
  1. 目的应用流行病学的方法比较和分析2002~2004年广西重大传染病疫情的现状,探讨新的管理模式对重大传染病疫情发生频率和强度的影响。

    Objective To study the affect of new management model on the frequency of notifiable communicable diseases .

  2. 地震、水灾、火灾的应急处理措施是居民最想要了解的突发公共卫生事件相关知识,其次是重大传染病疫情。

    The emergency measures that most residents want to know is earthquakes , floods and fires , followed by the major infectious diseases .

  3. 面对近年来各种突发性重大传染病疫情,我国政府采取了强有力的控制措施,相继颁布实施了一系列法律法规。

    The Chinese government has taken strong control measures as well as promulgated a series of laws and regulations facing a variety of sudden major epidemic in recent years .

  4. 重大传染病疫情的暴发及迅速传播既是全球环境变化的结果,也是全球化的副产品。

    It is the results of global environmental change that causing the happening and rapid spreading of outbreak of communicable diseases , which is also a by-product of globalization .

  5. 自1987年英国首次报道疯牛病以来,重大传染病疫情的阴云就已从欧洲扩展到世界各地。

    Since mad cow disease was first reported by the United Kingdom in 1987 , the shadow of outbreak of communicable diseases had been extended from Europe to the rest of the world .

  6. 我国目前重大传染病疫情中强制医疗还存在法律体系混乱、主体不清、权责不明、程序不规范、法定化不足等缺陷。

    Nowadays , there still have some defects in compulsory medical treatment of major epidemic of infectious diseases , such as unclear legal system , unknown authorities and responsibilities , non-standard procedures , lack of statute and ect .

  7. [结果]提出了目前情况下,重大传染病流行时,疫情监测、现场调查和现场处理的网络模式。

    [ Results ] Under the situation at present , the network model about surveillance , field investigation and treatment were put forward when the severe infectious disease prevailed .