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  1. 据重庆新闻网报道,在重庆市的一家医院,一名84岁的中国男子接受了利用3D打印技术的膝关节手术,该技术是将罕见的金属钽来垫块修复巨大骨缺损。这是全球首例该类型的手术。

    In the first surgery of its kind worldwide , an 84-year-old Chinese man has received knee surgery using 3D printing technology to fill large bone defects with tantalum , a rare metal , at a hospital in Chongqing Municipality , reported cqnews.net .

  2. 关于重庆新闻史研究的几点思考

    Reflection About the Study of the History of Journalism of Chongqing

  3. 《重庆新闻》周三报道,重庆市市政府在最近发布的公告中称,重庆市将计划把公共厕所分为“五个星级”。

    The Chongqing Municipal government said in a newly-released circular that it plans to classify public lavatories into five levels , the Chongqing News reported Thursday .

  4. 如何发言重庆市新闻发言人狮城取经

    Chongqing Press Conference Spokesmen Learn How to Make Statement in Singapore

  5. 木刻副刊是抗战时期重庆木刻运动与新闻联手的产物,它以图文并茂的形式,生动活泼的内容,短小精湛的宣传方式,不拘一格的反映抗战木刻运动的发展,深受人民大众的喜爱。

    Woodcut supplements are Chongqing During the woodcut movement teamed up with the news , the form of illustrations , lively , short and exquisite form of publicity , eclectic reflect the development of the Anti-Japanese War woodcut movement , loved by the masses of the people .

  6. 重庆日报报业集团图书馆地方文献工作的构建,对于重庆的新闻界乃至全社会具有很大的现实意义。参考文献2。

    The local documents construction of Chongqing Daily News Group Library has great practical significance for the Chongqing media as well as for the whole society . 2 Refs .

  7. 开启人文重庆的书香之门&访第十七届全国书市组委会秘书长、重庆市新闻出版局局长汪俊

    Chongqing and I opening the scholarly door of cultural Chongqing