
zhònɡ diǎn zhōnɡ xué
  • key middle school
  1. 方法抽取职业中学和重点中学各一所,采用精神症状自评量表(SCL-90)对学生进行测评,并对结果进行比较。

    Methods Students of the vocational middle school and the key middle school were assessed by SCL-90 and then the results were compared .

  2. 这所重点中学的招生名额是300人。

    The quota for this key middle school is300 enrollments .

  3. 首先采用症状自评量表(简称SCL-90)对长沙市某重点中学三个年级的高中生进行随机抽样测查;其次设计了两个不同方式的案例教学来分析学生的实际心理需求。

    Firstly , using SCL-90 we measured randomly high school students who came from three different grades in a key senior middle school of Changsha city . Secondly , we designed two different ways of case teaching in order to analyse psychological needs of students .

  4. 选择其中1所重点中学和1所普通中学的29例IOU学生作为实验组,采用认知行为取向的团体心理治疗对其进行干预,另外两所中学的35例IOU学生作为对照组。

    29 middle school students with IOU from one regular middle school and one key middle school received group psychotherapy . 35 middle school students with IOU from the other two schools were taken as control ( control group ) .

  5. 一所重点中学两种招生方法的启示

    Enlightenment from two ways of enrolling in a key high school

  6. 山东省重点中学教练员队伍现状与发展策略研究

    Status and Developmental Countermeasure on Coach-team in Shandong 's Key High Schools

  7. 重点中学的典范&山东省昌乐一中

    Apotheosis of Key Middle School & No.1 Middle School of Shangdong Changle

  8. 对银川重点中学体育教学状况的调查分析

    Investigation on Physical Education Teaching Condition of Key Middle Schools in Yinchuan

  9. 本研究的对象是北京市三所区重点中学的学生共137人。

    The study involved 137 students from three key middle schools of Beijing .

  10. 他过去是一名老师,在重点中学教书。

    He used to be a teacher , working in a key school .

  11. 重点中学和非重点中学的学生对生物学教学内容的兴趣存在着一定的差异。

    There is a discrepancy between key school and common school in learning Biology .

  12. 我们学校是一所重点中学。

    Our school is a key school .

  13. 市内重点中学与普通中学比较,心理压力差异不明显。

    The focal middle school compares the ordinary middle school : stress divergence is unobvious .

  14. 重点中学教师各因子分高于普通中学教师。

    Each factor of key middle school teachers was higher than that of ordinary ones .

  15. 她姐姐工作的那所学校是江苏省重点中学。

    The school at which his sister works is a key school in Jiangsu Province .

  16. 目的研究重点中学在校学生心理健康状况及其影响因素。

    Objective To investigate the mental health state and related factors in key middle school students .

  17. 两所省重点中学高二学生对相互独立事件的理解

    Students ' Comprehension on Independent Event

  18. 山东省重点中学学生健康知识的总体水平较高。

    In general , students in the key middle schools have high quality of health knowledge .

  19. 重点中学和普通中学的学生在化学学习的兴趣方面总体差异不明显。

    And there is no obvious difference of interest in chemistry between key schools and ordinary schools .

  20. 重点中学和普通中学的中学生社会责任心水平不存在显著差异。

    As a whole , there is no difference from key middle school to common middle school .

  21. 曾在海淀区一所重点中学任教,有3年多的教学经历;

    With over t3 years of teaching experiences in a key high school located in Haidian district .

  22. 山东省某重点中学高中生考试焦虑自身因素相关的分析

    Personal related factors on test anxiety of high school students in a key school of Shandong province

  23. 重点中学与普通中学学生考试心理问题的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Psychological Problems of Students in Exams Between Key and Common Middle Schools

  24. 目的探讨心理-社会综合方法对城乡重点中学学生心理健康的干预效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of psycho-social intervention on psychological health of students in key middle school .

  25. 但重点中学在评价性、灵活性和独立性上显著高于普通中学。

    Key middle school students are higher than common middle school students on evaluation , flexibility and independence .

  26. 普通中学的高中生比重点中学的高中学生存在更多更严重的考试心理问题;

    Students in common senior middle schools have more serious problem than those in key senior middle schools ;

  27. 同时加强对非重点中学的扶持力度,缩小两者的差距。

    While strengthening efforts to support non-priority secondary schools and narrow the gap between the two . 2 .

  28. 目的调查职业中学和重点中学高中生的心理健康状况。

    Objective To investigate mental health state of the students in vocational middle school and key middle school .

  29. 在奉献上,重点中学学生不如职中、普通中学学生。

    The key middle school students ' scores are lower than the common middle school students in contribution .

  30. 初一年级重点中学学生考试心理问题发展状况显著优于普通中学学生;

    Students of Grade One in key middle schools have much fewer problems than those in common middle schools ;