Area

  7. 1981~1990年新疆发现的鼠疫新疫点

    New Foci of Plague Found in Xinjiang During 1981-1990

  8. 深圳野生动物园天鹅湖大型水体禽流感疫点现场消毒

    On-the-spot disinfection of large water body avian influenza focus in Swan Lake of Shenzhen wild animal zoo

  9. 方法研究1995-2004年不同媒介地区疟疾的发病率、病例分类、疫点分布等特点。

    Method Data on malaria incidence , cases classification , and foci distribution from 1995 to 2004 were analysed .

  10. 1999至2004年云南省家鼠型鼠疫鼠间疫点发现方式调查

    An Investigation on the Manners of Finding Out Commensal Rodent Plague Foci Amid Animals in Yunnan Province in 1999-2004

  11. 7个暴发村寨麻苗平均接种率为47.03%,有6个暴发疫点疫苗保护率在70%以下。

    The mean immunization coverage was 47.03 % in outbreak villages , VE ﹤ 70 % in 6 outbreak focus .

  12. 媒介监测表明在广西登革热旧疫点及边境口岸未查到埃及伊蚊,但白纹伊蚊分布广泛并且密度高;

    Vector surveillance results indicate that Aedes aegypti was not discovered but Aedes albopictus had wide distribution and high density .

  13. 根据对4种景观区391个疫点的研究结果,发现了黄鼠鼠疫动物病的空间聚集性。

    We discovered the spacious aggregation on plague zoonosis of citellus dauricus through the research of391 foci of4 typal lands-capes .

  14. 用除虫菊酯浸泡蚊帐防治疟疾及传疟媒介获得良好效果,可作处理流动人口疟疾疫点的重要措施。

    Pyrethrum impregnated bed nets were effective for control of malaria and it is an important measure for management of floating population .

  15. 方法收集梅州市2003~2004年狂犬病个案调查表、疫情报告和疫点处理资料,进行流行病学分析。

    Methods The individual survey questionnaire , Meizhou City infection report and other data concerning rabies in 2003-2004 were collected and analyzed .

  16. 其聚集性是由宿主数量的稳定性、生物群落的多样性、景观的复杂性及疫点的多发性所决定。

    The decisivenfactors of aggregation are stability of animal quantity , diversity of biotic community , complexity of landscape and sickly foci .

  17. 方法建立急感发病数据库,对数据库和急感突发疫情疫点的流行病学调查资料进行统计分析。

    Method An excel database created with the help of DBASE software was established to analyze the morbidity factors of acute schistosomiasis .

  18. 目前中国在防治禽流感方面取得了一定进展,相继有一些疫点解除封锁。

    At present , China has made certain progress in preventing and controlling bird flu and restrictions have been successively lifted from several epidemic regions .

  19. 在疫点周围采集的99只犬脑组织中,13只犬脑组织狂犬病毒抗原阳性,阳性率为13.13%。

    A total of 99 dog brains were examined for rabies viral antigen by IFA , and 13 ( 13 . 13 % ) showed positive .

  20. 方法以疫情报告和重点疫区、疫点调查资料为依据,统计分析河南省疟疾流行特征。

    Methods The data of malaria epidemic reports and results of key-point investigation was collected , the retrospective investigation method was used to analyze malaria epidemic characteristics .

  21. 加强疫情监测、检疫和疫木管理,拔除孤立疫点,实施工程治理,健全规章制度;

    Thirdly , strengthening monitoring , qurantine and management of diseased wood , wiping out the isolated spot , taking project controlling , establishing and perfecting regarded regulations .

  22. 目的阐述广西富川县班氏丝虫病残存疫点发现过程及其处理措施和效果,揭示其流行病学特征。

    Objective To describe the discovery of a residual foci of bancroftian filariasis in Fuchuan County where the disease was announced to have been eliminated , and reveal its epidemiologic feature .

  23. 结论1999~2004年云南省家鼠型鼠疫鼠间疫点主要是通过自毙鼠检测发现的,自毙鼠报告是发现鼠间疫情的主要手段。

    Conclusion the foci of rodent plague were found out mainly by Self-dead rodent test in Yunnan Province in1999-2004 , and Self-dead rodent reporting was the main way to detect the foci .