
  1. 所有的房间都可以接入互联网。

    All the rooms have access to the Internet / Internet access .

  2. 我正要接入互联网。

    I 'm jacking into the Internet now .

  3. 数字图书馆采用Web技术对外提供服务,用户可通过任何一台接入互联网的计算机进行访问。

    Users can access the digital library with computers connected to the Internet .

  4. 基于IPv6的无线传感器网络接入互联网服务模型

    The Services Model of Interconnecting Wireless Networks to Internet Based on IPv6 Protocol

  5. 该服务器能支持工业设备、家用电器连入互连网,具有成本低、设计简单、容易升级,并具有很好的动态Web页面功能。能很好地满足家用电器和工业设备接入互联网的需求。

    This Server can support the industry equipment and information appliance to access into Internet . It is low cost , simple design and easy to upgrade .

  6. Nest创造的一款设备利用了接入互联网的软件,进而转变了过去古板的家用恒温器市场。

    Nest transformed the previously staid market for home thermostats by creating a model that leverages software connected to the Internet .

  7. 实际上,苹果把碰一下手表就接入互联网的新功能就叫做Glance(瞥一眼)。

    In fact , Apple calls the new feature in which the watch is touched to access the Internet a glance .

  8. 一些杂志已经向能接入互联网的人们提供了免费的甲型H1N1流感资源。

    A number of publications have provided free resources on A ( H1N1 ) to those with internet access .

  9. 人性化的域名为Internet用户接入互联网的操作提供了便利,域名解析技术更成为绝大多数互联网应用与服务能够顺利运转的重要前提。

    Humane domain names provide a convenient way for Internet users to access the net , and domain name resolution technology has become an important prerequisite for the smooth functioning of majority of Internet applications and services .

  10. 实际上,苹果把碰一下手表就接入互联网的新功能就叫做“Glance”(瞥一眼)。

    In fact , Apple calls the new feature in which the watch is touched to access the Internet a " glance . "

  11. 如果按照这种思路将大量的智能设备接入互联网则需要大量的固定IP地址或者域名,显然是不切实际的。

    If you follow this line of thinking put a lot of smart devices connected to the Internet requires a lot of fixed IP address or domain name , is clearly unrealistic .

  12. 随着企业信息化的不断推进以及Internet的迅猛发展,越来越多的企业都建立了自己的内部管理系统,并且逐渐将内部网络系统接入互联网,通过网络开展商务活动。

    With the advancement of the information course of enterprises and the rapid growth of the Internet more and more enterprises has built their inner management networks and tend to bind them into the internet to do business .

  13. 随着电信3G网络的发展,智能移动终端的丰富,人们越来越多地通过移动终端来接入互联网,享受互联网丰富的应用服务。

    With the development of telecom 3G technology and the abundance of mobile terminals , more and more people access Internet via mobile terminal to enjoy the abundant internet applications .

  14. 针对目前无线通信技术在电力监控系统中的应用,研究了一种通过GPRS网络将电力监控终端接入互联网的技术方案。

    Due to the application of wireless communication technology in the electric power monitoring system , the method that power monitoring unit accessing Internet based on GPRS is presented .

  15. 德国电信(DeutscheTelekom)与中国移动(ChinaMobile)签署了一项合作协议,将共同建设一个能让汽车接入互联网、播放在线音乐并相互通信的网络。

    Deutsche Telekom has signed a partnership with China Mobile to set up a network that will allow cars to access the internet , stream online music and communicate with each other .

  16. 随着终端用户接入互联网的带宽的增大,VoD服务变得越来越流行。

    With the increment of the link capacity offered to Internet users , Video on Demand ( VoD ) services is becoming more and more popular .

  17. 建立基础概念就争论了几年时间,如ip地址(辨识接入互联网的电脑的一串数字)算作个人资料这样的事实。

    It has taken several years of argument to establish basic things such as the fact that an IP address ( the string of numbers that identifies a computer connected to the Internet ) counts as personal data .

  18. 有报道称,Facebook正寻求收购一家制造无人机的公司,表面看来这会让全球最遥远的角落接入互联网,没有网络连接的美好日子似乎正离我们远去。

    With reports that Facebook is seeking to buy a drone-manufacturing company , ostensibly to connect the most remote corners of the globe , the days of blessed disconnection seem firmly behind us .

