
jiē rǎng
  • border on;be contiguous to;be bounded by;neighbour on;neighboring;coterminous
接壤 [jiē rǎng]
  • [neighboring] 两地边界相连;交界

接壤[jiē rǎng]
  1. 它的北部郊区毗邻斯塔福德郡。南部和西南部的郊区与赫里福德伍斯特郡接壤。

    Its northern suburbs adjoin Staffordshire , and its southern and southwestern suburbs border on Hereford and Worcester .

  2. 与云南接壤的东南亚国家市场环境较差,经济合作前景不理想。

    And those courtiers who border on Yunan are of negative market environment , which do not imply an ideal co-operation .

  3. 这些国家互相接壤。

    The countries are contiguous .

  4. 吉尔吉斯与乌兹别克斯坦、哈萨克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦接壤。

    Kirgizia is bounded by Uzbekistan , Kazakhstan and Tajikistan .

  5. 我国东部跟朝鲜接壤,跟日本邻近。

    In the east , our country adjoins Korea and is close to Japan .

  6. 中国东部与朝鲜接壤,同日本邻近。

    In the east , china adjoins DPRK and is close to japan .

  7. 法国和瑞士接壤。

    France borders on switzerland .

  8. 第三十二条同中国毗邻国家的外国人,居住在两国边境接壤地区的,临时入中国国境、出中国国境,有两国之间协议的按照协议执行,没有协议的按照中国政府的规定执行。

    Article 32 Transistory entry into and exit from China by aliens who are nationals of a country adjacent to China and who reside in areas bordering on China shall be handled according to any relevant agreements between the two countries or , in the absence of such agreements , according to the relevant provisions of the Chinese Government .

  9. 该项目工地与尼日利亚接壤,我们与世界自然基金会(worldwidefundfornature)合作,在伦敦设计了桥架。

    The site borders Nigeria . Working with the World Wide Fund for nature , we designed the bridge in London .

  10. Onthesouth的意思是“在南边”、“与南边接近”。例:玻利维亚的北边和东边与巴西接壤,南边与阿根廷和巴拉圭接壤,西边与秘鲁和智利接壤。

    Bolivia is bounded on the north and east by Brazil , on the south by Argentina and Paraguay , and on the west by Peru and Chile .

  11. 但随着PC硬件的升级,八核CPU成功接壤PC平台,GPU的并行计算能力在PC平台上得到迅速提升。

    However , with the latest upgrade of PC , eight-core CPU successfully borders PC. The parallelism computation of CPU improves rapidly on PC platform .

  12. 爆炸发生在阿富汗与巴基斯坦接壤的东南边境Khost省一个防御牢固的名叫查普曼前线工作基地(ForwardOperatingBaseChapman)。

    The bombing took place inside Forward Operating Base Chapman , a well-fortified compound in Khost province near the southeastern border with Pakistan .

  13. 晋陕蒙接壤地区LUCC过程驱动力及情景推断

    Study on Driving Forces of LUCC and Scenario Analysis in the Adjacent Area of Jin - Shan-Meng

  14. 爱沙尼亚和南面的波罗的海国家拉脱维亚(Latvia)以及东面的俄罗斯陆上接壤。

    Estonia has land borders with its fellow Baltic country Latvia to the south and Russia to the east .

  15. 与其接壤的有比利时、卢森堡公国、德国、瑞士、意大利、摩纳哥、安道尔共和国(Andorra)及西班牙。

    It is bordered by Belgium , Luxembourg , Germany , Switzerland , Italy , Monaco , Andorra , and Spain .

  16. 印度宣称,SSG部队在两国接壤的动荡边境地区袭击了他们的士兵。

    India alleges that SSG forces have attacked their soldiers on more than one occasion in volatile border regions shared by the two nations .

  17. 圣罗马是最东面地区,和Tenao接壤。

    Saint Roman is the easternmost tip , bordering the Tenao .

  18. 与安徽省接壤的周边省市的篮球运动开展状况良好,比如江苏、山东、浙江等省,都有自己的CBA职业篮球队。

    And Anhui province in the peripheral provinces and cities in the basketball is good , for example , in Jiangsu province , Shandong province , Zhejiang provinces , has its own CBA professional basketball team .

  19. 测试了试块不同部位的a_(KV)值,发现在与柱状晶接壤的等轴晶区存在约3mm宽的脆性区。

    The impact toughness of samples at various locations of the blocks are tested . It has been found that there exists a brittle area of 3 mm in breadth between the equiaxed crystal and the columnar crystal .

  20. 阿富汗西临伊朗,东部南部与巴基斯坦接壤,北到土库曼斯坦(Turkmenistan)、乌兹别克斯坦(Uzbekistan)、塔吉克斯坦(Tajikistan),中国就在它的最东部。

    It is bordered by Iran in the west , Pakistan in the south and east , Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the north , and China in the easternmost part of the country .

  21. 我们在首府垒固(loikaw)呆了两个晚上,后来转入了东部的掸邦(shanstate),即和泰国北部和老挝接壤的金三角地区,在那里我们游览了佤族和阿卡族村庄。

    We spend two nights in the state capital of Loikaw , before moving up into Eastern Shan state , the Golden Triangle region bordering northern Thailand and Laos , where we travel to ethnic Wa and Akha villages .

  22. 除了一小块被纽姆普市(neum)围绕的陆地与亚得里亚海接壤,它几乎是个内陆国家。

    It is virtually landlocked save for a small strip of land on the Adriatic Sea , centered around the city of Neum .

  23. 印度一直对中国自1962年以来控制着同印度查谟-克什米尔邦(JammuandKashmir)接壤的数万平方公里土地的做法提出质疑。中印两国曾在1962年爆发边境战争,最后中国获胜。

    India has challenged China 's control of tens of thousands of square kilometers of land bordering its state of Jammu and Kashmir since 1962 , when the two countries fought a border war , which Beijing won .

  24. 尼泊尔,一个中等大小的,经济薄弱和世界最不发达的国家之一(LDCs),位于两个国土辽阔的国家之间:与中国北部和印度在东部,西部和南部接壤。

    Nepal , a medium-sized , economically weak and one of the least developed countries ( LDCs ) in the world , lies in between two giant nations , China in the North and India in the East , West and the South .

  25. 纳希契凡(Nakhichevan)自治共和国(位于阿塞拜疆国家外的领土)在北面和东面和亚美尼亚接壤,伊朗位于它的南面和西面,土耳其则在它的西北面。

    The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic ( an exclave of Azerbaijan ) borders Armenia to the north and east , Iran to the south and west , and Turkey to the northwest .

  26. 它西面与土耳其接壤,北边与乔治亚州相临,东面靠阿塞拜疆,南边则靠伊朗(波斯)和阿塞拜疆的纳希契凡(Nakhichevan)领土。

    It is bordered by Turkey to the west , Georgia to the north , Azerbaijan to the east and Iran ( Persia ), and the Nakhichevan exclave of Azerbaijan to the south .

  27. 老挝是东盟国家和中国大市场的接壤中心。

    Laos is the center which connects China and ASEAN nations .

  28. 中印两国在接壤的喜马拉雅边境线地区长期存在领土争端。

    They have long-standing territorial disputes along their shared Himalayan border .

  29. 在上一代以前,中国与大多数接壤国家存有领土争议。

    A generation ago , China disputed most of its borders .

  30. 美国西北部与加拿大接壤的一个州。

    A state in northwestern United States on the Canadian border .