
  • 网络surveillance
  1. 2006~2008年南京市栖霞区七里村血吸虫病疫情监测

    Surveillance of schistosomiasis in Qili Village , Qixia District , Nanjing City , 2006-2008

  2. 方法描述流行病学方法分析HIV和(或)AIDS疫情监测、专业人员培训、健康教育及政策支持的数据和资料。

    Methods The data of HIV / AIDS disease surveillance , professional training , health education and policies supporting were analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method .

  3. 结论初步建立的PCR检测方法可用于中间宿主&螺类携带广州管圆线虫的检测和野外疫情监测,具有良好的推广价值。

    The developed PCR method can be used for detection of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in infected edible snail and for epidemic monitoring , thus it has great value in practical work .

  4. 结论该地区存在汉城型HV感染,提示应加强疫情监测,防止疫情的扩大蔓延。

    Conclusion The SEO-HV infection of rodents exists in the military unit . It is necessary to reinforce epidemic surveillance to prevent spread of the disease .

  5. 但仍有较高的抗体阳性率,而IgM抗体已大部转阴,转阴速度较快,提示在丝虫病防治后期检测IgM抗体的转阴率,可以作为考核疗效和疫情监测的一种方法。

    It is suggested that to detect IgM antibody can be used as an assessment method of curative effect and epidemiological surveillance at the late stage of filariasis control .

  6. 反向血凝抑制试验(RIHI)检测鼠疫F1抗体在疫情监测和疫源地调查中的应用

    Reverse indirect hemagglutination inhibition assay ( RIHI ) for detecting F_1 antibody of Y. pestis in epidemiological surveillance and focus survey

  7. 我国已经建立了较为完备的艾滋病疫情监测系统,能及时掌握新发HIV感染者的数量,通过一些流行病学研究能大致了解HIV感染者的不同感染途径的构成。

    China has established a relatively complete HIV / AIDS monitoring system , which enables us to know the number of all the new HIV infectors . We can understand the constituent situation of all the new HIV infections approaches through some epidemiology researches .

  8. 2005~2008年永胜县新民村血吸虫病疫情监测

    Surveillance of schistosomiasis in Xinmin Village , Yongsheng County , 2005-2008

  9. 赣州市1996~2006年性病疫情监测分析

    Analysis of monitoring sexually transmitted disease in Ganzhou from 1996 to 2006

  10. 2005~2007年镇江市国家级血吸虫病监测点疫情监测

    Surveillance of schistosomiasis in national surveillance sites of Zhenjiang City , 2005-2007

  11. 开封市2008年流行性腮腺炎疫情监测分析

    Monitoring on Prevalence of Mumps in Kaifeng City in 2008

  12. 厦门地区桔小实蝇疫情监测

    Epidemic monitoring of the oriental fruit fly in Xiamen City

  13. 为疫情监测和调查提供准确可靠的科学依据。

    Accurate scientific basis was provided for monitoring and survey of cholera .

  14. 中蒙口岸鼠疫疫情监测与突发疫情处理

    Monitoring and Emergency Disposal of Plague Epidemic Situation at the China-Mongolia Boundary

  15. 玉林市血吸虫病传播阻断后疫情监测及效果分析

    Monitoring of schistosome infections after interruption of its transmission in Yulin City

  16. 湖南省血吸虫病传播阻断地区疫情监测报告

    An Endemic Monitoring Report on Schistosomiasis in Transmission Blocking Areas of Hunan Province

  17. 1990~2008年南县国家级血吸虫病监测点疫情监测

    Surveillance of schistosomiasis in a national surveillance site of Nanxian County , 1990-2008

  18. 2005-2008年浙江省杭州市余杭区布鲁氏菌病疫情监测分析

    Surveillance of brucellosis in Yuhang district of Hangzhou , Zhejiang province , 2005-2008

  19. 深圳市2008年三热病人疟疾疫情监测分析

    Results of monitoring of malaria infections with three types of fevers in Shenzhen

  20. 赣州市流感病毒分离培养及其疫情监测的报告

    Report of Ganzhou isolation and culture of influenza virus and its epidemic monitoring

  21. 数学模型在全国布病监测点疫情监测预报中的应用

    Application of mathematical models to forecast for inspection District of brucellosis in China

  22. 星子县渚溪村血吸虫病疫情监测

    Surveillances on schistosomiasis in Zhuxi village , Xingzi County

  23. 2008年湖北省血吸虫病疫情监测结果分析

    Analysis of the results of surveillance of schistosomiasis in Hubei Province in 2008

  24. 已经建立了一个疫情监测体系。

    A surveillance system for outbreaks has been established .

  25. 目的掌握全国血吸虫病疫情监测点2002年的疫情。

    Objective To review the endemic situation among twenty one national surveillance sites in2002 .

  26. 布氏菌病控制阶段人间疫情监测结果分析

    An analysis for surveillance results of brucellosis among human beings in its controlled stage

  27. 深圳市2007~2008年传染病暴发疫情监测分析

    Epidemiologic analysis of Communicable Disease Outbreak Surveillance System in Shenzhen among 2007 and 2008

  28. 麻风病低流行地区疫情监测的研究

    Surveillance of leprosy in a low epidemic area

  29. 德兴市血吸虫病传播阻断后18年疫情监测报告

    Surveillance on schistosomiasis for 18 years in Dexing City in which schistosomiasis transmission interrupted

  30. 江苏省1999年两类地区麻疹疫情监测分析

    Analysis on Measles Surveillance in Two Sorts of Areas of Jiangsu Province in 1999