  19. 目前基于专用APN的GPRS行业应用解决方案,要求企业端具有RADIUS认证服务器和接入互联网的路由器。

    Till to now , the solution for enterprise GPRS application is using exclusive APN ( Access Point Name ) . Enterprise must have its own RADIUS server and router .

  20. 议程中列出17项总体目标和169项具体目标。我们相信其中一项目标,即编号9(c)的目标,对促成其他所有目标的实现是至关重要的:承诺到2020年,让全世界所有人接入互联网。

    It lists 17 goals and 169 targets , and one of these , 9 ( c ) , is a target that we believe is crucial to accelerate realization of all the others : a commitment to provide Internet connectivity for all by 2020 .

  21. 为了实现移动主机随时随地接入互联网,Internet工程任务组(IETF)提出了下一代移动互联网协议&移动IPv6协议。

    In order to achieve the mobile hosts to access the Internet anytime and anywhere , Internet Engineering Task Force ( IETF ) is proposed for the next generation mobile Internet Protocol & Mobile IPv6 protocol .

  22. 近年来随着计算机与网络技术的飞速发展,人们通过PC或者非PC设备接入互联网或无线网络进行流媒体点播服务成为现实。

    With the high development of computer and network technology recent years , it is becoming true for people to enjoy VOD ( video-on-demand ) service by accessing network using PC. Streaming media technology changes the traditional multimedia service based on web .

  23. 为了在经济的基础上提高校园网的出口带宽和安全性,在策略路由的基础上运用NAT技术实现了双出口接入互联网。

    To increase bandwidth and security of our campus network on the basis of economy , we exercised NAT based on Policy Routing and realized to connect the Internet with two interface .

  24. 关于校园网接入互联网上网管理计费解决方案中兴通讯GGSN内容计费解决方案

    Internet Accounting Management Solution Scheme for Campus Network Connecting to Internet ZTE GGSN Content Charging Solutions

  25. 国内外许多地区都提供了WiFi信号覆盖域,只要随身携带的电子产品上有WiFi终端,便可接入互联网。

    Since many areas at home and abroad has provided WiFi coverage domain , you can access the Internet as long as portable electronic products has WiFi terminals .

  26. 收益电话会议接近尾声时,有一位投资者问扎克伯格,斥巨资帮助那些不能给Facebook带来足够收入的客户接入互联网,以至于收不回本,这样做是否合理?

    Toward the end of the earnings call an investor asked Zuckerberg if it made sense to spending so much money to provide Internet connections to customers who wouldn 't generate sufficient revenue for Facebook to recoup the investment .

  27. 由于近年来智能终端、平板电脑、OTT(OverTheTop互联网应用服务)业务的广泛应用,人们随时随地接入互联网的需求大量增加。

    In recent years , intelligent cellphone , pad , OTT ( Over The Top Internet application service ) is widely used . The demand of access to the internet whenever and wherever is increasing .

  28. 作为智能交通系统重要基础之一的车载adhoc网络,其设计目标是为车辆提供一个移动通信平台,从而提高交通效率,降低交通事故发生率,使旅行者能非常方便快捷地接入互联网。

    Vehicular Ad hoc network ( VANET ), as one of the basis of intelligent transport systems , provides a mobile communication platform for vehiculars to improve traffic efficiency , reduce traffic accidents and make users access Internet more conveniently and rapidly .

  29. 为满足无线Wi-Fi网上多种业务对QoS的需求,本文提出了一个将区分服务支持的集成服务模型(IntServoverDiffServ)扩展到Wi-Fi接入互联网中的方案。

    In this paper , we expanded the solution of Intserv over Diffserv to the networks with Wi-Fi access , which can meet the needs of QoS ( Quality of Service ) .

  30. 无线局域网(又称WLAN)主要指以无线信道作传输媒介的通信网局域网络,用户可通过笔记本电脑、智能手机等终端随时随地接入互联网和企业网,获取信息、娱乐或进行办公。

    Wireless Local Area Network ( WLAN ) is a local area network using radio to communicate . Someone can get the information and entertainment from the internet and work in the enterprise network by notebook or smart-phones .